Page 3 of Unwrapping Ember
From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of snow cascading from the overcast sky, accumulating in a soft blanket just outside the school. Winter has always held a special place in my heart; there’s a soothing magic in the gentle descent of snowflakes and the invigorating scent of the crisp air. Since childhood, I've cherished the cold, contrasting sharply with my aversion to the sweltering heat that summer brings. I'd much rather be bundled in layers than half-dressed on a beach somewhere.
My mom and stepdadhave always celebrated the holiday season with great enthusiasm—an aspect of it that captured my heart. Twinkling lights, freshly fallen snow, steaming mugs of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows—the simple treasures I’ve always cherished.
My stepbrother Koda would take me sledding or snowboarding, and we’d play hockey with his friends until he vanished from my life, leaving no explanation and worse, not even saying goodbye.
To this day, I remain in the dark about his disappearance. Whenever I try to ask my mom or his dad, they quickly shut me down; they're reluctant to discuss it, even all these years later.
I've managed to speak with Koda since then, but the conversations are scarce—far fewer than I would have wished. Still, I’m grateful for the few moments we share over the phone.
He used to be my confidant—someone I could confide in without reservation, without judgement, or a lecture. But when he disappeared, that safe space vanished with him, and I haven't found another since.
I still find myself unable to share with him what's been going on with the annoying football player behind me. But as Bella wisely says, “Some things are better left unsaid.”
The bell finally rings, resonating through the classroom like a long-awaited sigh of relief. I grab my bag and quickly shove my notebook inside, eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere. As I stand, I feel his gaze linger on me, an unseen noose that hangs around my neck, continuing to choke me even months later.
"Don't look back," I tell myself, but my curiosity gets the better of me.
I glance over my shoulder just as he pushes away from his desk, a faint smirk playing on his lips. The fleeting moment catches me off guard. Who the fuck does he think he is, acting like he owns this place? I can feel a mixture of frustration and intrigue twisting in my gut as I rush toward the exit, desperate to get as far away from him as I can.
He made sure I didn’t open my mouth to anyone these last couple months, sending me threatening text messages, leaving notes in mylocker, and even showing up at my apartment in the middle of the night just watching from down below.
Outside, the world is an enchanting wonderland blanketed in white; it’s fucking beautiful. Snowflakes swirl delicately in the air, and the chill wraps around me like Koda’s arms used to. I take a deep breath, inhaling the sweet smell of winter, and let it ground me. I weave through clusters of students who are animatedly discussing their holiday plans, laughter echoing off the frostbitten trees.
I pull out my phone and scroll through my messages, hoping for a text from Koda. It’s been a week since we last spoke, and I worry about his silence, wondering if everything is still okay. My heart sinks as I see no new notifications. Maybe I should just call him—a voice is often more reassuring than a string of words on a screen—but the fear of rejection keeps me at bay.
Lost in thought, I barely notice the football player walking toward me until he’s almost beside me. The familiar grin that he wore that night spreads across his face, and I feel a flush creep up my cheeks that I can’t quite explain.
“Hey, Ember,” he says, his tone light but with an underlying seriousness. “You ready for the break? I’m throwing a party tomorrow night. You should come.”
For a moment, I’m taken aback. Why the fuck would he want me there? I open my mouth to decline, but the muted gasp of surprise escapes instead. The thought of spending time with him feels utterly daunting, and my hands begin to clam up. Before I manage to respond, the swirling wind nudges me, and suddenly, everything feels unclear again as I start running away from him, not bothering to glance behind me.
As I quickly walk home, each step crunching on the freshly fallen snow, I replay the encounter in my mind. The warmth of the moment lingers, prompting a mix of anticipation and unease within me.
I tread through the snow-blanketed streets on my way home, filled with disgust and dread; thoughts of Koda swirl in my mind like theflurries around me. Memories of our time together flood my consciousness, and a deep longing for the way things once were fills my heart. Hopefully one day I’ll find the answers I’ve been wishing for, but for now, my focus is fixated on rediscovering that sense of safety and warmth I crave.
Just past the halfway point to my apartment, I spot Bella waiting for me outside our favorite coffee shop, two steaming cups of hot chocolate cradled in her gloved hands.
“Hey! I was starting to think you'd gone straight home!” She exclaims, her expression brightening as she hands me one of the cups.
The heat radiates into my fingers as I wrap my hands around it, lifting it to my lips and gently blowing to cool the rich, chocolatey liquid, careful not to scald my tongue.
“The snow picked up and slowed me down, but here I am,” I reply, smiling as I take a sip. The warmth flows down my throat, melting away the cold that has seeped into my bones.
“So, does this mean you're postponing your trip to your parents?” Her eyes sparkle with hope as she bats her long lashes at me, clearly not wanting me to leave for the entire break.
I shake my head; a smile forms on my purple lips. “No, I’m still planning to go. Mom is expecting me, and Koda is supposed to be there this Christmas, so I can’t miss him.” Heat creeps into my cheeks as I think about him.
“Ugh, I’m so jealous! Is he bringing his friends?” A playful wink dances across her face, and I can’t help but chuckle.
“I don’t think so, but I haven’t asked him...maybe,” I respond, shrugging while images of Koda and his hockey friends flit through my mind.
Bella and I used to cheer them on during practice until my mother convinced me it was a waste of time—Koda was too busy to notice us. To me, it wasn’t about acknowledgment. Just being near him lifted my spirits; sometimes silence spoke louder than words. I knew something had transpired between Koda and my mother, but with him remainingtight-lipped and my mom hesitant to share, I would likely never learn the truth.
“When can we go watch them practice? I need my hockey fix,” Bella says, a flirtatious laugh escaping her glossed pink lips as we turn the corner toward our apartment complex.
“I’m not sure, Bell. I’ll ask him when I see him at Mom’s. I know they’re still playing, but I have no idea for what team since they’re out of school now.” I push aside memories of the two of us gliding together on ice, both of us so delightfully carefree.
I wave her off and step inside our building, greeted by the scents of gingerbread and pine that swirl in the air. Christmas decorations glimmer and twinkle throughout the lobby, bringing a smile to my face as I take in the festive atmosphere.