Page 63 of Unwrapping Ember
“It’s Koda, isn’t it?” Bella presses gently.
“I said, It’s Koda, isn’t it? You’re hung up on Koda.”
“Bella, what do you want from me?"
"You’re a terrible liar, Ember—and you know it.” Her laughter breaks the tension, prompting me to chuckle along.
I take a moment to gather my thoughts, desperate to articulate my feelings. “You’re right. I can’t stop thinking about him. I’m at a loss for what to do.”
Bella’s reassuring smile warms me as her hand rests on my shoulder. “Whatever you decide, just remember that I’m here for you. Koda seems like a decent guy. Maybe it’s worth exploring.”
I nod, relief washing over me at her understanding. Perhaps it isn’t as convoluted as I’ve made it out to be. Sipping hot coffee on the balcony, I relish the taste of vanilla swirling through my mug. Flurries dance around me, landing in my hair, on my nose, and even in my drink, eliciting a smile.
“You’ve been unusually quiet since coming home, Ember. Is there something on your mind?”
“Well, I've been contemplating transferring."
Her jaw drops in surprise, hanging in disbelief before I even finish explaining. “Wait, what?”
“Yeah, I think a change of scenery might be beneficial. I just haven’t felt like myself for quite some time, Bella.”
“I know, Em. It’s been hard because of Shawn.” Her expression shifts, her eyes widening in concern. “Did you hear what happened to him?”
My heart sinks as I clutch my coffee tighter. “What do you mean?”
“He was really fucked up, Ember! So many broken bones, including his hands. He was assaulted,” she whispers the last part, her gaze accusing, as if she holds me partially responsible.
“Honestly, he had it coming,” I reply coolly.
“Did you know about it?”
I shrug, knowing I can trust Bella but not wanting to delve into that dark territory. “I couldn’t tell you, girl. It wasn’t my doing.”
“No kidding,” she laughs, finally lightening the mood. “So, where’s the new school going to be?”
I inhale deeply, sorting through my thoughts before responding. “I’m considering a college out of state. A chance to escape and start fresh.”
Bella nods knowingly. “I think that sounds like a strong plan, Ember. I’ll support you regardless.”
Her words fill me with comfort and conviction; I know I’m making the right choice. “Thank you, Bella. I couldn’t navigate this without you.”
The snowflakes continue to swirl around us as we sit in a comfortable silence. “Where, though?” she prompts, sensing my hesitation.
“Where Koda is. I’d be staying with him.”
“Why am I not surprised? You’ve been in love with him since you were thirteen.”
“Bella! What the hell?” I shake my head, but I can't help but feel a weight lift from my chest.
“I’m genuinely happy for you, Ember. I just want you to make the right choice for yourself, not for anyoneelse.”
“I know, and that’s why I’m considering every angle—every aspect. I’m even making pros and cons lists.” I hang my head, realizing how neurotic I sound. It’s not such a monumental decision, is it? Yet, my mind insists otherwise.
“If you need help with your lists or anything else, I’m here for you,” Bella offers, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“Thanks, Bella. That means a lot.” Gratitude swells within me as we continue to sit in silence, and I notice myself feeling lighter with every passing moment as I contemplate the decision ahead. Perhaps a fresh start is exactly what I need to heal and move forward.