Page 10 of Lucas
I’m so damned embarrassed, I can still feel the heat coloring my cheeks after I grabbed his dishes and headed into the kitchen. If he didn’t call me before, he sure as hell isn’t going to call me now. Dammit! The sad fact is he only texted me for his coffee fix and was just sporting some morning wood.
I know Lucas is a player. A man-whore. Someone I should stay far away from, but I can’t. No matter how hard I try, he pulls me in with just a glance, a smile, or some smart-ass comment. He’s fire and I’m ice, and I’m afraid of melting into a puddle at his feet. If not for just purging him from my system once and for all. Like ripping off the bandage and letting the wound heal. I know deep down if I let him have power over me, it will not have a happy ending. For the life of me, I can’t let him go. Sad truth is, I know he fucks around with so many other women and that should have me running in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, it pulls me in even closer.
Could I be competing with the other girls to prove I’m worthy? I have no idea, but I don’t like feeling weak and vulnerable. I’m concerned, but not enough to let go. Right now, we’re just fuck buddies having a good time. I can accept it for now, since I have no spare time for a lasting relationship. I tried, but guys want all the attention. They don’t want to share me with my crazy hours. Lesson learned. I moved on.
I wipe all thoughts of Lucas clean from my thoughts as the line forms out the door. I need to get my head in the game and focus on work and not the sexy front man who I know would break my heart in a hot second.
The rest of the day flies by without a hitch. I’m grateful, since keeping busy has dulled my humiliation by leaps and bounds. I’m thankful that no one mentioned my flirtation, so I’m hoping they saw nothing strange going on. The boss getting it on with one of the customers at the corner table. Yeah, not good for business. Since I’m not in any rush to get home, I sent everyone on their way so I can close the shop myself. Apparently they have plans on a Friday night, but god knows I have none. No sense in punishing them for me not having a life. I thought it would be my good deed for the day.
After counting the tills, balancing the drawers, and making the deposit, I do one more walk through to check the backdoor and lights. I’m so grateful Adam hired a cleaning crew so we don’t have to do the restrooms or mop the floors. What a tedious job that was after working a full shift. The crew normally gets here early, so they’re finished by the time Theresa arrives to begin baking. I set the alarm, lock the door behind me, and curse like a trucker when I realize I walked to work today. Dammit! It’s only a few blocks away, but it’s crowded since it’s the end of the work week for most.
Pushing through the crowd, I make it home in twenty minutes. Not bad, but I’m starving and there’s no way I’m going to cook and dirty all those dishes. Take-out sounds good, but with this traffic, Uber Eats will get here when I’m sound asleep. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich will just have to do.
After showering, I make my sandwich and a coffee—don’t ask—and then curl up on the sofa with my latest romantic read. Well, it’s got tons of sex in it, of course, hence the reason I’m desperate to finish it. What’s not to like about a sexy alpha male who takes what he wants? He kinda reminds me of a certain someone. Care to take a guess?
While most young adults my age are out drinking and partying on a Friday night, I’m curled up in my jammies. I’d like to think it’s because I’m a responsible adult, but truth be told, I like my own company. I had to learn the hard way since I couldn’t trust those who I thought were my friends. Beth and Cheryl are a little different. We met in college, and although they bust on my ass, I tolerate their shit because I know it’s not dished out maliciously.
I’m engrossed in my book when a text comes through.
Speak of the devils.
Beth: We’re at the club and we need you to pick us up. Too drunk to drive, I can get it tomorrow. Please and thank you.
And this right here is the reason I very seldom go clubbing. They could easily call an Uber, but I’d never refuse to pick them up. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen. I shoot them a text.
Me: Give me twenty and sit tight. You two owe me big time.
Beth: XO
So, at midnight I’m driving down to the club in my jammies since I refused to change. Fingers crossed, I can drop them off and still be in my bed before my alarm goes off for work tomorrow. This is the reason I like my boring life. No headaches and hangovers for this girl, unless it’s because of lack of sleep. I’m going in. Wish me luck!
Today’sthe day I’ve dreaded all week long. Normally I love Saturdays, becauseThe Sinful Sevenhas several gigs lined up at the local watering holes. It’s where it all began, and we love paying it forward to all of our diehard fans. Thankfully, it worked out that we had nothing scheduled for this week when Landon dropped the bomb about a mandatory party at the Knight residence. I’m dreading every single minute, but it’ll be my last appearance. Hopefully, my dad understands why hanging out with my family just isn’t my thing.
I inwardly cringe when I make the left turn into the long and winding driveway, with the looming trees blocking the mid-afternoon sun. It creates a false illusion of night that’s so black, it reminds me of my mother’s cold and lifeless heart. Wow, I should jot that down. It could be the beginning of an outstanding song.
There’s no time for another thought when the sun reaches between the trees and causes me to go blind for an instant. Fuck, I forgot to wear my shades! I slam on my brakes, just in the nick of time before hitting the poor, unsuspecting valet. He jumps back onto the sidewalk, seconds before my car comes to a complete stop. Oops, my bad.
I feel like a suit as I climb out of my car wearing a pair of black chinos with a gray V-neck sweater. This is about as business casual as I can get, and don’t even ask me about my shoes. I don’t own a pair of loafers and I never fucking will. Instead I settled for a pair of black boots that need a good polish but will do in a pinch. I flip my keys to the valet, mumble an apology, and go in search of my father. Lo-and-behold, I bump into Landon instead.
He looks me up and down. “Is that the best you could do?” This, right here, is the reason I don’t want to party with my family. My best is never enough.
“Maybe you should have increased my monthly check, then I could have shopped for something to your liking.” My fists automatically clench at my sides, ready for a fight, when I feel my dad’s hand rest on my shoulder. I know it’s him because he’s the only one who is allowed to touch me.
“Why don’t you remove the stick out of your ass, Landon? I invited him to come, and he is here. The end.” I’d like to say I can hide the smirk on my face, but why the hell should I? When I glance up and Landon notices it, he turns on his heels and flees like a scolded child.
“Dad, you don’t have to fight my battles for me. I’m old enough to stand up to Landon.” Although, if I do, he could make my life a living hell.
“I know you can hold your own, Lucas, but he has no right talking to you the way he does. It’s demeaning and I won’t stand for it. We’re a family and sometimes he just needs to be reminded.” Well, I can’t argue with that.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s the music coming along?” Dad leaves his arm around my shoulder as we walk in the opposite direction. It’s not the first time he’s asked me, but they’re far and few in between.
“It’s going great, Dad. I’ve written several new songs and we have a new gig soon. The band and I are working really hard to get a record deal, so keep your fingers crossed for us.”
“I know you’ll do well, but have you ever thought of just going out on your own? You have a major talent and it seems like you’re doing all the hard work.”