Page 13 of Lucas
So fuck off.
I trip up the stairs to my rooftop paradise and just pray I don’t plummet five stories to the pavement below. It would also be helpful if I could hold my bottle of Jack upright without spilling a fucking drop. Then, I just might get a buzz on. I’m guessing I should have left the cap on, but it’s too little too late now. Hell if I’m going back downstairs.
After slumping into my chair, I tip back the bottle and take a long pull. The burn going down is a constant reminder that I’m still alive, but I know the heat low in my belly is a warning sign of what’s yet to come. Closing my eyes, my lids act as a movie screen as I replay what happened yesterday afternoon on repeat. Fuck, why couldn’t I have walked into the house just ten minutes later? Maybe then the library would have been empty and their conversation long over.
But no! I had to strut into the room like I belonged there and demand a meeting with my father. What did I expect? That he was going to deny what they claimed was a lie? That my perfect life would go on and I would forget everything? Unfortunately, he didn’t confirm or deny but wanted to talk in private. That alone is proof that what they said is true.
I’m the illegitimate bastard of my father’s affair… or one-night stand. Whatever the fuck it was. With a nightclub singer, no less. Hey, mystery solved. At least now I know where I get my ‘pipes’ from. I’d laugh, but nothing about this new revelation is funny. I tug on my hair, hoping to wrench such morbid thoughts from my brain while swigging the amber liquid that sloshes inside the bottle. Hey, at this rate, I’ll be flat on my ass in no time. The last coherent thought I have on that lonely rooftop is how my life is about to change. Then the darkness pulls me under and the bottle slips through my fingers.
When my eyes open wide, the scene that unfolds in front of me is lustful debauchery at its finest. For as far as the eye can see, bodies gyrate, thrust, and plunge. Cocks impaling, mouths devouring and fingers exploring unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed before. Whispered moans and screams of ecstasy echo into the night, and I’m both mesmerized and frozen in place. Until a hand reaches for my zipper, slides it down, and grabs my cock. I’m intrigued and aroused when I look down to see my hard cock throbbing in a man’s hand. My subconscious mind realizes this isn’t real. It’s not really happening. It’s just a dream. A fucking nightmare to be exact, so why am I being sucked into this lascivious exhibition?
Warm, wet heat instantly wraps around my cock and I close my eyes for a brief second. Afraid and ashamed to see whose mouth feels so fucking good? Man or women? A shudder courses up and down my spine when a quick glance confirms it’s a woman. She’s sucking me sogood while a man fucks her hard and fast from behind. I fear if I don’t move now, I’ll be stuck in this loop forever.
The moment I start running, the scene changes. I’m now in a nightclub where the booze flows like water. In the distance I can hear a sultry voice singing about Salvation. I spin around in circles, searching for her because I know without a doubt it’s my mother. As soon as her eyes land on mine, the scene fades and I’m pulled into the abyss between the living and the dead.
“Lucas, what the fuck man? Wake up or we’re calling 911.” Now that gets my attention.
My head’s pounding when I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is Jet’s ugly mug in my face. Then nothing but shadows. Am I still dreaming?
“Let’s get his sorry ass downstairs. He’s got some explaining to do.”
Nope, guess not. Jet sounds pissed. When I focus, I’m still on the roof and the day has now turned into night.
“Go easy on him, guys,” Willow says. “I’ll let his dad know we found him and he’s okay.”
Now that really gets my fucking attention.
I reach out, giving Jet a helluva shove to the chest, stand up, and scrub my hands down my face. Fuck, my head hurts. I whirl around and can’t help noticing everyone glaring at me. Willow looks disappointed and I can’t say I blame her. “I don’t want anyone calling my father to tell him anything. Got it?”
“Look, we know something went down, but he wouldn’t tell us what happened,” Jet says. “He’s leaving that all up to you. Your story and all.”
My bed wasempty when I woke up this morning. I expected that. Clearly, something was bothering Lucas last night, and I was just a distraction. I should be pissed, but I’m thankful he came to me instead of picking up one of the slutty girls from the club. Yeah, I go to the clubs from time to time, but I sure as hell don’t fuck someone in the bathroom stalls. That’s not my style. But those girls are desperate and Lucas is available and so there’s that. Sometimes, I think they go there on purpose, hoping he struts in and chooses one of them for the night.
I linger in bed just a tad longer than I should because it smells just like him. Cardamom, a hint of bergamot, a trace of lavender. It’s seductive, intoxicating. So much so that I could lie here all day and just breathe him in.
Sundays are always my day off, and Sal gets Saturdays. It’s a great tradeoff because it gives him the day to spend with the grandkids. It doesn’t matter to me what day off I have because I normally go shopping and run errands. If I have the time, I might do some laundry, too. It’s a lifesaver since most days I’m too exhausted to function after work. Besides, it’s not like I have a guy who demands all of my attention. It’s all good. Some days I prefer it that way, and today is one of them.
After crawling out of bed, albeit reluctantly, I lounge around in my jammies while sipping coffee and eating breakfast. It’s a significant change of pace from setting my alarm and rushing off to work before the sun comes up. I can lounge around for as long as I want and then, when I’m damn good and ready, I can start my day. Not quite yet. I’m going to soak up the warm rays of the sun peeking through the checkered curtains.
While I’m browsing through my phone, I check my e-mails and scroll through social media. It’s a joke, really, so much drama. I check Java Joe’s website for today’s specials. I’m happy to see Sal posted them because sometimes he forgets. Hey, I’m the boss and I’ve forgotten a time or two. Shit happens.
Once I get bored, I snap my phone closed and force myself to get motivated. A few downward dogs in the middle of my living room are just what I needed to get my butt in gear. In a matter of minutes, I’m in the shower and washing Lucas out of my system. Just for today.
Thirty minutes later, with my hair still damp, I’m driving to the grocery store with bags in tow. Of course, going up and down the aisles is a chore since I never know what I want on any given week. Doesn’t matter, I’ll wing it like I always do. Four bags and sixty dollars later, I’m on my way home. Yeah, it’s true what they say—Never go shopping when you’re hungry. Bad idea.
After unpacking the shit I bought for the week, I wonder if I can pull up a recipe online with these random ingredients. Pinterest is my friend, so I punch it up and put in a few items. Wow, I’m shocked when fourteen recipes pop up. As I scroll through them, I realize I’m missing a bunch of other ingredients. Epic fail. Canned soup it is, then. I have plenty of that in my pantry.
When my phone dings again, I remember someone called while I was driving home, and I couldn’t answer since my phone was stuffed in my jeans pocket. It’s Cheryl. As much as I’d love to have a girl’s day out, my laundry won’t do itself. She always has the weekends off and gets bored. I bet she called Beth first, who was probably busy, so I was her second choice. Doesn’t matter, I just need to put my foot down. Wish me luck.
“Hey, girl. What’s up?” It sounds like she’s running up the stairs, so I give her a second.
“Hey, Abby. Um, can I call you back?” Oh, my God! Was she having sex? Did she just butt-dial me or something?
“Sure, I was just… Never mind, call me when you can.” I don’t bother waiting for her to respond. I just hit end and call it a day. Wow, that was very weird, but then again it was Cheryl. I’d stake my life on the fact that she was having sex. Yep, for sure.