Page 22 of Lucas
Fucking superstars, no less.
“You guys did phenomenal! Can you hear the crowd, bro? They’re still chanting your names!” They pull us in for a one-armed hug and thump each of us on our backs. I won’t lie, no matter how many times I engage with them, I want to pinch myself just to prove all of this is real.
“We’d love you guys to party with all of us tonight. So stick around, enjoy the show, and then we’ll all hang out. Sound good?”
We all scream a resounding, “Hell yeah,” as they give us a thumbs up and head into their separate dressing rooms. We’re all speechless as we take in the hustle and bustle of the life we’ve all been craving for over eight years. Maybe after tonight, we’ll finally get our big break and lead the life we’ve always wanted.
“Now would be a good time to change out of our sweaty clothes so we can rock out with the guys and party with them afterward. Agreed?” Jet’s always been the voice of reason, so we head for the restrooms just so we can change and clean up a bit.
Tonight is going to be epic! I can just feel it in my bones.The Sinful Sevengets to party with the big guns, and I couldn’t be happier.
WatchingLucas up on the big stage with all the flashing lights and techno stuff was one of the most amazing things, ever. He’s a natural, and the crowd loves him! The way he works the stage and knows exactly what to say and when is a gift of its own. The band was phenomenal, and I never wanted them to get off the stage. I know my girls can’t wait forExistential, but I wantedThe Sinful Sevento keep on playing. I might be a bit biased since I sleep with the lead man. It’s not a secret anymore since Cheryl knows, but thank god Beth bought our story about Mr. Robertson being Maria’s brother. Score! She fell hook, line, and sinker when I told her I had to drop off some money before heading for work.
There’s not a girl in here that’s not screaming, and I’ll admit, I’m one of them. My mind wanders to the dream of being his girlfriend and meeting him backstage after their set is done. He’d be all hot and sweaty with adrenaline pumping through his veins. Wanting to celebrate and party until he’d come crashing down from his natural high. Me being the only one who would entertain him while the groupies were hanging around, hoping for a taste. But they’d never get one. Hell no, he’s all mine.
An elbow knocking at my ribs pops my bubble. Cheryl is nudging me whenExistentialwalks on stage. Yeah, I love their music and the guys are hot, too, but I know Lucas inside and out. Excuse me if I get more excited just knowing that it’s been his dream for so long now.
“Stop poking me, dammit.” She giggles like a little girl as a piercing scream has me cringing in my chair. Geez, I guess she was excited about coming. I scream in her ear I’m going to the restroom and she just nods. So much for all of us girls going as a tag team. I get it, but now I must fight through the crowd all alone.
I swear it takes forever to get there, but I desperately needed a potty break and I wasn’t leaving my seat when my favorite band was playing. Someone grabs my arm as I round the corner to the venue. Hell, if I don’t want to pop him in the mouth until I look up and see some dude staring down at me. I try swallowing my fear, but it’s stuck in my throat. He must sense my fear since he puts up his hands and chuckles. Okay, this guy is six-three and all muscles and he’s afraid of little old me. I think not.
“Don’t be scared, pretty lady. I wanted to give you a pass for the afterparty that’s being held after the concert.” First thing running through my mind is truth or dare.
“Well that’s kind of you, but I’m here with a few friends.” Safety In pairs and all that shit.
“No worries, how many do you need?” Big scary dude had stacks of them in his hand, so I don’t feel bad in the least.
I could be a hoarder and tell him a crazy number, but I won’t be that bitch. “Three of them would be fantastic. Thanks so much!”
“You’re very welcome and I look forward to you partying with all of us.” I’m flattered when he gives me a smile and a wink as he walks past a crowd of girls who had to hear the whole exchange. Boy, if daggers could kill I’d be dead. I have these passes and they don’t. I guess the guy thought I was hot enough and they weren’t. For once in my life, I walk with a bit of pep in my step. Confidence is like an aphrodisiac.
When I finally reach my seat, I keep the good news to myself. If I share with my girls right now, they will be so excited that I’ll be bruised in the morning. So with the tickets safe in my pocket, I enjoy the rest of the concert. Yeah, these guys are good, too, but not as good asThe Sinful Seven.I’m sure some would beg to differ, but I’m loyal to the max.
Once the concert ends andExistentialdoes their last encore, my girls feign how tired they are and just want to go to bed. Little do they know?
“What’s the rush? The night’s still young!” They yawn in unison and I can’t help but laugh. “So, I guess you are too tired to go to the afterparty?” I hold up the tickets and a squeal unlike anything I’ve ever heard before slices through me.
“Oh my God, Abby. Were you holding onto these all night? I’m so going to frisk you next time we go out.” Beth thinks that’s hilarious as they start dancing right in the middle of the crowded lobby.
“No, some guy gave them to me when I went to the ladies’ room. But, if you’re tired, then I can always hand them out to someone else.”
Grabby hands try to pull them from me as I hold them as high as I can. Until I realize that anyone walking by could snatch them out of my hand. Forcing me to stuff them back inside my pocket. Nobody would dare get them there or they’d have a hell of a black eye.
“This is the best night ever. Abby Cadabby. What the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go!” I know by looking at the ticket that its being held in theBenton Lofts, so we call an Uber just in case we drink a bit too much.
I’m so glad to see that the crowd has thinned out tremendously. Which means it won’t be elbow to elbow with all the groupies that hang out at these venues. My stomach drops at the thought of Lucas hooking up with one of them or more. I try pushing my devious thoughts aside. Tonight, I’m going to have fun and leave all my thoughts of Lucas at the door. Unless of course he spots me in the crowd and I get to introduce him to my friends. The pièce de résistance would be if I were the one clinging to his arm at the end of the night.
A girl can dream, can’t she?
The Afterparty…