Page 27 of Lucas
“Sixteen minutes ago!” I hate that she’s freaking out, so with a sigh I slide out of bed. There’s no way she can go to work wearing just her coat and heels. Although that sounds sexy as fuck, I grab her one of my shirts and a pair of my Nike sweats.
“You’ll be really late if you go home to shower and grab some clothes. Shower here and you can wear these to work.” She’s frantic as she snatches them from my hand while balancing her phone in the other.
“Sal, I’m so sorry. I’ll be there in fifteen.” She drops her phone on my bed and races into the bathroom. Before closing the door, she glances over her shoulder and whispers, “I’ll take a raincheck.”
“Count on it.” Then the door closes and I’m left alone. Again. Fucking story of my life, but isn’t this what I want? To be independent and fancy free with no commitments? I thought so.
I guess instead of spending the day buried inside of my favorite barista, I’ll be practicing with the band. Which is a good thing, considering we have an audition in less than a week. Not going to lie, when I think about performing in front of real live judges and Caleb, my stomach bottoms out. But, hey, I need to man up and get over it if I wantThe Sinful Sevento achieve notoriety.
I’m lost in thought when Abby slips on her heels and is ready to head out the door. Let me just go on the record saying she’s a vision in my clothes and her four-inch heels. Damned if my cock doesn’t twitch at the sight of her. “Babe, your feet are going to be screaming at the end of your shift tonight.”
“I have extra clothes and shoes at the shop. I just need to get from here to there.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear as I slide the door open. With her hand on my chest, she leans in and captures my mouth with hers. It’s over before it even begins.
“Lucas, I promise next time I won’t leave you hanging.” A wink and a smile and she’s gone. I try convincing myself that it’s no big deal since I have tons of phone numbers at my fingertips. But I’d only be fooling myself if I texted any random number right at the moment. Not one of them could hold a candle to my sexy, sassy barista. I’m falling hard and fast for this girl, and that might be my undoing.
Damn,damn, damn! It wasn’t my plan to fall asleep in his bed, but he was so damn warm and I was exhausted after so many orgasms. Hey, I’m not complaining, but I should have known there was a chance I’d be late for work. I pride myself on being reliable and dependable. Until today, that is. I just hope Sal won’t be too upset that he had to open for me today. Thank god there’s a spare key inside the safe. Otherwise, there would be tons of grumpy customers waiting in line. Maria isn’t a barista, but she’s watched me enough to do the basics. Fingers crossed, no one comes in with a crazy-ass order first thing this morning.
My tires squeal as I take the turn into the parking lot. I swear it’s possible I was on two tires as I made the turn. After locking my door, I run. All I can hear is the click-clack of my heels as they hit the pavement. It doesn’t help that I have one hand tugging on the pants Lucas let me borrow so they don’t fall down. Never in a million years did I think I’d be doing the walk—or run—of shame as I slip through the back door of Java Joe’s. Not one of my proudest moments by far.
“Well, well, well. It’s about time, Abby.” Seriously? Yeah, I get I’m late but only by thirty-five minutes. And it’s my first time, ever.
“I’m sorry, Sal. It won’t happen again. I just need to change and I’ll take over for Maria. If you need me to stay later, consider it done.”
“You’re fine, don’t bother changing. Maria has an appointment and she was waiting for you.” Crap, now I feel terrible.
How the hell am I going to bounce around back there while holding up my pants? I don’t say this out loud because, clearly, Sal couldn't care less. But I do as I’m told like a good little girl and march myself right into the shop. I swear a million eyes all settle on me and it feels like a million daggers piercing my skin when I walk out into the café. Well, that’s exactly what it feels like with all eyes on me as I tug on my pants and go around the back. So much for a slow morning. Quickly, I take over the orders that Carla sorted out for me after she whispered, “You look like shit,” and “What the hell are you wearing,” spewed from her mouth. Great, just one more thing to add to my long list of fuck ups for today.
Somehow I got through the morning rush and keep my pants up, too. But I don’t want to tempt fate, so when my first break rolls around, I grab my change of clothes and head into the ladies’ room. I hate the thought of parting with Lucas’s scent, but it gives me a great excuse to go back and visit him. I can still feel the blush creep across my cheeks as I open my locker and tuck his clothes safely inside. I startle when Theresa speaks up behind me.
“Spill your guts, baby girl. Where did you sleep last night?” Now, here’s my long-awaited chance to come clean about my sexy hook-ups with Lucas. So tell me why it doesn’t have the same appeal that it had a short while ago? My logical brain is coming up with the fact that she might not believe me, anyway. Maybe it’s best if I just keep it on the down low. I’ve never been the kind of girl who kisses and tells, so why start now?
“Nobody you would know. Besides, I don’t plan on ever seeing him again, so there’s that insignificant fact.” Liar, liar, pants on fire. Shh, don’t you dare call me out.
“Okay, I guess that means he’s not too fond of the clothes he let you borrow to come to work today. And, while we’re on the subject, I’m not even going to ask what the hell happened to your clothes if you’re wearing his. Hmm?”
Why does Theresa have to be so damned observant and smart? She’s killing me here. “You should know that I’m always one step ahead. I’ll leave them on his doorstep while he’s at work one day. No big deal, really. Does that work for you?”
“You’re a good girl, Abby, but one look at your face and it’s clear he’s not some guy you’re going to fuck and forget. I’d say you love him, but then again I would assume and we all know what happens when we assume.” With a chuckle and a wink, she ends the conversation and goes back to work.
I’ll be the first to admit, she’s absolutely right! Somewhere in between the random hook ups and last night, I fell in love with Lucas Knight. I’m so screwed. Lucas is not the guy you’d want holding your heart in his hands. Either he would squeeze it too tightly or his hands would open and shatter your heart when it hit the ground. I know there’s a good man somewhere inside of him, but I’m afraid he has too much baggage and ambition to commit to a woman.
The rest of the day flies by without a hitch, and if I had to take a wild guess, I’d say it had something to do with the comfort of my own clothes. It sure made my job a lot easier since I didn’t need to hold up my pants, but I miss his scent. Okay, not going there at the moment. In fact, I’ll do a batch of laundry when I get home and bring it to him first thing in the morning. Because if I don’t, I’ll sleep in his clothes just to feel him next to me. Yep, I have it so bad.
At five p.m. on the dot, I walk out of Java Joe’s with a new outlook on life. Except for dropping off his clothes tomorrow, if Lucas wants me, it’s his turn to chase me. I’m done with making the first move and making it too easy for him. The game starts now. Okay, maybe once I drop off his cloths.
By the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is laundry. I’m exhausted since I worked almost a ten-hour shift and the fact that I didn’t get much sleep last night. Technically, that’s all on me, but I plan to make up for it tonight. So, after throwing in a load, I saunter into the bathroom and prepare myself a bath. I think that might be just what I need to soothe my achy bones and feet.
I wake up in a start with cold water enveloping me on all sides. Ah, fuck. I fell asleep in the goddamned tub! Wonderful, I could have drowned and no one would have found me for days.
After drying off, I slip into my warmest jammies and jump into bed. The clothes will just have to wait until morning.
Tonight, I’m going to sleep.