Page 35 of Lucas
What the ever-loving fuck! Jet and Willow? I would have never guessed. On that note, Jet grabs a coffee and heads towards the bathroom. Fucker! “You best clean up after yourself, asshole. I’m not stepping in that shower after you’ve christened the walls.” I think I hear a resounding “Fuck You,” but it’s hard to tell since Trevor and Willow are laughing so loudly. Well, I’m just calling it like I see it. “What? You wouldn’t be laughing if he was using your shower.” Silence. I knew that would shut them up.
One by one, we all wander off to clean up and start our day. By the time we all gather again, its three in the afternoon. Where the hell did the day go? I suppose that happens when you go to bed at six in the morning and take hours to mend from your hangover. It’s all good, and now we’re going to the venue to watch the remaining bands. Yep, Jet got his way and he didn’t think it was too funny when I told everyone we had to “respect our elders.”
Fighting through the crowd, we grab a seat towards the middle of the venue and wait for the next band. They’ve taking a fifteen and are cleaning off the stage. Why? I have no fucking clue. Voices carry over everyone and there are more people than yesterday, which kinda sucks for us. “Is it my imagination, or are there more people here today than yesterday?”
Some bald guy sitting in front of us turns around. Eavesdrop much? “They opened up the doors to the public about an hour ago. The judges thought it would be great to watch their reaction to the bands.” Well, fuck me sideways. This is a bunch of bullshit.
Now we sit and wait, and that’s going to be the hardest part. The not knowing is killing us, and the fact that Mrs. C called earlier to ask if we knew anything just puts more pressure on all of us. My only consolation is in a few hours we need to decide what happens withThe Sinful Seven.
Tension is high when the judges excuse themselves and head backstage once the last of the bands has finished their set. I really feel for them, since there were eighty-seven bands in total. They have a daunting task of choosing only one, and of course everyone is on edge, hoping they will be the winners. I feel like I’ve been on one of those television shows where you lay yourself bare and then get rejected. All of your dreams crumble before you.
Ninety-seven minutes and forty-two seconds later, they’re returning to change someone’s life forever. Some bands left, not waiting to hear the outcome, but we didn’t want to throw in the towel just yet. Everyone holds their breath when Caleb takes the stage.
“This was an amazing turn out, and I’d like to thank all of you for coming out this weekend, especially on such short notice. I need to leave immediately after announcing the winner, and I apologize but I can’t miss my flight. My assistant, Quinn, will let the winners know what’s next and can answer any of your questions. With that said, it was a very hard decision, but in the end it was unanimous. Congratulations toThe Sinful Seven!”
All three ofus had a ball hanging out with Joel and his friends last night. In fact, they paid for everything including the comedy club. Yep, they invited themselves and I’m glad they did. We had so much fun. Instead of a double date, it was a triple, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my girls had dates with Joel’s friends. That’s how great everyone got along.
Now I’m a bundle of nerves since Joel’s picking me up in thirty minutes. I shouldn’t be, but it’s been a long time since I went on a real date. Like forever! Last night he told me to wear something casual. Tonight is our chance to get to know each other better. One on one.
While waiting, I make a million trips to the bathroom to check on my makeup. Yes, I’m wearing makeup. Can you believe it? Only mascara, lip shine, and a bit of glitter, but I attempted to look more womanly than normal. Although I think Joel already knows that by his flirtatious nature. Listen to me! I sound like a silly teenager instead of a twenty-three-year-old.
After checking myself one last time, I peek out the front window and wait. I’m going to look too eager if he sees me standing here, but too damn bad. I want Joel to know how excited I am. When my phone pings with an incoming text, my stomach dips. What if he’s calling to cancel? That would sure as hell be my luck. Meet a great guy, want to get to know him, and, Boom, it’s over before it begins.
Grabbing my phone, I key in the code and gasp as I see an unopened text from Lucas. Seriously? Like he couldn’t bother answering the million texts I’ve already sent? Now that I’m about to step out the door it’s convenient for him? I don’t think so. Two can play at this game. Now it’s his turn to wait.
Stuffing my phone into my pocket, I startle when there’s a knock on the door. I gasp, since it sounded exactly like the beating of my heart. A few deep breaths later, a smiling Joel greets me. His hair is a tousled mess and my fingers itch to reach out and smooth it down. I refrain, but my eyes drop to what he’s holding and I giggle. Just like a schoolgirl.
“Ever been on the back of a Harley, Abby?” I’m not sure if I want to run and hide or climb him like a monkey, so I do neither. I mustn’t chase him away before we have our date.
“Nope, it’ll be my first time.” I want to squeal when he reaches out and brushes his thumb over my cheek. Adoring and so swoon worthy.
“Good, I’m glad I can have one of your firsts.” Okay, stuff like this only happens in the sappy movies. Right? Guys aren’t normally like this, are they? Or maybe I’m just choosing the wrong ones.
“I’ll admit, I’m scared shitless, but you got my back,” rolls off my tongue before I can engage my brain. Way to go, idiot!
“Absolutely. Grab a jacket, though, since it can get pretty cold on the back when I’m speeding down the highway.” My eyes must bug out of my head since he tosses his head back and laughs. Wow, gorgeous.
Being the total jerk that I am, I don’t even invite him in, I just take off, grab the jacket, and head out the door. Once again, he chuckles when I lock the door behind him.
Handing me the helmet, he straddles the bike and holds out his hand. I don’t notice it right away since I’m too busy gawking at his long jean-clad legs hugging the bike. I need to snap the fuck out! When I get ready to mount the bike, he tugs on my waist, bringing me forward. I stumble and he rights me as my chest hits his arm. “Sorry, can you tell I’m nervous?”
A brilliant smile greets me and I fucking melt. Yep, into a puddle around his feet. Nope, boots. Rugged, worn, and sexy. “Come here, beautiful. Let me help you strap on your helmet before you climb aboard.”
Oh, so many thoughts race through my head with that statement, but I’ll let them be. For whatever reason, I feel bashful in front of him, I don’t understand why. Not like the night with Lucas where I met him at the door wearing just a coat and nothing underneath. Apparently I have a slutty side, which didn’t get the memo tonight. It’s for the best, I suppose.
I thought the helmet would be too big, but it’s a perfect fit. When his fingers pull on the chin strap, I shudder. “See, I told you it could be chilly. Glad you grabbed your jacket, now?” I nod, since I’m speechless. If only he knew the shiver had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with him. Yikes, we haven’t even been on our first date and I’m acting love-struck. And, wouldn’t you know, another incoming text hits my phone before we leave?
“You want to see who that is before we get going?” Joel is so thoughtful. Most guys would rush me to move faster.
“It’s nothing important. Let’s ride like the wind.” Once again, he chuckles as I mount the bike but have no idea where to place my hands. Well, I do, but I’m a bit hesitant until he takes the guesswork in his own hands. Literally.
“Wrap your arms around me just like this.” No complaints here. “Then keep your head down and lean with me on the curves. You’ll feel my body shift either way, so just follow my lead.” He makes it sound so damn easy. “Ready, Abby?”
“More than you’ll ever know!” With that said, the engine roars to life and so do I!