Page 40 of Lucas
“Come on in, Abby. Mom and Dad would never forgive me if we aired our dirty laundry in front of the neighbors.” Since when is he worried about what people think?
My nerves are all over the place, which means I can’t sit still, so I pace instead. “I stopped by to give you my official resignation. Since you didn’t notify me beforehand about Java Joe’s pending sale, I didn’t think it was necessary to give you my two weeks’ notice. Sal is more than capable to run the shop until you close.” He doesn’t look shocked, so I’m sure he suspected something.
“Have a seat and let’s talk. No need to rush into anything you’ll regret later. My gut instinct tells me it has something to do with the hoodlum holding up the car outside. That could be your biggest mistake to date, Abigail.”
Without a second thought, I rush over to where he’s standing and slap him across his arrogant face. Why did I not realize until now that my brother is the biggest bully of them all? “For so long, I always thought the bullying started in high school. But I realize now that you might have been the beginning. My big brother. My fucking hero! Did you know that all your bros and hoes would snicker behind my back? That they made my life a living hell? Did you?” When he doesn’t deny it, I have my answer. “Well ya know what, go to hell. I quit my job and I quit you. You were the beginning, and now it ends with you! You’re looking at the new business manager forThe Sinful Seven. Remember that name, asshole, because it’s going to be on everyone’s lips from here on out.” With that revelation, I feel tons lighter. I walk out the door and slam it behind me.
Lucas is waiting in the car when I slide into my seat. “How’d that feel, baby?”
“So fucking good,” as his hand slips in mine and we pull out of the drive.
Excitement and nervesare creeping up my spine as we drive from Manhattan to Brooklyn. I kinda wanted to take Abby’s vehicle so we could escape when recording was finished, but she pointed out that it would be good to portray a united front. We all walk in together, and we leave together. That way it doesn't make me look like I’m better than them, and I know for a fact that they are better than me.
Quinn’s the first to greet us at the door. My sixth sense tells me that Jet resents her presence. I don’t understand why since she’s been amazing since we met her. I chalk it up to first-day jitters.
“Today’s going to be a learning process since it’s your first time in a recording studio, but you guys are naturals. Don’t be nervous. We’re all here for one purpose, and that’s to make you rich and famous. Once this album releases, you’ll be a household name.” I’d love to relax, but there’s too much at stake and I just want to get this show on the road.
Quinn turns to the team of producers and sound engineers. “Hey guys, I’d like to introduce you toThe Sinful Seven. Lucas, Jet, Willow, and Trevor. This is Abby, their business manager. If you guys have any questions or doubts, now’s the perfect time to get it all out in the open.”
“Relax, pull up a seat, and we’ll get to know each other a bit first. Then we can answer any questions if you have any. I’m Bruce, your producer. That guy over there is Chuck, your sound designer,” he points to the man in the far corner, “and Greg is in charge of mixing.”
“Just a heads up,” he continues, “we might have a few people popping in from time to time. Nothing to be nervous about—they just want to listen in on your raw performance so they can compare it to the real deal. If you have any questions, now’s your chance.”
The next ninety minutes are basically a question-and-answer session, and although it’s helpful, I’m impatient to get started. Time’s a ticking and I won’t pretend that I know everything about the process, I don’t, but it’s frustrating to just patiently wait.
“Now would be the perfect time to break for lunch,” Bruce announces. “We’ll get started once you get back.” I want to scream that I’m not hungry, but obviously they need a smoke break or whatever so we head to the nearest bar to grab a bite. The shit hits the fan the second we sit down.
“We came here to make music, not have a bitch session. This isn’t what I signed up for.” Jet sits back with his arms crossed, glaring at Quinn. Okay, I will def need to chat with him to sort this out once the day is over.
“I know all of you are eager to get started, but this session is about getting to know you. Whether you have any doubts about the process or just general questions that you might need answers to. All of you will be working closely with one another in the next few weeks, which is the reason Bruce likes to take it slow the first few days.” I know Quinn’s speaking to all of us, but she’s focused all of her attention on Jet. I decide to call it out.
“Jet, we’re all on edge, but there’s no reason to take it out on Quinn. She’s just doing her job, and it’s not fair to attack her. Knock it off.” Everyone’s eyes open wide since I don’t normally confront him with outsiders around, but it needs to be addressed now.
“No worries, Lucas,” Quinn says. “I don’t take it personally because I know this isn’t personal. All of this is so much to take in, and I get that tempers and nerves are frayed to the max. Once you get into the studio this afternoon and get your bearings, you’ll relax. I get you’ve all waited so long to be here today.”
Stepping inside the studio is surreal. I’ve been in a few of them in my lifetime but not for my own recording. My heart’s thrumming inside of my chest to where I can hear it in my ears.
“I’m sure you’re all familiar with how all of this works. Today, Jet will play a song and then Lucas will be up next. It’s a simple guide track, so Trevor has something to count. Then Willow will be on the keys. Once we’re satisfied with the outcome, we’ll add the vocals in. Remember, this is a sprint, not a marathon. Consider it like baking. We need to slowly add in all of the ingredients before we can bake it, but the end result will be well worth the wait. One we will all be proud of.”
Now that Jet knows he’s going first, he’s all smiles. It’s all good. Apparently they want the bass guitar to go first and I thought they might. We’ve recorded a few demos in the basement, but we’re not good at mastering the final edit. Hence, we only do it for our own reference.
The sound crew places microphones close to the instruments, so they can make changes. An hour later, we have what we need so they send me in. All eyes are on me when I grab my guitar and begin playing. More adjustments, and thirty minutes later we wrap it up for the day. I can’t believe it’s after five already. Time just flew by. Thank god I have Abby to occupy me for the long night ahead.
I thoughtI was in way over my head by taking this position. But when I was sitting in the sound room and Lucas was playing, I became overwhelmed. These guys are so damn good and I’m thrilled they believed enough in me to take me along for the ride. The fact that I’m getting paid to do it is a win.
After going out for a few celebratory drinks with the guys, we came back to my apartment and consummated the deal. Lucas fell asleep about an hour ago, while I’ve been staring at the ceiling ever since. I’m not sure why I can’t fall asleep since I’m exhausted after our lovemaking. Maybe I have too much running through my mind with all of the changes taking place in such a short time. Not only do I have a new job, I also have the man I’ve been lusting over for so long. Whatever the case may be, I’m happy. And for the first time in a long time, I have someone to share it with.
Tossing and turning isn’t doing me a bit of good, so I slip out of bed, letting him sleep. I’d love to straddle his lap and pick up where we left off, but I know the next few weeks will be grueling. It’s best if I let him get a good night’s sleep. Especially since most nights are spent between the sheets.
Grabbing my phone, I do my best to be quiet as I tiptoe out of the room, undetected. Then I creep into the living room and curl up on the couch, throwing the blanket over me. Scrolling through my phone, I realize how pathetic my life has become since there are only ten numbers in my contacts. Yes, I admit it’s all my fault. I don’t trust easily and because of that I have no friends. Well, with the exception of Cheryl and Beth, of course. But are they really my friends? I’d like to think they are but if I’m being honest, Cheryl is the only one I really trust. My fingers itch to shoot her a text but I hesitate since its one-thirty in the morning. Still.