Page 5 of Lucas
Whoa, did she just give me permission to do my thing? My dick’s screaming at me to move, so I quickly let go of her hands, reach beneath my pillows, and grab the restraints. Within seconds, I bound her hands. She looks so fucking hot tethered to my bed. Especially now that her clitoral piercing is glistening with her arousal. Time’s a ticking. I need to restrain her ankles before she changes her mind.
She doesn’t even flinch or try pulling away when I restrain her. What a good girl. My cock throbs in anticipation when I realize Angel wants this as badly as I do. I place myself between her trembling thighs and bury my face inside her very essence. Lapping, licking, and sucking on her clit like I promised her I would, while giving her piercing the attention it so deserves by tugging at it with my teeth. When she moans, I insert two fingers inside her slippery channel. Instantly, her legs stiffen and her body trembles with her imminent release.
“Oh God, Lucas. I’m gonna come all over your face!”
I continue my ministrations until she twists and turns. As much as the restraints will allow. She’s trying to get away, but I’m not finished with her yet. Not by a long shot. I slide off the bed, grab a condom, and blanket my body with hers so we’re eye to eye. For the first time tonight, she looks anxious. “Don’t be afraid, baby. Pleasure is my only vice, not pain. Now, I’m going to fuck you. Is that alright with you?” When she nods, I quickly use my teeth to rip open the foil packet.
Sleepingin late was just what I needed, but now I need to rush around to get ready to go shopping with my girls. I love getting together with them, knowing that we won’t be clubbing and drinking it up. Normally, we go shopping and grab a late brunch. Chat about the boys, their fucking, and all the drama that goes along with it. Sometimes I’m glad that I don’t have those problems, but other times it would be nice to have a warm body close to me at night. Ya know, for the times when I’m feeling horny and I don’t need to take matters into my own hands.
That reminds me, I need to pick up some batteries.
I’ve just stepped out of the shower when there’s a knock on the door. Shit. I thought I had more time, but a quick look at my phone tells me my girls are right on time. “Coming!” I holler as I wrap my robe around my still damp skin. Sliding the lock, I open the door and my girls push their way in.
“I told you she wouldn’t be ready, didn’t I?” I’m put out when Beth slaps a ten-dollar bill in her hand. What the fuck? They made a bet that I wouldn’t be dressed? Wonderful!
“I didn’t know I was that predictable. Did you forget, I’m the only one in this room that gets up at four in the morning on most days? Not everyone has a nine-to-five like the both of you.”
“Bitch, you have a business degree and you were valedictorian of your class. Hmm, maybe that’s why your parents are pissed that you’re making coffee instead of running a Fortune five hundred company.” My heart sinks and I swear I’m going to trip on it if I don’t move. I’m hurt. Deeply. This is the reason I have so much trouble hanging out with girls. They’ve been my nemesis since high school, and I don’t know why I thought these two would have my back. But I refuse to give them the power. I’ll get dressed, go shopping, and pretend like everything is normal. Some things never change, I guess.
“Give me ten minutes and we’ll leave. It’s not like you need to rush home to anyone.” Okay, I’m being petty, but I can’t help it. I need to get a few digs in, too.
“True that,” Beth murmurs over her shoulder. I think I made my point. Oh well. Sorry not sorry.
Nine and three-quarter minutes later, I walk out of my room and head for the door. Thank god I applied my makeup after my shower. Not that it makes a big difference, but I feel better knowing it’s there. Confidence is a crazy bitch and I don’t want to mess with her. Payback and all.
We take Beth’s car since hers is a four-door. Nothing graceful about trying to get in and out of the backseat of a two-door. You get the picture. Right?
Talk about shop until you drop! There’s no way we can bring all these bags with us to brunch, so we head to the car so we can drop them in the trunk. Hands-free not only applies to driving, it works for brunch, too.
Now in the restaurant, I hate to admit that I am having a good time. The mood changed since I didn’t make a big deal about their tirade. I’ve learned a long time ago to just let it go. Maybe it was wrong to drop it, maybe it’s the reason I still have so much animosity about being bullied in school. Who knows, but the cuts still run deep and I’ll be damned if I open up old wounds right here. I’ve only known Cheryl and Beth for a few years. Maybe a part of them is jealous since I was smart in school and I tutored them.
Time flies by with the wine flowing, sexy banter, and tons of great food. By the time we’re ready to pay the check, the crowd has thinned out tremendously and the day has turned into dusk. Now all I can think about is soaking in a nice hot bath. I’m sure my feet will thank me tomorrow when I have to open.
“We need to do this more often. Seriously, life is chaotic, and hanging out with you girls is the highlight of my day.” Yeah, Cheryl def had too much wine. Beth and I have a full-on belly laugh. It’s not nice, but if you could see her sappy face, you’d chuckle, too.
Thirty minutes later, I’m sinking inside a lavender bubble bath. Pure bliss. I’m just dozing off when my phone buzzes on the counter. I don’t want to move, and then the thought of Lucas has me sloshing water all over the place as I jump out to grab it. Slipping and sliding all the way. Cold and shaking, I swipe and see my mom’s pic on the phone’s screen. I shouldn’t be this disappointed, but I am.
“Hey, Mom. I was in the tub.”
“Sorry, sweetie. Should I call back?” I hear the disappointment in her voice and realize, for the life of me, I can’t do this.
“No, it’s okay. I’m sliding back in now.” And I do. Praying I don’t drop my damn phone in the water.
“I just wanted to invite you for dinner tomorrow night. Dad insisted we have lasagna and I know it’s your favorite, so we were hoping you’d come.”
Everything tells me to make up a lame excuse about why I can’t go, but I haven’t seen them in forever. I can’t do that to them again. Wouldn’t be fair. “Sure, that sounds great. Um, I get out of work at six, is that too late?”
Say yes, say yes?
“No, that’s perfect. Okay, sweetie, we’ll see you then. We have so much to catch up on. Hope your bath water isn’t cold by now.”
“Nope, still nice and toasty. See you tomorrow night. Love you, Mom.” I do so very much.
“Love you too, sweet girl.” We both hang up and I’m left with dread bubbling in the pit of my stomach. Going to visit my parents shouldn’t make me feel like this.