Page 10 of Jet
When I arrive, Willow slides in and buckles up. “Glad you called since I was going stir crazy. Pick your poison. What do you want to do?” I ask.
“Let’s grab a few drinks and just chat. There’s been something I wanted to talk to you about, but not with everyone around.” Okay, so now she’s piqued my curiosity. Not sure if that’s good or bad.
She’s quiet, almost nervous since it looks like she’s playing with her keys while waiting for the waitress.
“I find the best thing is to just get it off your chest. So, what did you want to talk about, Willow?”
“He likes you. Like a lot. And I know he has a weird way of showing it, but he does.” Okay, who are we talking about here?
“You need to give me a hint of some kind because I have no idea who we’re talking about.”
“Jet! He’s crazy about you. I know what you’re thinking, but just hear me out. Remember when we were in elementary school and the boys would constantly pick on us? That’s what he’s doing with you.”
“Well, we’re not in school anymore and I think you couldn’t be more wrong. He tolerates me, but that’s okay since I’m not interested in getting involved with him or anyone else for that matter.”
I’m countingdownthe days until Lucas and Abby get home. Two more to go. Maybe once we’re all together again, things will fall into place. For now, I work. Hard labor seems to be the only thing that’s getting me through. Both Quinn and Willow have been texting and trying to call but I’ve been avoiding them. Not sure why, but I have a feeling they’re trying to gang up on me. It could be my paranoia, but it’s weird it came out of the blue after I stormed out of Quinn’s the other day.
The only problem I have when going to work is Amelia. She’s the pretty girl who delivered my burgers, and ever since I promised her concert tickets, well, I guess she thinks we’re best friends. It’s cute and so is she. For now, I just let it go since she’s been keeping my secret. Honestly, that’s epic for someone who’s only seventeen. Most chicks would be gossiping to all their besties that Jet fromThe Sinful Sevenis washing dishes at theHungry Dog Diner. Right? Of course they would.
“Hey Mack, I’m taking my break.” He nods in acknowledgement as he helps Harold flip burgers. Dishes are caught up, so best time for me to head out back for fresh air.
Kicking back, I lean against the building and slide down until my butt is on the little patch of grass out back. Popping the tab on the can of cold soda, I take a huge gulp. I usually don’t indulge in this sugary goodness, but for some reason I needed it today. I almost choke when a shadow brushes by, kicking my boot. “What the fuck!”
“Dude, chill. I’m sorry but I was trying to go around, and your long legs got in my way.” Amelia, wonderful.
“Since when do you come in by the back door and not the front?” She’s coming back from a delivery and I don’t like the thought of her being in the back alley.
“It’s kinda rush hour and there’s no place to park. It was easier this way. Mind if I join you?” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer before she pops a squat next to me. Great.
“Mind if I ask you a question?” Oh, here we go. I knew it was just a matter of time.
“You can ask away, but it don’t mean I’ll answer you.”
“Yeah, I kinda figured that but I’m asking anyway. You have a girlfriend?” Okay, so picture me taking a swig, swallowing, and choking all at the same time. Yep, you got it. By the time I can breathe again, it’s time for me to go back to work while she smacks my back. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that to an old man like you. You could have died.”
“You just don’t know when to quit, do you? I gotta get back.”
“Hey, before you do I just want to ask something for a friend. Um, say someone writes songs and they’re pretty good, how would they go about getting someone to listen to them?” Asking for a friend? If I had a buck for every time someone said this, I would be a very rich man.
“I’d tell them to start their own YouTube channel. With a ton of practice and the right following, they could kill it. We did that when we first started out.” I stretch out my hand after standing. Her smile is contagious when she reaches for my hand and I pull her to her feet. I’m a little scared of that starry gaze she’s giving off. Damn, I hope she’s not crushing on me.
“Dude, get over yourself.” With a chuckle she walks off. Damn, is she a mind reader?
“Amelia! Orders up! Where the hell ya been?” Mack bellows as she rushes to grab her orders. Stuffing them inside her delivery bag.
“Sorry, boss. Just popping a squat, but I’m going now.” This kid is gonna be the death of him, but I know by that smirk on his face, he’s taken with this young spitfire.
After she leaves, I rib the old man. “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger. Admit it.”
He’s quiet for a beat before his eyes meet mine. “Just like you did all those years ago, boy.” What? Is he insinuating that she’s a stray like me? That’s how he refers to all the homeless kids. He refused to mention the word homeless for fear if someone was listening, it would be detrimental to all involved. Damn. Amelia?
I work the rest of my shift in silence. Just lost in my head after what Mack told me. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Amelia is on the streets. Fuck! Another wake-up call for me to get these damn concerts in the bag.
“Catch ya tomorrow, boy. Now get the hell outta here and don’t look back. Nothing you can do.” Yeah, he knows it’s eating a hole right through me but there’s something I can do and I’m tired of waiting. “You could let her have my old room. It’s time.”
He shrugs as he points in my direction. “I offered, and she refused. Too damn independent for her own good, that one. Maybe you could convince her. She might listen to a famous rockstar instead of an old relic like me.”