Page 50 of Willow
“Would you like to watch a movie after dinner, love?” She purses her lips, thinking. God, this girl right here owns my heart.
“Go pool, Daddy.” That’s exactly what happens if you ask a question.
“It will be too late to swim, Cadence. We’ll save that for another night, but I’ll let you choose the movie.”
“Princess Merida.” Oh, why did I know that was going to be her choice?
“Okay, you win. Bath first, then treatment, and we’ll watch the movie. Just Daddy and his favorite girl.”
“Yep, me favorite.” Then out of the clear blue sky her little face crumbles like she’s about to cry.
“What’s wrong, love?” Of course, I always expect the worst when she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.
“‘Low favorite, Daddy?” This girl is just too damn smart for her age. She only met Willow for a moment and she thinks she’s my favorite.
“Cadence will always be Daddy’s favorite. Forever.” That’s enough to reassure my baby girl with a hug and a kiss.
A few hours later I carry her to her room fast asleep. She never finished Princess Merida but that’s fine. We’ve watched it a hundred times and we both know the ending. After tucking her in, I kiss her cheek and go straight to my room.
Wondering what tomorrow will bring.
“It is better to lose yourpridewith someone you love
rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride.”
John Ruskin
Two weeks later…
It’sone o’clock ona Saturday morning. We just wrapped up the last concert of theResilienttour. All of us are pumped and are going out to celebrate. The guys are arguing who is going to drive when Ezra steps in. “Hey, you guys can argue all fucking night, but Willow and I are heading out. You can meet us there when you toss a coin or figure it out.” Grabbing my hand as he often does, we jump in the rental and take off. Leaving Lucas, Jet, and Trevor to figure it out. Abby and Quinn give us a wave as we speed out of sight.
That’s the last thing I remember…
* * *
“You want pancakesfor breakfast,sweet girl?” Mom bends down and sweeps Cadence off her feet as she walks in the door.
I tag behind like a lap dog. “You’re here bright and early. What’s up?”
Mom’s pained look when she glances my way has my stomach hitting the floor. She swallows. “Have you watched the news, Caleb?”
Okay, so now I’m freaking out. My first thought is my ex did something stupid again. I knew I should have never given her that last fucking check! “No, I try to avoid that on the weekends, remember?”
“Oh, right. Has anyone contacted you?” She’s beating around the bush and now I’m getting angry.
“Cadence, sweetheart. Could you go wash your hands like a big girl?” I have an inkling that I don’t want my daughter around when I blow my fucking mind. “Spit it out, Mother. What the fuck is going on? Is it Allie again?”
Biting her lip, she shakes her head. “Early this morning there was a terrible accident in St. Louis. Someone was killed and the other is in critical condition.” I want to scream, “Yeah, so?” until I put two and two together and realize that’s the cityThe Sinful Sevenare in. That Willow is in!
“If you know who died, you need to tell me now.” I reach for my phone at the same time and boot it up, when she says, “Ezra Matthews was killed and his passenger is in critical condition.” She doesn’t even need to say her name. I already know. Fuck! “It’s Willow, isn’t it?”