Page 52 of Willow
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Guilt is plasteredoneveryone’s faces as I step into that waiting room. I know this is not the time for pointing fingers and accusing anyone of wrongdoing. First, I need to know how she’s doing. “Could someone please fill us in on how she’s doing?” Joyce collapses in a chair. Too nervous to stand.
Quinn, always level-headed in times of crisis, speaks up. “Willow’s still in surgery. The doctors are working on her broken arm and clavicle, and making sure her broken ribs won’t puncture her lungs. She has contusions on her face, arms, and legs. The CT scan showed no visible brain injury. We’re waiting for the doctor’s final report.”
Abby sits down next to Joyce and puts her arm around her. Trying to comfort her best she can. I on the other hand am livid. I want some answers and I want them now. Trevor seems like the best one to ask.
“Trevor, take a walk with me.” As much as I want to stay to see her when she gets out of surgery, I want to know what the fuck happened. He stands up, but Jet pushes him back down.
“I’ll go with you, Caleb.” I quirk a brow because what the fuck. Jet shakes his head, squeezing my shoulder as he catches up. Right. I don’t care who tells me as long as someone does.
I don’t say a word when we step inside the elevator. Not even when we walk through the lobby, but the minute I step outside, I turn to face him. “Why the fuck was she alone with Ezra and not with all of you?”
“Caleb, it’s not what you think. They became real close friends on the tour. There wasn’t anything romantic going on, they just liked hanging out. Look, I wanted to come out instead of Trevor because I know what’s happening with the two of you.” Really? I highly doubt he knows about Cadence. She’d never betray me like that. Never.
“Why didn’t she ride with all of you, Jet? Why?” I’m right up in his face demanding some answers.
“We were arguing who was going to be the designated driver because we had all been drinking.” The fuck? “Ezra didn’t want to wait around so they took off together. Someone ran the red light and killed Ezra instantly. It’s all my fault, Caleb. I shouldn’t have let them leave.”
I know how he feels about Willow, and as angry as I am, he couldn’t have stopped them if he tried. I’m just so mad because it could have been avoided if they had just called me. I would have hired a limo in a heartbeat. I take care of my own. Always, and I thought they knew it was under any circumstance.
“It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have stopped them. We both know she’s a people pleaser. It’s obvious she wanted to avoid confrontation. It must be the reason she went with him. Look, we both know she’s a fighter. She’ll pull through because she has to. We can’t lose her. She’ll feel all the love surrounding her. She wouldn’t dare leave us.” She and I have unfinished business.
I realize the only one who can truly give me the answers I seek is Willow. And she needs to pull through this damn surgery and all the rehab that goes along with it.
Thirty minutes after we walk back inside, the doctors walk out with grim faces.
“We repaired her broken arm, elbow, and clavicle. Her ribs will eventually heal on their own. Willow’s face is badly bruised, but there’s nothing fractured or broken. Lots of swelling, but no head injury. She lost a lot of blood on scene so we’ll continue with the transfusions until her coloring’s normal. Her legs and knees are swollen due to the impact, but again, nothing broken. All in all, I’d say she’s a very lucky girl considering the impact. Mr. Matthews wasn’t so fortunate. I realize all of you want to see her, but she needs her rest. Two visitors at a time for only ten minutes. No exceptions. Two may go in every four hours. Best I can do. Good day.”
“I’m sorry boys, but I need to see my daughter. Who’s coming with me?” Joyce doesn’t even need to ask. They already know.
“They all know better than to argue,” I say. “Why don’t you all go get some rest or a bite to eat? Two of you can take the next watch.” I don’t wait for an answer, I just follow Joyce so I can see my girl.
There’s a nurse taking her vitals as we walk inside. She doesn’t acknowledge us, but I can see the sympathy behind her eyes. The compassion for Willow’s situation. I immediately take a liking to her. Knowing that she’ll take good care of my girl.
She’s hooked up to so many machines that I swear there’s not an inch of her that’s not attached to something. I stare at her feet and slowly work my way up her body. Until I reach her beautiful face. Which is unrecognizable at this vantage point. Joyce is weeping and I can’t find it in me to console her. I’m too focused on Willow and the kind of pain she must be in.
Stepping up to her bed, I rest my hand gently on hers. I bend down and whisper, “I’m here and I’m not leaving until you kick my ass out the door. My beautiful, resilient girl.” Joyce doesn’t even come by her side. She just stands in the corner of the room and weeps. She’s in shock.
“I’m sorry, folks, but your time is up. Doctor’s orders.” Ten minutes fly by when you have tons of regret.
“We’ll be back later. Thank you.” I escort Joyce out the door, and she sits in the first chair she can find. Everyone’s still there looking at me for answers. I wish I had some to give.
“If you decide to go visit her, be prepared for the worst. Willow needs us to be strong for her in order to get through this. You can lose your shit when you walk out the door but not in her room.” I point to her door because I’m not sugarcoating a fucking thing!
Abby and Quinn break down in tears. Lucas and Jet are comforting them the best way they know how, and Trevor’s talking to his aunt.
I’m standing there all alone, because the woman I love is lying in a hospital bed not twenty feet away.
I hear voices. Too far away.Or underwater. Everything’s garbled.
Everything hurts. Pain.