Page 11 of Flawless Lyric
Tucking my legs underneath me, I sit down and bring the glass to my lips. Savoring the Sauvignon Blanc paired nicely with the Caeser salad I chose for tonight’s dinner. If I’ve learned one thing from my ex-husband, it was how to pair the perfect wine with the perfect meal. And the reason I still have a ton of wine that I’ll probably never ever use in my lifetime. Truthfully, I’m surprised he didn’t list them as one of his assets and give that to his lawyer as well. Then again, his new apartment doesn’t have a wine fridge like this house does. It was a must when the plans were drawn up.
Leaning back, I reminisce about how scary and exciting it was to be able to renovate my home. It was a labor of love back then and now it’s just bittersweet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful that the house was given to me in our divorce. It’s just that it holds so many memories and it’s too big for me now that Novalee will be leaving soon.
As I sit here and contemplate my life choices, I wonder if I would have married Jeff if I hadn’t been pregnant with Novalee. And I wonder how differently our lives would have turned out if I hadn’t. Foolish thought, since I already know the answer. I would have married him anyway because I was ridiculously in love with him. So what happened? People change over a span of twenty or more years, and either you learn to adapt, or you learn to settle. That’s exactly what I did. Settled on a loveless marriage for the sake of a child. It’s such a cliché, but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do.
Tossing back the wine in one huge gulp, I stride into the kitchen for a refill. Leaving the glass, I opt for the bottle and go back outside. I’m just in time to see the sun sinking below the horizon. Something that used to bring me so much peace and joy suddenly makes me sad. Drinking alone tonight isn’t as appealing as it was earlier.
Thirty minutes later I’m pulling into the Red Eagle Tavern, the same bar where I met Micah. I know what you’re thinking. If I wanted a booty call, all I’d need to do is call him. This isn’t about that. It has everything to do with not being in that big house all alone. Besides, I like the atmosphere, and the bartenders are really nice here.
My feet have a mind of their own as I head straight to the bar. I’m thrilled that the stool in the corner is available. It has my name written all over it.
“Nice to see you again, Lyric. Can I get you the usual?”
“Not tonight, Mike. I’d like a Sauvignon Blanc. Thanks.”
“Coming right up.”
While he’s getting my drink, I mull over the fact that he asked if I wanted the usual. I find that rather odd since I’ve only been here a handful of times. Maybe I’m just being paranoid and he has a fantastic memory.
I could have easily stayed home tonight, but I needed to be surrounded by people even if I’m not in the mood for conversation.
After Mike drops off my drink, I scroll through my phone, not paying attention to what’s going on around me. With a teenage daughter, I’ve learned to listen yet tune out certain things that I don’t necessarily need to hear. Tonight isn’t any different.
I’m reading an email that I just opened when someone bumps me from behind and I spill my drink. What the…
Spinning around on my stool, I come face to face with my ex. He locks eyes with mine, and for a split second there’s no recognition. Then his finger is pressing against my chest.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Lyric?” Is he serious right now?
“I was going to ask you the same question. Aren’t you supposed to be at the movies with your daughter?” He looks at me like I’m crazy, and it makes me wonder what the hell I ever saw in him. Love is blind, as they say.
“Me? She canceled our night together since she was spending it with you.” Oh, Novalee. Where are you and what are you doing?
“Apparently, she’s playing the both of us. She canceled our night to go out to dinner and a movie with you.”
“This is all your fault, Lyric. You destroyed our lives and now this is our payback.” His finger keeps jabbing me in the chest. I guess old habits die hard, because I’m frozen in place.
“Sir,” an all-too familiar voice says, “you need to take a step back or I’ll break your fingers.” Am I dreaming?
Jeff does as he’s told and Micah steps in front of me. Lifting my chin, he studies me. “Are you okay, Lyric?” Without realizing it, I’ve fisted his shirt and tugged him closer to me. I convince myself that I just need to catch my breath.
“I’m okay, thanks. He just caught me off guard.”
“The lady said she’s okay, now get your hands off of my wife.” Oh good god I should have stayed home tonight.
Micah turns around so fast, Jeff flinches. “Ex wife. And the lady is with me.” I know Micah means well, but he doesn’t realize the trouble he just caused. Before I have a chance to protest, Micah throws some bills on the bar and wraps his arm around me. Shielding me from Jeff.
We walk out of the bar with Jeff close behind. I’ve no doubt he’s saving his wrath for when we get outside since security was called to diffuse the situation. As soon as we hit the parking lot, Jeff loses his shit.
“Were you screwing him while you were married to me? Is he the reason you wanted a divorce? Answer me you stupid bitch…”
I scream when Micah’s fist connects with Jeffs face. Everything runs in slow motion after that. I’m not sure if people are screaming or if it’s just me, but someone grabs my elbow while Micah hovers over my ex.
When I hear sirens off in the distance, I panic. What if the police arrest Micah for assault just because he was protecting me? That’s when I notice big brown eyes staring at me. Asher?
“The asshole deserved everything he had coming, Lyric. He had no right putting his hands on you or using derogatory language. Tons of witnesses have already come forward, so turn that frown upside down. Nothing will happen to Micah, but I can’t say the same for your ex.”