Page 35 of Flawless Lyric
“Are you ready for dinner?” he asks. I bite my tongue because I truly want to say, “Only if you’re on the menu.” Lame, I know, but it’s how I feel.
With my chin resting on his solid chest, I look up at him and sigh. He really is gorgeous. He’s the Beauty in this relationship, not me.
“I am. What’s for dinner?” Locking his hand with mine, we go below deck. I still can’t believe I’ll be spending a few days here. Someone pinch me.
“I didn’t bring anything fancy for tonight since it would be late when we arrived. So I grabbed a variety of cheese, assorted crackers, fruits, and several meats to eat while we drank some good wine.”
“Sounds perfect. Are we eating out on the deck?” It looks to be a beautiful night and I’d love watching the sunset with him.
“That was my plan. Let’s grab a big platter and just load it up. We’ll have a picnic.” Okay, be still my heart. Such a romantic.
He grabs everything out of the fridge, and we load the platter with a variety of everything he brought with him. “I’ll take the platter if you bring the wine and glasses.”
Once we’re on deck, he opens the bench, grabs a few cushions, and throws them on the deck floor. Then he grabs a tray and places it between the cushions. We lean against the bench, hand-in-hand, watching the sunset, listening to the water softly lapping against the boat. It’s a little piece of heaven.
“Dig in, Beauty.” He pours us each a glass of wine as I do what I’m told. Funny how this man can order me around and I don’t mind. When Jeff did it, I hated it. I know Micah is joking and my ex was not. He meant business. Why do I always go off on a tangent?
“I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I remembered I skipped lunch.” He gives me the side eye and I find it so damn cute.
“Not cool, Beauty. Order out and have it delivered but don’t go without eating. Or text me and I’ll bring you something as soon as I can.” I know he’s sincere, but I’d never bother him since he’s so busy. If I wasn’t so lazy, I’d get it ready the night before.
“You’re so sweet. I just lost track of time because I was nonstop all day. It’s the first day I had clients pop in without an appointment. Lots of little fires that needed tending to.” Popping a juicy, red grape in my mouth, I moan. It pairs so well with this wine.
Leaning over, he kisses my neck, causing me to shudder at his touch. I convince myself that it’s not the chill in the air, it’s all Micah.
“When you make that kind of sound, Beauty, I want to bury my cock deep inside of you because I want to be the one causing you to moan. Not the damn food.” Oh, good Lord.
“You do make me moan like that. No one gets me like you.” He pounces. It’s the only way I can explain what happens next. One minute we’re eating and the next, he’s pinned me to the cushion, hovering over me. My pulse races as he stares into my soul, touching my heart and bringing it back to life.
Licking his lips, he speaks from his heart, and I’d swoon if I wasn’t already lying down. “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, then you would understand why I’m so crazy about you.” He captures my mouth with his. It’s a slow slide downhill but I’m not afraid. I know he’ll catch me before I fall. A soft landing where I feel safe and secure. Forever in his arms and always in his heart.
“Micah, I need you…”
“You got me, Beauty. Always…”
With the sundipping below the horizon, I’m not too worried about boaters witnessing what I’m about to do to Beauty right here. I’m going to make love to her under the stars and the moon twinkling in the night sky.
Starting at the top, I unbutton one button at a time. Until I can peel back the blouse, exposing her satiny skin. Leaning in, I kiss the swells of her breasts and flick my tongue across her pebbled nipples. I’m mesmerized as she breaks out with goosebumps and shivers from head to toe.
“Are you cold, Beauty?” I’m sure it’s the excitement getting the better of her, but I need to ask.
“No, I’m turned on. What if someone sees us?” Oh, is she a bit of an exhibitionist?
“No one will, I promise.”
Picking up where I left off, I reach around her to unclasp her bra. I then unzip her trousers and she lifts her hips to make sure I can slide both her thong and her pants right off. Now she’s naked where I can worship every inch of her beautiful body.
Cupping her breasts, I pay close attention to her nipples. Taking turns sucking, pinching, and flicking my tongue back and forth. Eliciting another sexy-as-fuck moan from her luscious lips. Her hands thread through my hair, holding me close. Begging for more.
I take my time, leaving tiny kisses on every square inch of her delectable body. From the tip of her nose to the bottom of her feet. This causes her to giggle and squirm out of my hold, giving me the chance to shed all of my clothing as well as my inhibitions. This is the night where I claim Lyric for my own. The night I’m going to make love to her. Which I’ve never done in my thirty years on this earth. It’s going to be a night to remember.
As soon as I’m naked, she grabs my ass and spreads her legs wide open, inviting me in. Placing myself at her center, I stare into her eyes and enter her slowly. Inch by inch, until she’s acclimated to my size. I tense when I feel her walls closing in on me. Milking me. Desperate to fill her with everything I am.
“Yes, oh god yes.” Neither of us close our eyes. We’re too intent on seeing as well as feeling each other’s desire. We find our rhythm and it’s slow and sensual. Intensifying our hunger for what’s going to happen next.