Page 47 of Flawless Lyric
After swiping his card, we go inside and as soon as the door closes, he pins me against it. Apparently, this is his MO. “Care to explain what that was all about?”
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I tried. I need a shower, are you coming with me?”
“Of course I want to shower with you. I’ll be there in a few.” I give him a quick kiss and then head into the bathroom.
I’ve undressed, set the water, and now I’m waiting. And waiting. Where the hell is he? I decide to check on him and my heart melts when he’s lying on the bed, still fully clothed and sound asleep. After his performance tonight, on the stage and in the limo, he’s exhausted.
Tonight, shower for one.
Labor Day weekendwas a crazy ride, but it was great to have Lyric there to share it all with me. My family came for Saturday’s performance and loved every second of it. We were able to have dinner together since we had an earlier performance that Friday night.
Lyric didn’t join us. For whatever reason, she still feels like she’s not a part of the family. I’ve no idea why since they all love her and were asking about her. I didn’t have the heart to tell them she was waiting in my hotel room.
Unfortunately, she immediately flew out to Cali since Novalee’s homesick and they’re going to have some mother-daughter time. Maybe it’s legit but I’m thinking she’s a spoiled little brat and she can’t get away with it at Stanford. I’m sure the teachers and the students can see right through her façade. I’d be willing to bet she’s skipping classes and it’s just a matter of time before she quits altogether. It’s very hard to bite my tongue, but I can’t get involved because she already has two parents.
Now Rebel Riot’s on vacation again. For how long, no one knows. I’m sure Caleb has something up his sleeve. We’re just hoping that he gives us enough time to recuperate before hitting us between the eyes again. When Lyric comes home, we have a lot of catching up to do. Especially before the snow flies. I want to show her all of the things that I’m passionate about. A side of me that I haven’t shared with too many people.
Don’t tell anyone, but I’m an adrenaline junkie. I’ll try anything once. There have only been a few things I’ve tried and said no fucking way. Nope, not happening again. One of them was base jumping. Fuck that! I’m not afraid of heights, but when someone wants you to jump off a bridge like a flying squirrel, that’s where I draw the line. It was a one and done for me. I kissed the ground once I landed, thanking God that I didn’t break every bone in my body.
So that’s what I plan on doing this week while Lyric’s in Cali. Satisfying my adrenaline rush since I won’t be satisfying my hunger with the woman I love. Yeah, I got it really bad. And as soon as we’re together again, I’m going to tell her. I don’t expect her to reciprocate my feelings so soon after her divorce, but I’m hoping in time she’ll feel the same.
Today, I’m on my way to my parents’ house as promised. Since they were good enough to come hang out at the concert on Saturday, I owe them big time. They’re not big fans of heavy metal so I know it was a sacrifice for them to be there. And since Mom doesn’t have a showing today, it’s as good a time as any. Besides, I know she’ll be in the kitchen cooking up something delicious and I can’t pass up one of my mama’s meals.
I’m surprised when I pull in the driveway and my father’s car isn’t there. Maybe Mom sent him to the store to pick up something last minute. She’s been known to run out of an ingredient at the worst time, and with her there are no substitutions. She’s by the book when it comes to a recipe or cooking in general. Had she called, I could have picked it up on my way here.
Since she’s alone, I call out the minute I open the front door. “Your favorite son is here.” No answer. Weird but not unusual.
As I walk through the kitchen, I stop dead in my tracks. Something’s off. She doesn’t have anything boiling on the stove or in the oven. There’s no crockpot in sight. Now that has the hair on my nape standing at attention. I hear someone scream and, in a flash, I’m flying out the back door. I come face to face with my mom playing tag with my niece Kinsley. Now I know there’s nothing wrong with my heart because it surely would have stopped right here and now.
“Micah, is something wrong?” Fuck no, but I thought there might be.
“Uncle Micah, tag! You’re it.” Kinsley comes running and I pick her up and kiss her chubby cheeks.
“Hi, sweet girl. Nothing’s wrong. Where did Dad go?” Covering my tracks the best I can.
“I didn’t feel like cooking today, so he went to pick up a couple of pizzas.” Okay, I’m in the Twilight Zone because this is surely a different dimension. Those words have never left my mother’s mouth. Ever.
“You feeling okay, Mom?” She laughs. A full belly laugh and I feel like a fool.
“I’m fine, Micah. Kinsley wanted pizza for lunch so Poppa went to get her some.” Kinsley wiggles to get down and I let her go after a few more wet kisses on her cheeks. She giggles but quickly switches to pouting since no one’s playing tag with her anymore.
“Are you disappointed that you need to eat pizza and I didn’t cook?” She sits on the lounger while watching Kinsley on the swing.
“Not at all. I’m here to hang out and thank you guys for coming to the concert. And for being such good sports about my career choice.”
“You don’t need to thank us, rockstar. We’re so very proud of all you’ve accomplished and are more than happy to support you in any way we can. Rebel Riot is an amazing band and although I’m not into heavy metal, you’re all very talented men.”
“Aw shucks, Mom. You’re going to make me blush.” I’m the luckiest man alive to have such wonderful parents.
“You blush? That will never happen,” Dad announces as he steps outside of the house. Kinsley squeals when she sees the pizzas in his hands. I can’t resist teasing him right back. A zing for a zing.
“You know, Dad, they deliver pies in the twenty-first century. You don’t need to pick them up anymore.” Mom chuckles as she grabs Kinsley some cheesy goodness. She knows exactly what he’s going to say.
“No way I’m going to pay a delivery fee and then tip the driver when he gets an hourly wage.” Knew it.