Page 50 of Flawless Lyric
“A whiskey on the rocks will be fine.”
“Coming right up, handsome.” Yep, always looking for a big tip.
Spinning around, I lean my elbows on the bar and look around to see if I can find her. Just when I’m ready to reach for my phone, I see her walk in with Novalee and head for a table. Where a man who looks very familiar greets them. Jeff, her ex! When he gives her a hug and she reciprocates, I see fucking red. And when he kisses her cheek before letting her go, I want to kill him. That glimpse of a man in the elevator had to be him.
I’m livid and ready to break up the happy family reunion when I notice Novalee’s sly little smile. A smile? I’d have thought she’d be shocked or surprised to see me here. Apparently not.
I wonder what’s going on in that devious mind of hers.
“Here ya go, I’ll start a tab for you.” Throwing a twenty on the bar, I grab my drink.
“I won’t be staying long, thanks.” I knock it back in one gulp and then I stare at Novalee. She returns my stare.
She’s bold, I’ll give her that.
When Jeff starts talking to her, she doesn’t look so cocky anymore. Now I’m not sure if I want to stay for the show, join them, or go back to my room. Sure wish I could flip a coin. Heads I stay, tails I leave. I’ve already decided that joining them would be a big mistake. Clearly Lyric didn’t send me that text, and if she didn’t, who did?
Care to take a wild guess?
Could it be Novalee? Ding. Ding. Ding.
* * *
I’mat my wit’s end with Novalee, and I have a feeling that this intervention is too little too late. She had an attitude the moment she walked into my hotel room, and it blew up from there. Even more so when I told her I ran into her dad today and that we were having dinner with him tonight. Wasn’t that her game plan all along? Now I’m not so sure, but as far as I’m concerned it ends tonight. Whether we get to the bottom of this or not.
No more playing games.
“If this cry for help was a last-ditch effort to get your mother and me back together, it won’t work. We both understand you’re upset because your whole life has turned upside down, but so has ours. It’s not easy starting over, I get it, but it’s not the end of the world, Novalee. It might feel like it right now, but your mom and I will work together to make it a smooth transition for all of us. You have our word.”
I get the sinking feeling that dinner was a bad idea. If we’re going to have this talk, it should be in private.
“Jeff, maybe we should go back to my room where we can have more privacy.” I’m afraid Novalee is going to start crying any minute now.
“I agree. I’ll settle things here and I’ll meet you upstairs.” When I stand up, Novalee rushes past me. My heart breaks knowing she’s in this kind of pain and nothing we say or do is going to change it.
The elevator closes as I approach, and I wait a few minutes before hitting the button. Giving her the time, she needs to be alone with her thoughts.
When I enter the room, she’s sitting on the sofa, glaring at me. “Spit it out, Novalee. What’s on your mind?”
“I’d like to ask you a few questions, Mother.” Funny how she’s angry with me and all teary eyed with her dad. I’m beginning to think she’s the best unknown actress in Cali. “Who is Fast Hands?”
I stand there for a moment, completely stunned. The only way she would know about Micah’s nickname is if she’s been sneaking into my phone. And it had to be since I got here because I just changed it. Not only am I appalled but very pissed.
“Last time I checked, we respected each other’s privacy. I would never go through your phone for any reason without your permission. Now you need to earn back my trust, Novalee. If you wanted to know who I was dating, all you needed to do was ask.” When Jeff walks in, her face crumbles.
Are you fucking kidding me right now?
“Is everything okay in here?” Apparently, he’s just as delusional.
“I’m just now learning that our daughter is a chameleon. Her colors change depending on what parent is standing in the room. Not anymore. We are now going to speak like adults, Novalee. You might not like what you’re about to hear, but frankly, I don’t care anymore.”
“Lyric, anger is not the proper approach to handle this.”
Spinning around, I point at my ex.
“This is not okay, Jeff. She’s been playing both sides, pitting us against one another. I just found out she’s been going through my phone and reading my messages.” That gets his attention. As it should because if she’s doing it with me, she’s doing it with him. Time to password protect my phone.