Page 54 of Flawless Lyric
It’s beena few weeks since Lyric returned from Cali, and she still hasn’t mentioned what happened between her and Novalee. I’ve been biting my tongue, but I can’t do it for much longer. It’s been eating me alive that Novalee played all three of us and got away with it. I hate that I need to tell her at all, but she has every right to know what her daughter did. I’m certain that Novalee had to have deleted the messages she sent me. Won’t she be surprised when she finds out that they’re still on mine?
Since tonight’s my turn to cook—yes, we’ve been taking turns—I’m throwing some steaks on the grill. With a quick salad and baked potatoes in the air fryer. Simple yet delicious. Hey, I’m not just a rockstar, I can cook too. Not as well as my mom, but I know my way around the kitchen.
I’m preparing the salad when my phone vibrates. Wiping my hands, I swipe and notice it’s the band’s group chat. Did we have a meeting that I completely forgot about?
Zander:Melody’s in labor and she’s three weeks early. Heading to the hospital, will keep you posted.
Fuck. He’s freaking out and I would be too.
Jaxon:On my way. Take care of my baby sister and my niece.
Ace:We’ll be there asap.
Me:Leaving now.
I take a few minutes to throw everything in the fridge. I make sure the house is locked up and jump in my car. Before leaving, I shoot Lyric a quick text.
Fast Hands:Melody’s in labor. Heading to the hospital for moral support. Meet me there after work, Beauty.
I don’t bother waiting for her to respond, I pull out of the driveway and put the pedal to the metal. Does anyone really use that term anymore? Apparently, because I just did.
I try putting myself in Zander’s shoes but I can’t imagine how he’s feeling. Being Melody’s early, the baby could be a preemie. Right? I’m only repeating what I’ve heard my sister’s talking about in years past. Stuff like that usually goes in one ear and out the next since it doesn’t really affect me on a personal level. I’m not expecting a baby with a significant other, so I never really paid attention.
Why does that hit me in the feels all of a sudden? Is it because Zander’s going to experience that in just a few hours, and I’ll never know the euphoria of holding my baby in my arms? Nope. It can’t be that because I knew a long time ago I wasn’t having any children. In fact, I even mentioned that to Lyric when she opened up about her miscarriages. I’m just caught up in the excitement and it too shall pass.
Forty minutes later, I pull into the hospital parking lot. I notice Jaxon’s car is parked several spots over but not Zander’s or Ace’s. Maybe they went in through a different entrance. I have no idea where I’m going so I stop at the main desk.
“You look lost, are you looking for someone?” the receptionist says. Confusion must be written all over my face.
“A friend of mine called and his wife’s having a baby. Stone would be the name.”
“Okay, give me a minute.” She scrolls through the screen and when she frowns, I get a sinking feeling. “You can go up to the third floor and follow the signs. There’s a waiting room up there where you can stay until the big announcement.”
“Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.” I’ve just pressed the button for the elevator when Ace and Harmony bust through the front doors.
“Any news yet?” Ace looks so worried I have to chuckle.
“Too soon, bro. We could be here for hours.” Harmony and I just give each other a look when Ace groans.
“Yep, plan on settling in for the evening. Anyone bring a deck of cards?” I’m trying to lighten the mood as usual when Jaxon walks in.
“Hey, thanks for coming, you guys. Melody’s water broke and she’s already five centimeters dilated. From what Zander told me, she’s been in labor for around seven hours already.”
“How’s she feeling?” Harmony asks Jaxon.
“She’s in a lot of pain and is refusing an epidermal, but she’s a champ. Zander, not so much. He’s like a mother hen. Fussing over her like crazy and she wants no part of it.”
“Mel’s a tough cookie. She can handle Zander and the birth of a baby.” They all agree with me, and we hunker down for the long haul.
I reach into my pocket to grab my phone and that’s when I realize it’s not there. Fuck. I must have left it in my car after I texted Lyric. My windows are tinted but I don’t want to take the chance of it being stolen.
“I’ll be right back. I left my phone in the car.” They all wave me off like an annoying gnat since they’re all talking baby. It’s not my first rodeo since I have nieces and nephews. For all of them, this is a first.
After opening my car door, I reach inside to grab my phone. And almost bang my head when someone grabs my fucking ass.