Page 67 of Flawless Lyric
We all agree to meet up the same time tomorrow, and then we all go our separate ways. Ace goes back to Harmony and his little neck of the woods. Zander and Jax to the lake house to catch up with Melody and the baby. And I head home to my beauty. Curious to find out how her day went since she was still under the weather when I left this morning.
“I’m home, Beauty. How was your day?” I stop dead in my tracks when I see her lying on the sofa, her face as pale as a ghost.
In a few short strides, I’m kneeling on the floor with her face in my hands. “What’s wrong? Why didn’t you call me?”
“I’ve had a backache all weekend just like I did with Novalee. I thought it would pass but I think my water broke. It’s too soon, Micah. I’m scared I’m losing the baby.” Oh fuck. I can’t panic. She needs me more than ever right now.
“Did you call Doctor Taylor?” When she shakes her head, I know she’s in denial and so scared just like me.
Reaching for my phone in my back pocket, I hit speed dial. Yeah, I’m one of those newbie parents. Always prepared. When it lists all the damn prompts I want to fling my phone. Should I have dialed 911? Luckily someone picks up.
“I’m calling about Lyric Montgomery. She’s a patient of Doctor…”
“I know who she is, Micah. Is something wrong?”
“Her water broke, and she’s had back pain all weekend. Could she be in labor? She’s only seven months…”
“Bring her to the emergency room and I’ll have Doctor Taylor on standby. Is she in any pain?” Since I have the call on speakerphone, Lyric nods.
I place the phone near her ear so she can speak. “It feels like I’m in labor but it’s too soon, right? This can’t be happening…”
“Lyric, Micah’s going to take you to the ER, honey. Doc will give you an exam just to be sure, but don’t panic. We’ll see you soon.”
My heart plummets when I disconnect, and Lyric’s teary blue eyes hold mine. I just hope and pray I can keep it together for her sake.
“We got this, Beauty. Stay here while I grab your bag and then we’ll get the hell out of here. Let’s wait to see what Doc Taylor has to say.” She’s rubbing her belly, and I feel so useless and inadequate. There’s nothing I can do but be there for both of them while she goes through all of this pain.
After getting her in the car, there’s no doubt in my mind she’s in labor. She’s doing her breathing, and with my hand on her stomach, I can feel her contractions. I’m not prepared for this. Not this soon. This little one needs more time to fully develop, to get stronger and to be as healthy as he possibly can be. Fuck!!
“Almost there, Beauty. You’re doing great. I’m so damn proud of you.”
“I’m so scared, Micah. It’s too soon but I feel like I want to push.” No, no, no!
“You know the drill. It’s not your first rodeo. No pushing until you’re ten centimeters. Remember?” Now I’m wondering if her water broke a long time ago and she’s just telling me now.
“We’re here, Beauty. I’m grabbing a chair and I’ll be right back.” She grabs my arms so tightly I swear she stops the circulation.
“Don’t leave me!” I’m relieved when two nurses barge through the double doors with a chair and Doctor Taylor in tow.
“Missed me already, Ms. Montgomery?” She starts sobbing when Doc feels her stomach. “It looks like this one can’t wait to meet their parents. Let’s get you inside.” When his eyes meet mine over the hood of the car, I freeze.
He doesn’t look hopeful.
They rush to get her inside while I move my car. I hate leaving her for a fucking second, but they warned me I couldn’t park here. Now I’m running inside, not knowing where they took her. Panic starts to set in as my phone vibrates in my pocket.
When a woman points in the opposite direction, I run that way. Dodging everyone in my way. Waiting for someone to reprimand me for running in the hallway.
I’m coming undone when I grab my phone and answer the call.
“Hi, sweetie. I was wondering how Lyric was doing since she called out this morning?” The minute I hear Mom’s voice, I lose it.
In a sterile hallway while I’m trying desperately to find my girl.
Somehow I manage in between sobs, “She’s in labor…”
* * *