Page 15 of Flawless Aria
“It’s a possibility but highly unlikely. Exes usually come up in a conversation at some point. Although Stephanie and I weren’t very vocal about our relationship. Her wishes since she didn’t want to be in the public eye. There might be a few pictures of us floating around the net but nothing recent. We’re so busy worrying about the other shoe dropping… but maybe nothing will happen. Maybe she’s so happy with the shiny new man that she won’t retaliate. Or she’s waiting for the right moment. Like a holiday, or our wedding.”
“There’s not going to be a wedding, Jax. Do I need to remind you that this is fake? Fake engagement. Fake relationship. Everything is fake.” I’m seriously losing my mind, and I just unintentionally hurt him. It’s written all over his face. “Sorry, it sounded harsh and that wasn’t my intention.”
“No, you’re right. Everything’s fake and we’re just playing dress up. Make sure to inform me when it’s all over in case I miss the memo. Dinner’s almost ready.” With that he abruptly stands up and walks into the kitchen. Open mouth, insert foot.
Touching him is dangerous since I get caught up in the feels when I do, but I can’t leave it like this.
He’s stirring something on the stove when I walk in, so I saunter up behind him and wrap my arms around him. Resting my cheek against his back. He smells like soap, citrus, and sandalwood. It’s so familiar that memories from the past come flooding back. I’ve known this man forever. He’s ingrained into my life. For better or worse, whether we’re married or not.
“I’m so sorry, Jax. You’ve been so patient and understanding and I’ve been so nasty that I don’t recognize myself anymore. In case I haven’t mentioned it lately, I appreciate all that you’ve done for me.”
After taking the pan off the burner, he turns around and wraps his arms around me. “Maybe I don’t know what’s real and what’s fake anymore, poppet. What if I’m not playing a part? What if I was with the wrong sister all these years?” He can’t be serious.
“I’m not a child anymore. I’m all grown up. And I can’t have a normal conversation with the only man who’s been in my life almost as long as my dad.” Not sure why that makes me so emotional. “We’re both confused and trying to navigate right from wrong. Lines are blurred. Maybe we need to take a step back.”
“If this still feels wrong to you baby, then I don’t want to be right. Ever again.” When he licks his lips, electricity runs through my veins. My nerve endings spark to life and I’m desperate for him to touch me. He feels it too. Whether right or wrong, it’s up to us to decide.
“Dinner’s getting cold,” I mumble with a heavy heart. This is the step back that I just mentioned. It would have been so easy to take it to the next level. I’m determined to be the voice of reason, even if my body calls to his.
“Coming right up.” It’s sad how easily we can both switch gears. Turn off our feelings or set them aside for the greater good. Am I afraid? Absolutely, because in my heart of hearts, Jax could be clinging to me for a variety of reasons. One, he’s using me to make Stephanie jealous, so she’ll come back to him. Or he’s not ready to let go of the past life he’s been living for over fifteen years.
“Smells delicious. I’ll set the table.” We work in reflective silence. Both lost in our own thoughts. I can’t help wondering if he’s tired of the push and pull we got going on. I know I am. And I’m speechless when I sit at the table and realize he made chicken marsala. My absolute favorite.
“Tomorrow, we need to rip off the Band-Aid and talk to our parents. Once and for all. Do you want to call them or should I?” I can barely swallow my first bite at the thought of lying to all of them, but we’ve come this far, so we need to finish what we started.
We’ve decidedfor now to continue the façade and plan on talking to our parents today. Both of us are hoping that Stephanie won’t be around for this conversation, but no guarantees. We’ll also be requesting they tone down the wedding plans, using my touring schedule as an excuse. A damn good one I might add, since we’ve yet to find out how long the tour will be. After that, we can get back to something normal. Then in a few months we’ll break up and no one will be the wiser. We haven’t quite figured out all the details, but we have plenty of time.
Aria wanted to go straight to her parents after work, but I told her there’s strength in numbers. Come here first and we can go together. No sense in them ganging up on us one at a time in case one of us slips. The deception is killing me, and I’m sure it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. Hey, I’m the idiot who had a lapse in judgment, totally not seeing how this lie would snowball into epic-sized proportions. Do me a favor and remind me if I get another lame idea like this one.
The day just dragged on, but that’s what happens when you wait for the proverbial shoe to drop. Aria should be here any minute. I hope she’s not as nervous as I am. Tonight, we need to be sharp and focused. Otherwise, our families will see right through us. My only saving grace is if I can fool Melody, I might be able to pull this off too.
When I hear the car pull into the drive, I don’t wait for the knock. I’m waiting in the doorway when she slides out of the car. The look on her face scares me. She’s about to fall off the edge, just like me. This is not good. One of us needs to be on point.
“I didn’t accomplish a thing at work today, Jax. The cursor mocked me as I stared at the blank screen all damn day. My brain’s a jumbled mess and I can’t remember feeling this confused. Ever. No way we’re going to fool them unless you do all the talking.” And my worst fear has come to light. I’m on my own.
“Okay. It might be best since I’m the one who concocted this crazy idea in the first place. Do not leave my side for a second because you know how they love trying to pump us for information. That could be dangerous. If we stick together, we should be fine.”
“Since we’re going after work, Mom mentioned Dad’s cooking on the grill. I swear if I need to eat a bite, I’ll vomit. That’s how nervous I am.” And the hits keep on coming.
“Don’t you see? That works to our advantage. We chat, we eat, we drink, and repeat. Our mouths will be full, and we can mumble our way out of it. It’s brilliant.” When she slaps her hand over her mouth, I recoil. And then laughter bubbles up from deep inside and I’m smiling from ear to ear. We all know laughter is contagious, so I join her.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes,” she snorts through fits of laughter. Most would be offended but it’s a compliment coming from her. Zander, not so much. Sometimes he can be condescending, but I give it right back.
We’re both holding our stomachs and wiping our eyes by the time we come up for air. Neither of us can catch our breath, but it’s exactly what we needed to lighten things up. I know I did.
“Ah, that felt good, but I need to fix my makeup before we leave.” In a few hours, it will be all over. After that, there’s no turning back. The deception will be real. Then Aria and I need to step up our game so our relationship is believable. In every possible way.
As soon as she steps out of the bathroom, we realize this is it. “You look gorgeous. Are you ready?”
Gazing down at the ring that I placed on her finger, she nods. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get it over with.” Now that’s the spirit.
On the way to her parent’s house, I reach over and grab her hand. “What are you doing?” When she tries pulling away, I hold it tighter.
“Holding hands is something couples do when they’re in love. No time like the present to practice so it’s not uncomfortable once we get there.” She loosens her grip so it’s more natural. Instead of fighting me every step of the way.