Page 26 of Flawless Aria
What’s not to love about a hot sexy drummer who can cook like a God?
Excuse me for a moment, I can’t talk anymore with my mouth full.
March flewby and now we’re well into the month of April. Now I know why our engagement party was scheduled for April. It begins with April Fool’s Day. How appropriate since we’re still engaged and fooling our parents. Aria and I decided to keep the act going until I go on tour. Then the stress from being on the road and being apart will break us. Of course, we’ve avoided saying the word that begins with ‘L’ altogether. And I’m walking around with blue balls because the last time I had sex was with my fake fiancée. Nothing I can’t handle, but wish I could have lots of dirty sex with the woman I love. Just wish she felt the same.
Aria is getting dressed and doing what women do while I kill some time. I’m sure it’s frowned upon for the guests of honor to be late for their own party, but I’m not in any rush. Although the sooner we get this over with the better we will feel. It’s been weighing heavily on our minds ever since our moms picked out the date. Thankfully we’ve been able to reel them in about choosing the wedding date and destination.
When she opens the bedroom door, I’m mesmerized by the beautiful woman who steps out. It’s the same girl who disappeared hours ago, but now she appears confident and happy. Like she flipped a switch from sad to happy. No complaints from me because she’s absolutely radiant.
“Baby, you take my breath away. I can’t take my eyes off of you.” It’s the absolute truth. Other women pale in comparison to the vision standing before me.
“It’s amazing what a little makeup can do. You look very handsome yourself.” I’m wearing the same shirt and pants that I wore to the gala. But I paired it with a blazer to look more formal. Aria, on the other hand, is stunning in a sexy, dark-blue V-neck dress that hugs every curve.
“Has nothing to do with the makeup and everything to do with the woman who’s wearing the dress.” Absolute truth.
“Thank you, Jax. I’m ready when you are. It’s going to be a long night.” It will be, but as long as she’s standing beside me, we’ll be fine. More than fine.
Grabbing her hand, I pull her in close. The three little words are on the tip of my tongue, but now’s not the time. Perhaps when we come home, I’ll be able to finally admit that she holds my heart. That I don’t want her in my life, I need her in my life. And that I don’t like her, I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. I’d be lost without her.
“Your chariot awaits, milady.” Palming my face, she stands on her tiptoes and places a gentle kiss on my lips.
“Thank you, kind sir.” And, hand in hand, we walk out the door.
We drive to the venue in silence. It’s no longer necessary to play the part because we’ve been living it for months. Once we pull into the parking lot, I shut off the car and we just sit there. We’re in no rush to go inside. I read in a magazine that if you’re fashionably late, it makes your appearance more noteworthy. I like that idea, but when she grabs my hand, I know it’s now or never.
Knowing there are one hundred and thirty-something guests waiting for us to make our grand entrance is daunting. All waiting to congratulate us on our recent engagement. With the hope that they’ll be invited to the highly anticipated wedding of Aria Mitchell and Jaxon Carter. Soon to be announced if our parents have anything to say about it.
Squeezing her hand, I open my door and then walk around to open hers. Peering inside, I say, “We got this, Aria”
Then hand in hand we walk inside the venue. I can play to a sold-out crowd and never have an ounce of nervousness. Now, I’m petrified.
Applause rains out as we walk down the stairs. Then we’re swarmed by family and friends. Congratulations abound, and, as expected, questions about the wedding date are on everyone’s mind. I’m doing rather well until I catch a glimpse of Stephanie walking by. Heading straight for Aria. If I’m not mistaken, this might be the first time they’ve spoken to one another.
I’m being whisked away to the bar since Jim and my uncles insist on buying me a drink. Unfortunately, I lose the girls in the crowd and I’m worried that I can’t find them. Someone slaps me on the back, and the next thing I know I’m holding a whiskey glass in my hand.
“Aunt Frieda showed me a few pictures on the social media thingy when you were down on one knee. Tell us all about it, young man.” As I scan the room for my fiancée, I give my uncles a recap of what went down that night. The whiskey keeps flowing and laughter fills the air.
When I spot Mom walking by, I excuse myself. “Mom, have you seen Aria?”
“Can’t let her out of your sight for a second, can you, son? She’s talking to her mom right now. We’ll be eating soon, so why don’t you go get her?” A pat on my cheek and she’s off. Mom’s always been a social butterfly, and she’s def in her element. Loves to entertain. Guess I take after my mom.
I’m relieved as I cross the room and spot Aria talking with a few women. One of them happens to be Macy. Not sure if she’s a big fan of mine anymore. Or if she ever was to begin with.
Wrapping my arms around Aria, I hold her tight. Macy smiles and it looks genuine enough. When Aria places her hands over mine, Macy winks in her direction. I guess she’s team Jaxon. I’ll take all the help I can get at this point, because tonight’s the night.
“Can I have everyone’s attention please?” Mom announces. “Dinner is now being served so please take your seats.” No buffet for my mom. Nope. Most likely it’s a five-course meal that put a dent in her bank account. I hope I have enough zeros in my checkbook to pay her back. Unless my girl accepts the fact that I’m never letting her go.
You can take that to the bank.
I’m notsure if Jax noticed that Stephanie’s here tonight. Maybe he doesn’t care one way or the other. It was an awkward reunion, but we kept it civil. For now. But if she sits at our table, I’ve no idea how that will go over.