Page 39 of Flawless Aria
“Hurry, the bowl’s slipping and I’m going to…”
“Got it. You should have called, I would have helped you carry everything inside.” I don’t joke about forgetting something at home or I just might get a black eye. It’s a touchy subject.
“I tried but the line was busy, and I didn’t bother leaving a message. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have tried to carry so much at one time.”
After we put everything where it belongs, I wrap her in my arms. Giving her a great big hug, and she instantly relaxes in my arms. I don’t dare ask her if she’s ready to do this since she’s been so nervous lately.
“Want a glass of wine or is it too early?”
Mumbling into my chest she states, “Too early, but as soon as the food starts, I’m grabbing a bottle. Screw the glass.” God, I love this girl. So damn much. How the fuck am I going to survive without her when I’m on tour?
Tipping her chin up with my fingertips, I brush my lips across hers. Knowing the love shining in her eyes has everything to do with me is like playing to a sold-out crowd. It’s euphoric.
“I love you so much baby, it hurts. Together we can conquer the world but today we just need to worry about our parents.” With a whimper, she holds me tighter. If that’s at all possible. “Aria, do you trust me?”
“Of course I do. Always. It’s myself that I don’t trust. I’m afraid I’ll throw in the towel if they’re hurt about our plans.” Understandable, because I feel the same way.
“I’ll tell you what. If we let them know what we want and they kick it to the curb immediately, we’ll do it their way. Then somewhere down the road, we’ll do it our way without the family. Just our friends. Sound good?” Ah, look at that smile.
“You would do that for me?” Is she kidding?
“Poppet, I would do anything and everything for you. Legal and illegal. Just don’t tell too many people about the last part.”
“You’re the love of my life, Jax. How will I survive without you while you’re on the road?” See, great minds think alike.
“Simple. Come with me. Listen, don’t shake your head. Just listen. Please. I’ll let you pick and choose the leg of the tour you want. How long you want to stay and how many times you want to pop in. When we’re on hiatus, I’ll come home to you. No need to give me an answer now. Think about it. Okay?”
“Okay, I will. Promise. Just not sure how jealous I’d be watching all the girls screaming and grabbing at my man. I might smack a bitch.” I snort-laugh, because my girl very seldom swears. Apparently, though, she’s very territorial. I like.
This time when I dive in, I hold her jaw and devour her mouth. Capturing every breath, every moan, and drinking down her very essence. Our heartbeats sync as one. I’m ready to throw her over my shoulder and carry her upstairs when the crunch of someone stepping on gravel gets our attention.
Breaking apart like a bunch of horny teenagers, I say, “They’re here.”
From an outsider’spoint of view, we’d look like one big happy family. Cooking out on the grill, eating great food, and spending quality time with our families. They’d be right, but Jax and I have been on edge since they walked in the door. We have too many things running through our minds. Between the wedding plans, his tour, and the fact that Stephanie just got a new job as a columnist atBeautify. Can you believe it? I’m ready to explode. Mom’s thrilled about her new promotion and hasn’t stopped talking about it. Jax looks so uncomfortable, and no matter who tries to change the subject, it always comes back to Stephanie.
I want to scream, “Mom she’s sleeping with the damn boss. That’s how she got the damn job,” but not the time and place.
I can’t take it for one more minute. “Let’s have dessert.” Jax snickers and my face suddenly turns a pretty shade of crimson.
“Sweetie, we’re all stuffed. Let’s wait. Where was I, Oh, yes. Stephanie?—”
I quickly interrupt. “Jax and I decided to switch up our wedding plans since he’s going on tour next month. Wait, I’ll go grab the itinerary I drafted up.”
“Why would you want to change it up, Aria? We planned the perfect wedding for the both of you. It’s ungrateful…”
“Emma, let’s hear them out. After all, it is their wedding. They should have a say.”
I could kiss Trish right now for sticking up for us. I can’t help but notice that my fiancé is scrubbing his hands over his face. Bad timing? Maybe, but if I heard her brag about Stephanie one more time, I would have screamed.
“Here, check this out. It’s not a traditional wedding by any means, but it’s what we want.” I hand everyone our schedule and they go silent. Jax is shaking his head, and I mouth, “Help me.”
“Just think destination wedding combined with a rockin’ good time. We appreciate all that you’ve done for us, but we don’t want to wait for two years to get married. And we don’t want to rush it either. This is the best-case scenario. All we ask is that you keep an open mind.” Standing, he strides over to where I’m standing and grabs me around the waist. Solidarity. I like it.
“I think it’s brilliant,” Jim pipes in.
Trish smiles through her sadness when she looks at her son. “It’s as far as traditional can get, but it’s so you, Jax. I’m all in if it’s the kind of wedding your beautiful fiancée wants.” I can’t help it. I just can’t. I start balling and she slowly walks over and gives us both a hug.