Page 44 of Flawless Aria
My career has always been my number one priority, but now I’m engaged to the man I love. Maybe it’s time to get my priorities straight. Could I still work while out on the road with him? Am I just being selfish when he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make this relationship work?
I gaveit my best shot. I even begged and she didn’t budge. Am I hurt? Abso-fucking-lutely. Do I forgive her? Always. There’s still the chance that she’ll change her mind when I give her the good news. I just need to calm the fuck down so I don’t ruin the whole night I had planned.
Aria sets the table while I fill the serving bowls like we do every night. It’s our typical routine, but normally we talk about our day. Tonight, we work in tandem silence. It’s my fault. The plan was to start with the surprise, have a nice dinner, and then beg her to come with me. If she had agreed, then I would have been able to get my cake and eat her too. Bad pun, I know, but damn that girl just sets my blood on fire.
We both dig in and now it’s starting to feel awkward. I fucking hate it. So I decide to throw out a few hints about her surprise.
“I thought for sure you’d ask me if anyone called the minute you walked in today.” I take a bite of chicken after throwing it out there.
“Did anyone call? The chicken is delicious, by the way.” What was supposed to be a happy, laid-back dinner is now formal and strained.
“I called Roman a few times, but he didn’t have any good news.” She deflates right before my very eyes. I know it’s cruel, but it’s a surprise so I need the buildup.
“That sucks. I was hoping for some good news for a change.”
“Yeah. I was pissed too, so I ended up taking out all my frustrations on my treadmill. I ran for ten miles at breakneck speed.” No lie. My legs are fucking killing me.
“You’re going to pay dearly for that frustration tomorrow morning. I hate that I’ll have to go to plan B if we don’t get any takers soon.”
“I know, baby. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that because we don’t want a traditional wedding. A promise is a promise.” Only I know there won’t be a plan B. How long should I continue before giving her the good news?
“I don’t care where and when we get married anymore, Jax. And I sure as hell don’t want to wait for eighteen months, either. So let’s get married when you come home in September. Even if we need to elope.” Now we’re on the same page.
“Sounds good to me. Oh, I almost forgot. Roman left me a message when I was in the shower. I wrote it down… Now where did I put that damn paper?” The message is still on my phone, but I took the time to pencil in the venue on one of the sample wedding invitations she printed out.
It’s all about the presentation, baby.
Of course I’m going to drag this out for as long as I can. “What’s the paper look like? I can help you try to find it.”
“I’ll find it, baby. You worked hard today. Enjoy your dinner.” I know exactly where it is. The suspense is killing me, and I already know what it is. I owe Roman big time since he fought so damn hard for this venue. And it’s perfect.
Scratching my head, I walk into the living room. I grab the invitation and muster every ounce of willpower I have remaining not to smile or jump for joy. Spoiling the whole surprise.
“Found it,” I say as I set it down on the side of her plate. Then I calmly sit back down and take a bite of cold chicken.
Frowning, she picks it up and checks the back of the invitation briefly. For some reason, she doesn’t notice that I filled in the blank space. “Jax, I don’t see a message…”
When that deer in the headlight’s expression washes over her, I know she’s read it. Still hasn’t registered quite yet, though, so I wait. Chewing my food but not really tasting a damn thing. Her eyes slowly lift to mine, and I can’t hold back my smile anymore. She looks so happy and so am I.
I can’t wait for Aria Mitchell to be my wife.
“Jax, is this for real? We’re getting married in Manhattan in September?”
“Now’s your chance to change your mind…” In my next breath, she’s straddling my lap. Peppering my face with sweet kisses before her warm lips crash into mine. Tears of joy cascade down her face and touch our lips. Our tongues revel in ecstasy.
“Never. Until death do us part.” You bet, baby. I’m all in.
Diving back in, I whisper, “Hope you’ve had your fill of the chicken because I do believe it’s time for dessert.” She yelps when my hands slide under her ass, lifting her up. Wrapping her legs around my waist, I carry her upstairs. “Close your eyes, baby.”
When she shuts them tight, I set her down on the edge of the bed. Then I get busy setting the mood. By lighting the candles I set up earlier, I turn on the fairy lights, check the champagne, and turn on our playlist. She’ll see the rest when I let her open her eyes.
“Keep them closed while I strip you bare.” Pressing on her sternum with the palm of my hand, she lies flat. Then I unzip her pants and tug them over her hips. I remove her sandals and toss them on the floor, then grab her foot. Starting at her inner ankle, I work my way up her inner thigh. Kissing, licking, and nipping until I hit her core. I watch her shudder as I blow on the thin layer of cloth covering her pussy. The strip of cloth is already wet from her arousal.
“Jax, I need you.” Covering her mouth with my hand, I nudge her opening with my nose. Her back arches as she screams in the palm of my hand.