Page 50 of Flawless Aria
Sorry, I went off on a tangent. Just want you to know that all of us guys would give you the shirt off our backs. We just love busting on everyone and they give it right back. It’s how we pass the time. Other than music, that is.
Roman greets us at the back door so he can introduce us to the venue manager. “Carl, I’d like you to meet the guys from Rebel Riot. Zander, Jax, Micah, and Ace—this is Carl.”
“It’s great to finally meet the best heavy metal band in the industry. I’d like to thank all of you for choosing Worcester Arena. We’re glad you’re here.” Is it me, or did he just read that from a cue card? He should be thanking Caleb and Roman, not us.
“It’s great to be here. Thanks for having us.” Fucking Zander. He should be a politician.
“Of course. Of course. Follow me and I’ll show you the dressing room. Then we’ll head over to your sound check since it’s minutes away. It’s not huge, but I’m sure you’ll find it suitable for your needs.” Please, he’ll need some lip balm after this from all the ass kissing.
We all go inside and it’s big enough for all of us. It’s only one night, so no worries. Normally, we’re not in here any longer than a few hours, max. By the time we dress and get our makeup done, we’re ready to rock and roll.
“Thanks, Carl. This will work out fine. If you could show the way to sound check that would be great.” Roman knows we would like to get there a little sooner.
“Absolutely. Follow me.” Carl leads the way through the dark halls and we’re there before we know it. “All your equipment is set up. Feel free to practice until Drew gets here. I’ll see you all later, I have an appointment.”
I sit behind my kit, and Ace and Zander strap on their guitars. Micah hits the keys, and we all make sure our instruments are tuned. Sometimes all the jostling in the trucks can knock them out of whack.
We have time to play a few songs before Drew pops in. “Starting without me, I see. How’s it sounding, fellas?”
“Good, actually. This sound check might be a breeze.” I’m hoping. I’m sure Aria’s working, but maybe I can sneak in a call before tonight.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Start playing so we can get the hell out of here.”
Twenty-five minutes later, it’s a wrap. It might be our fastest sound check to date.
All of us head back to the bus since we have a food delivery coming. We don’t like eating too close to the concert but need something to get us through the show. Before going inside the bus, I try giving Aria a call.
Wouldn’t you know, it goes straight to her voicemail. That sucks but I can always try it after I eat. She might have shut her phone off if she was on a deadline for her article.
Today,I’m driving over to Melody’s beautiful lake house. I called her earlier and she thought it was a great idea, so I’m meeting the girls over there now. I understand it’s just easier for her and Lyric since everything is already babyproofed. And I don’t mind where we meet as long as we get together. I’m so excited just to be together with them.
It’s going to be a casual get together with just coffee, tea, and lemonade. Too early to drink but she promised we’d do an evening get together with wine and the works. Most likely I’ll be sleeping there that night. You know how I get a bit tipsy when I drink.
As I pull into the driveway, I have a breathtaking view of the lake. It’s such a gorgeous place. Apparently it belonged to Zander’s mom and dad but he inherited it. Sad circumstances, but I’m sure there are tons of happy memories here, too.
“Hey, Aria. Come on in. Harmony’s going to be late since she had a shoot today.” She’s an amazing band photographer and sometimes goes on tour with them. Bet she’s bummed she didn’t go with Ace on this one.
“Hey, Melody. When I called today, I had no idea we’d be getting together the same day. Hey, Lyric, nice to see you.”
“Hi, Aria, come sit down. We want to hear all about the wedding plans.” Lyric’s holding little Gunnar and he’s the sweetest baby. He looks just like his daddy, but I never tell the mothers that. From what I’ve heard, they want the baby to look like the both of them.
“He’s so cute and getting so big. Where’s Hadley?” Melody lights up at the mention of her daughter’s name.
“She’s napping. Thank goodness. Hadley is starting to notice when Zander’s not here and she’s not liking it at all. Neither do I, but she’s a daddy’s girl and she’s so young, she doesn’t understand. Can I get you something to drink?”
“No thanks, I’m good. Maybe later.” Once the niceties are out of the way, I’m afraid it’s going to get awkward.
“Okay, Aria. Since it’s just us girls here today, tell us how you’re holding up now that Jax is gone. This is your first rodeo and the toughest one of the bunch.” It’s as if Lyric just read my mind.
“In truth, I’m a basket case. I had no idea it would be this hard. Especially since we’ve only been together for six months. I’m in awe of you girls and how well you’re handling it.” They get really quiet, and I’m scared I’ve said something to offend them.
“We don’t handle it, Aria. We never did. Being on the road myself is the hardest thing for both of us. But now that I have Hadley, I can’t even think about it. Zander and I have talked incessantly about it and we decided to go on tour with each other. I’ll be joining him on the next leg, and we’ll see how Hadley does. If it goes well, then I’ll go again.”
“Same here,” Lyric reveals. “Being that Gunnar is so small, we don’t want him catching anything. I might sit it out. In truth, I haven’t decided yet. One minute I’m going, the next I’m not.”
“Hey, everyone. Did I miss anything?” Harmony calls from the doorway.