Page 56 of Flawless Aria
Now, we’re just hanging out since sound checks in about thirty minutes. Well, with the exception of the girls since they’re having a late lunch with Macy who just flew in a few hours ago. No doubt all excited about our upcoming nuptials.
We just found out today that Harmony’s going to be our photographer for the duration of the tour. Ace is over the moon, and I’m personally excited for her to be back on tour with all of us. She’s an amazing artist, paying special attention to lighting and what makes us look our best. Which is a good thing because none of us is getting any younger.
“Only two more sound checks to go guys,” I announce. “Let’s do it so we can chill before the concert. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m so ready for this.” All the guys agree before Drew walks in.
“If we get this wrapped up in less than the time it took you guys yesterday, lunch is on me.”
Micah gives him an elbow as he walks by. “Lunch is free you asshole, but thanks for all the love.”
“Hey, can’t hurt a guy for trying,” Drew elbows him back. This could go on for days if I let it continue.
“Knock it off, you two. Let’s get down to business since we can get it over with. Drew’s buying us a few beers, least he can do after we put up with his shit for three months already.” He knows better than to mess with me.
After the guys strap on their guitars and Micah’s at the keys, I sit behind my kit and we get started. Drew’s busy making a few adjustments. When he gives us a thumbs up, we play a few songs from start to finish, while he checks the front of the house speakers as well as the rear-facing speakers. Every venue’s sound system is different, and Drew knows all the little tricks of the trade so we have the best possible sound. As long as they’re set to the proper frequencies and volume, we’re good to go. We don’t beat yesterday’s sound check by a few minutes, but he buys us a few beers anyway.
After grabbing some lunch, we just kick back and relax for a few. It’s going to be a long night, and I already feel it in my bones. Most nights, Aria and I cram into that tiny little space of a bunk and, believe me, it’s not made for two, let alone a guy who’s six-one. When it’s just me sleeping in there, it’s doable. Thank God on the next leg of the tour we get to sleep in a hotel. We’re taking Caleb’s jet to get from one place to the other. The bus just wasn’t designed for eight adults and two babies.
We have a few hours to kill before makeup. In truth, I’m tired of hanging out with a bunch of musicians. I was hoping Aria would be here by now to keep me company. I’m in desperate need of a woman’s touch. We’ve snuck around for a few quickies here and there but I long to make love to her for the whole night. Then have tons of morning sex that turns into dawn-to-dusk sex. The only thing getting me through is knowing that I’ll get just that after the wedding tomorrow. I can’t wait.
I tried bribing Brian to let us stay in a hotel room so we could be alone, and he flat out refused since he can’t be in two places at once. The fuck. He has a ton of security guys and I’m sure he could have spared one so we could have a little time alone, but no.
Maybe I should hire my very own private bodyguard so he can stand outside my door. Too bad I didn’t think of it sooner.
When Aria walks in with Melody in tow, I jump up so fast I scare the hell out of Ace.
“Baby, I missed you so much. How was dessert with the girls?” She snuggles into my chest and suddenly everything’s just as it should be.
Everyone wasoblivious except me when Jax mentioned dessert instead of lunch. It’s his subtle way of telling me he wants to have sex before the concert. Not sure how that’s possible since Zander just left so he and Mel could have some alone time. Well, technically, Hadley’s there but if they get her down for a nap, the chances are good. I’ve never been so sexually frustrated in my life since we’ve only had sex a handful of times so far on the tour. Unless you want me to count oral and some five-finger action? Well, if that counts then it’s been every night.
I digress. The more I talk about sex, the more I want it, need it. I’m desperate to come for him. I’m not sure if it’s because of all the testosterone that’s flying around, or if it has something to do with watching Jax perform every night, but good God, I want sex. Sorry I already told you that. I’m being redundant, I know.
I’m rambling and that’s what I usually do when I’m nervous. But I’m getting married tomorrow! My fake relationship turned out to be real and I’m so happily in love with this man. I had no idea the first time I met him all those many years ago that someday he’d become my husband. How could I? I was so damn young. As I got older, the thought did cross my mind, many times. Like a lot. Okay, I’ll shut up now since I’m on a tangent and most likely I’m not making any sense at all. Oh, and all this time he’s patiently waiting for an answer.
“Lunch was great and everyone’s excited about tomorrow. So am I, but I’m also looking forward to cocktails and dessert after the wedding.” With a groan, he leans in to kiss my neck, my cheeks, and the tip of my nose.
“You and me both, baby. We might only have a few days for our honeymoon, but we’ll have a lifetime of beautiful nights together. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Aria. And I promise that every day is going to be just as crazy as our unconventional wedding day.”
“Sounds like some kind of a dream, but I know in my heart, it’s the real deal. Since you are the other half of my soul. I love you, Jax. You’re my forever.”
“Hate to break up the party, boys, but time for makeup,” Drew says. “Those girls need to work their magic so you’re all pretty for your fabulous fans tonight.” He bats his eyes for emphasis and we can’t help but laugh.
He’s in a good mood for a change and it might have something to do with the fact that he has the same time off as the guys. Everyone but the crew, from what Jax told me. They still need to work since all their equipment needs to be sent overseas for their next gig. The road crew never gets their due diligence, and they bust their asses on the daily.
While they’re in makeup, I decide to go hang out on the bus with Melody and Hadley. She’s the sweetest little girl ever. Oh, and all of us just celebrated her first birthday! Her grandparents will be spending some time with her after our wedding. Not that she’ll remember, but she’ll have two birthday parties for her first. Lucky girl.
When I step inside the bus, I feel like I’m intruding. Melody’s sitting at the table, bawling her eyes out, and Hadley’s nowhere to be seen. She must be napping.
I suddenly get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Do I stay or give her some time alone? I decide to stay because maybe she needs a friend. If not, I’ll give her some space.
“I don’t want to intrude but you’re breaking my heart, Mel. What’s wrong?” She’s desperately trying to wipe away her tears but failing miserably. Sliding in next to her, I say, “Is it Hadley?”
“No, no she’s f-fine. I…” and the waterworks start again. Is it Zander? Their marriage? Oh god, Jax would kill Zander if he’s the reason she’s brokenhearted. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, trying to comfort her. Nothing’s working.
“I swear you can talk to me, and it won’t go any further than this room, bus, or whatever.” Now she’s laughing and crying at the same time. She’s so emotional.
“My test came back positive, and I don’t know how to t-tell Zander.” What test? Positive for what?