Page 8 of Flawless Aria
Unfortunately, by the time I got home, my steak was inedible. That kind of ticked me off more than Stephanie’s visit since I was so looking forward to it. So I’m treating myself to a steak dinner tonight at Sizzleworks. Best damn hunk of steak on the planet. Some people hate dining alone, but I rather like it. I can people watch while wearing my rockstar disguise and enjoy a quiet meal. And I don’t need to do dishes afterwards, for the win. It’s only three on a Sunday afternoon so I’m hoping it won’t be so busy if I leave now. My mouth’s watering just thinking about sinking my teeth into the juicy meat.
I hit play on my favorite playlist as I pull onto the highway. It’s a mix of all my favorite bands with some Rebel Riot and The Sinful Seven thrown in. Those guys are killing it on the Billboard charts. Morris Music signed them after they won a battle of the bands, hosted by Caleb Morris. That man has the Midas touch when it comes to bands. Hey, he signed us, didn’t he?
The second I pull into the parking lot, the aroma of steak titillates my senses. Can you tell I’m a carnivore at heart? I like the occasional salad, and I eat vegetables, but I’m all about meat and potatoes. Comfort food. I almost forgot. I love whoopie pies made by a certain someone too. But you already knew that.
Pulling down my cap and wearing my sunglasses, I stroll into the restaurant and stop at the reception booth. A perky little girl with a fake smile greets me. “Good afternoon, party of one?”
“Absolutely. I’d like a corner booth if possible.” That gets her attention, and she scrutinizes me from head to toe. Trying to figure out if I’m a perv or if I’m an actor or something. She doesn’t appear to be a heavy metal fan. Country, maybe.
“Of course. Follow me.”
I keep a short distance between us and my eyes cast down, but a scent so familiar catches my attention. I glance in that direction and my heart stops. Aria is snuggled in the corner of a booth, and it looks like she’s crying. I point in that direction, and whisper, “I’ll sit there.” She nods and leaves us both alone.
When I slide into the booth, her teary gaze lifts to mine. “Jax…”
I’m not sure if she’s embarrassed that I’m here, or if something is really bothering her. I slide in next to her and wrap my arm around her. Her head hits my shoulder, and she hides her face. Something’s wrong and I need to get her out of here.
Opening my wallet, I drop a Franklin on the table. Using my arm, I guide her out of the booth. The hostess acknowledges us as we walk out the door. Once we get to the car, I unlock and open her door. Silently she slips inside and buries her face in her hands.
Fuck! If I find out who did this to her, they’re going to suffer.
Once I’m sitting inside, I give her a few minutes before I start questioning why she’s so distraught. It seems to work because not long after, her tears subside. Reaching over, I grab some napkins out of the glove box and set them on her lap. Peeking between her fingers, too damn cute, she grabs them.
“I feel like such a f-fool. Hate the fact you saw me blubbering with snot running down my face.” God, she’s breaking my heart.
“You could never be a fool, Aria. Good news. I didn’t notice any snot since your head was down. It’s the reason I gave you my napkins.” The slight curve of her lips sets me at ease. “I’d like to hear why you’re so sad. When you’re ready, of course.”
Several minutes tick by and then she turns to me with the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen. I know for a fact she’s not dating anyone, so it can’t be that the both of us got the boot.
“I was craving a strawberry salad and Sizzleworks makes the best, so I thought I’d treat myself for finishing my article. I was enjoying every bite when the waitress seated someone behind me. It turned out to be Maggie and Rex from the magazine. She was talking about how someone was so pathetic, they didn’t have a plus one for the Gala on Saturday. Then in the next breath she mentioned my name. Rex put in his two cents about me still being single and writing a column about love and relationships. Then they both had a good laugh on me. After that I lost my appetite, but I was too ashamed to get up and leave. Pathetic, huh?”
“Not pathetic. Brave. Why give them more fuel for the fire? Most women would have told them off and then have to face the consequences at work the next day. You were brave to hold back your words. Were those assholes still there when I sat down?”
“No, they only had a few drinks and some appetizers. They were there for around forty-five minutes. I didn’t lose my shit until right before you got there.”
“Well, no need to worry because I’m your plus one now. We can announce our engagement at the same time.”
“Either you’re joking,or you’ve completely lost your mind, Jaxon Carter.” That’s a look of determination so I’m pretty sure he’s dead serious.
“Maybe so, but listen to me. If we go together to this gala, no one will know that you’re my fake fiancée and we’re in a fake relationship. That will stop all their petty gossip, and they’ll move on to someone else and leave you alone. A few weeks later, you break up with me. Throw me under the bus, I don’t care. Trust me, it will work.”
“It’s a stupid idea, but it’s nice of you to want to help me. Maybe I should let my talent speak for itself and ignore them altogether. I’m sure if I had access to their personal files, I could find enough shit there to write about.” I’ve heard a few rumors through the grapevine, and they’d make you blush.
“I’ve no doubt they all have skeletons in their closet but that’s not going to solve your problem. Wouldn’t it be great to walk into work with a huge antique diamond ring on your finger? Oh, you could catch the sun’s rays and make it blind the fuckers.” The thought has me in stitches. He surely knows how to make me laugh.
I can’t believe I’m actually contemplating taking him up on his offer. What do I have to lose? “You really think we could pull it off?”
“Without a doubt. Let’s go back to my place, or yours, and we can discuss all the do’s and don’ts.” Spending another day with Jax doesn’t sound like too much of a hardship.
“You talked me into it. Let’s go to your place so you can try to convince me this is going to work. I’ll meet you there.” Before opening the door to leave, I say, “Thanks for letting me vent and get it all off my chest. See you in a few.”
I’ve always loved his place since it’s an open concept and so airy and light. Who knew when I woke up this morning that I’d be spending another day with Jax. I’m not complaining. We haven’t spent any quality time together since…I can’t remember the last time, since he’s been touring nonstop for a few years. I know it was Christmas but have no idea what year. That’s how long ago it was. Hopefully now we can make up for lost time until he hits the road again. That’d be nice.
I’m actually surprised that I beat him back to his place. No worries. I’ll take a walk around until he gets here. He could have stopped to pick up more wine or chip and dip. I’m down with that since I never had a chance to finish eating dinner. Damn Rex and Maggie. How will I ever face them again?
When I hear a car door slam, I walk around to the front. Jax is home and carrying a few bags. Knew it.