Page 75 of Misguided Vows
Her mouth opens, then closes before it reopens, and she speaks.
“We had one night together.”
“One night. Wow. And you what? Feel like you had some right to interruptus? Did he give you promises of a future I’m unaware of? Because if he did…” I step back. “Let me know, and I will gladly walk away.” When she remains silent, I know he didn’t. I couldn’t see him doing that anyway, so it’s just her who has false hope. I mean, I know how good in bed he is, but damn. Talk about cock whipped. Then again, aren’t I right now? “I’m not going to pretend I know Will all that well, but what I do know is he is very straight with what he wants and doesn’t want. Do you agree?”
“Yes,” she admits, and I know it was hard for her to say that.
“Okay, good. Now we have an understanding. I’m going to stand here, wait for my date to return after generously donating, then probably fuck him in the car on the way home. So unless you want to watch, is there anything else I can help you with?”
Her jaw hangs open, and she looks absolutely appalled, which is ironic considering the shit she was trying to stir only minutes ago.
“You weren’t like this in school,” she states.
“No, I guess I wasn’t. But I also cared too much what others thought of me back then.” I shrug. “Now I’m just in it for a good time. Which I know Will can give me.” Before she can say anything else, he returns, snaking his hand around my waist and not even paying Cheryl a lick of attention as he leans in.
“Ready?” he asks.
I nod and don’t look back at her as he guides me out of the function.
“Alina.” I turn as Steven approaches her, and not so much as gives me a second look. My hand is on Alina’s back as we head to the entrance to leave. I eye him, waiting for him to say something. He’s hated me since I fucked his sister. It was only once. It’s not my fault she got hooked. I did warn her it was a one-off. Imagine if I fucked her more than once. Hell, she’d probably be planning our fucking wedding.
That’s when Steven looks at me as if reading my mind. I can’t help but smirk.
“Did you need something? We were just leaving,” Alina says, glancing between us because the tension is palpable.
“Yes, I was hoping to grab your number before you leave. So we can catch up sometime.”
My jaw tightens but I don’t let it show.
I mean, what right do I have? She’s not mine. We made it very clear. The voice of reason doesn’t do much to control my possessive grip on her hip.
“Oh. Uhh…” She turns to me. I wait for a moment, not saying anything. That can be her decision. Something passes through her gaze, but I can’t read it. Does she want me to step in? Doesshe want something from me? “Do you mind?” she whispers. Does she want me to stop her?
Because I won’t. I don’t have a right.
“Not at all.” I nod, indicating she can do whatever she wants. I don’t hold her back, and I have made no promises. We’re just here for a good time. Or so I keep telling myself.
“Pass me your phone. I don’t live here though. I’m based in London. I’m just here visiting my mother.”
Steven smiles at that and hands her his phone, and I want to wipe the smug expression from the prick’s face.
Maybe I’ll hack his phone later and see what Steven has been up to lately.
Alina takes his phone, and the whole time, I’m drilling a hole into his head with my stare. I want to watch him squirm uncomfortably. Especially if it’s unreasonable for me to hit him. And I don’t even know why I want to hit him. She’s not mine.
He’s smiling, and his gaze flicks up to mine, not even watching as she puts her number in.
He thinks he won.
I lean in and kiss her bare shoulder, kissing my way up her neck to make a point. She doesn’t push me away, but I do notice as she fumbles with her own number before she hands the phone back to Steven.
Fuck you, Steven.
“I’ll be sure to call,” he says. She nods, and before she can say anything else, I’m dragging her out. She laughs when we get outside, and it’s like music to my ears.