Page 114 of Cruel Hearts
Cocky son of a bitch.
Now that he thinks Stella’s gone, Ash is relaxed, and I hate him more than I ever have.
The drinks flow freely—Ash orders a second bottle of champagne—and Nora has a crazy sense of humor for an attorney involved in such devastating work.
I’d like her if she wasn’t so willing to partner with Ash.
“How are you contributing to Ash’s foundation?” I ask as the server clears our dinner plates.
Nora pats a starched white napkin to her lips, and she leaves behind a smudge of red lipstick. “I’ll be the keynote speaker at the event.” Her fingertips dance discretely over the back of Ash’s hand. “It’s so important, but even today, talking about sex, much less talking about paying for it, is taboo and we shy away and pretend it’s not happening. Thousands of women are sold into prostitution every year, and people need reminders those women are mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters. We can’t turn a blind eye simply because it’s an uncomfortable subject. Dismantling those organizations is our primary goal, but it’s only the beginning. Women who are victims need a place to live or resources to help them reunite with their families. Education. Therapy. In some cases, drug rehabilitation. All that requires funding, and Ash’s foundation will make that happen.” She sips her champagne.
Nathalie’s fingers dig into my knee and I press a kiss to her temple to steady her.
I would imagine the men who pay for the privilege to abuse women don’t like to talk about it, preferring to keep that bit of unsavory business to themselves. “That does sound like a noble cause,” I agree. “How are your other foundations doing? Did Stella’s idea to create an organization that would supportfoster children ever come to fruition?” I lost sight of that after she disappeared. She and Mina Forrester were going to work together, but I hadn’t followed what came later.
The server sets dessert plates in front of us and hurries away.
“Our foundations are doing quite well, thank you for asking. We’ve been fielding inquiries regarding surrogacy and medical treatments such as IVF. We’re looking to develop into those areas after the new year.”
He speaks proudly, but I have difficulty believing his sincerity. I can’t reconcile the man who runs an escort service and sold my sister with the type of man who would care about helping couples become parents.
Of course, he doesn’t think running his escort service is wrong. He doesn’t think the way he treats women like Nathalie is wrong. He sees it as giving them a roof over their heads, food in the fridge, nice clothes to wear...and a job. As for Zarah, I may never know why he hates us so much he would do that to her.
Picking up his dessert fork, he continues, “Mina wasn’t interested and she dropped the organization. That was supposed to be Stella’s passion. Mina took one of her husband’s friend’s new wives under her wing.” He turns to Nathalie. “As Zane’s fiancée, you’ll be expected to do charity work. Lark was very involved and chaired several committees. Do you have any ideas of the kind of volunteer work you’d like to do?”
Nora nibbles small bites of her cake and watches, her gaze darting between Ash and me. There’s an undercurrent of tension, and I wonder if she feels it.
“I would love to be involved in the human rights work you and Nora are doing. It’s a sad world we live in if a woman can’t earn a living wage except on her back. It would be lovely if there were human services programs that offered assistance so they don’t have to resort to something like that. Resources shouldstart at the governmental level, don’t you think? Rather than private funding, I mean.”
I’m glad I wasn’t eating or drinking anything or it would have ended up all over the table. I don’t think the kind of support Mayor Huxley’s been giving her is what she has in mind.
Ash’s lips twitch. “Then you and Nora should trade contact information. Perhaps she can pass along your thoughts to her father.”
Nodding enthusiastically, Nora says, “Dad loves to talk about that kind of thing. He’ll be attending the fundraiser, and I’ll introduce you.”
Our conversation melts into lighter topics and the rest of the evening passes pleasantly, though the tension doesn’t completely dissipate.
The clock is inching toward eleven o’clock, and annoyed and missing Stella, I’m ready to go. I’m about to open my mouth and say so, but Nathalie interrupts. “Please excuse me. I need to freshen up.”
Reluctantly, I stand, and so does Ash.
“I’ll go with you,” Nora says, tugging on her purse strap and sliding out of the banquette.
Ash waits until they’re out of earshot and then asks, “What the fuck happened to you?”
Gingerly, I prod at the scabs crusted on my cheek. They still burn like fucking mad, and I never did find any antibiotic cream. I hope they’re not infected. As it is, they’ll need weeks to heal. “Nothing. A pissed off—” hurt and grieving— “female. She got in a good swipe.”
He huffs a laugh. “I hope she looks worse than you.”
“Maybe I deserved it.” I know I did. I deserve so much more.
“That’s what you get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel,” he says, sipping the dregs of his champagne. “LikeNathalie. Still don’t know what you see in her. She’s gorgeous, but have a little class.”
I’m grateful for the change in subject, such as it is. “You don’t find it distasteful you’re working with Nora and playing matchmaker at the same time?”
Ash sniffs. “I’m not sure what you mean. What, exactly, has Nathalie implied?”
“Nothing. You told me she worked at Ladies and Gentleman, and I’m not stupid. I know what goes on in the back rooms of strip joints like yours.”