Page 46 of Cruel Dreams
Stella hesitates, and Nat says, “It’s okay. She’s just being careful. You know what Ash will do to her if he finds out she’s a snitch.”
They step into the dark, Mel and I hear the door close, and then, nothing.
Nat’s and Stella’s feeds cut to nothing.
Mel mutters, “Fuck.”
A moment later, my cell phone chimes, and I jolt. “Nat, what’s going on?”
“We’re okay,” she says. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Are you sure? Mel’s upset. What happened to your feed?”
“Yes, we’re fine. Mel doesn’t have to freak out. My source got scared and bailed, and we took the cameras off. There’s nothing else to see. We were invited to a party and won’t need them.”
I heard that part, but it doesn’t calm me down. I don’t like not being connected to Stella. “Did you find out anything?” I ask, but we’ve listened to their entire evening and I know they didn’t.
“No, but we’re hoping at the party . . .”
Mel pushes buttons trying to reconnect the feed. “I don’t like this,” she murmurs, her screen blank, the audio silent. “Maybe you should ask them to come back to the hotel.”
It makes sense that whoever it is Nat found to talk to won’t open her mouth on Ash’s property. I would be nervous double-crossing him, too. “Okay. Be careful,” I say against my better judgment. I would love to ask them to come back, but we need the information they might find out. I want to ask to speak to Stella, but Nat says, “I’ll take care of her, Zane. I know how much you love her.” Without saying goodbye, she disconnects.
“Did that seem quick to you?” Mel asks.
Uneasily, I shrug. “Nothing about this is going to feel normal. Nat might be edgy. She doesn’t want to get caught any more than Quinn and Stella do, and the more people we bring into this, the less safe it is for all of us. It’s probably better they don’t talk there.”
She closes her laptop. “I guess you’re right.”
“You’re tired. They could be out all night. Why don’t you go to bed?”
Mel’s been working double time with Banks to help him unlock Denton’s funds, something Clayton Black has been alerted to by now. She’s also been digging into Clayton’s business dealings, the ones that appear legitimate on the outside. So far, she hasn’t found much except he has City Hallin his pocket, but we already knew that. Huxley’s rap sheet is getting longer. He’s into more than just hookers, but I couldn’t expect anything less with him kissing Clayton’s and Ash’s asses.
She follows my advice and goes to her room, and I’m left alone in Max’s suite. He went to bed a while ago, as did Zarah and Ingrid. Denton hung out with Mel and me, sipping a cup of coffee and listening to Stella’s feed—he’s still protective of her—but the goings on of a strip club didn’t interest him and he went to his room about an hour ago.
I won’t get any sleep until Nathalie, Quinn, and Stella are safely back at the Crowne and I can see for myself Stella’s okay.
The aroma from Denton’s coffee hangs in the air, and I make a cup and surf the net on my phone.Truth or Dareis busy speculating about Ash’s gala and reporting his every move. He’s still spending an inordinate amount of time with Nora Guthrie, and she looks right at home by his side.
Other websites speculate how I’m doing without Stella, regurgitating the clip of me standing outside the hospital struggling to speak and question if I’m in love with Nathalie at all. It’s difficult to watch, and I scroll past. The sites that are more fashion oriented follow her around the city and report on the designers of her clothes, how much they cost, and wondering if, as my wife, she’ll start any new trends.
I defended how I lived to Stella, but I see my life through her eyes now.
Sex, booze, and money.
I put my phone to sleep. I might as well lie down, but I don’t want to be in the Honeymoon Suite alone and I’ll camp out on Max’s couch. I want to know the minute Nat, Quinn, andStella are back. I drain my coffee cup and push away from the conference table.
Douglas bursts into the room, and I stand quickly, startled. “What’s wrong?”
“Ashton Black took Stella and Quinn,” he says hoarsely, his face red. I’ve never seen him this rattled, and a cold sweat covers my skin.
“Slow down and start at the beginning.” I pour a couple fingers of scotch into lowball glass and push it into his shaking hand.