Page 61 of Cruel Dreams
Toward the rear of the library, Stella and Quinn stand in the entryway, and two huge German shepherds sit between them. I don’t know who they belong to, but I already know we’re bringing them home. Once you develop a bond with Stella Mayfair, it’s hard to break, and I can tell in their deep brown eyes they are totally devoted to her.
Governor Guthrie continues, “Black Enterprises has been a cornerstone in this community for decades. They bolster the economy and create new jobs. Through their various foundations, they’ve given back to the community a hundred-fold.”
Huxley slaps Clayton on the back. I don’t miss the grimace he tries to hide.
I stifle a laugh.
“So, it was, as the young kids say, a ‘no-brainer’ when my daughter said she wanted to team up with Ashton Black to create a foundation that would give victims the resources they need to find their footing. I’ll stop blabbing and give Nora and Ash the floor. I thank you all for coming tonight and deeply appreciate your generosity. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
The room erupts into applause, and Governor Guthrie kisses his daughter’s cheek as she steps onto the dais, Ash’s hand to her elbow. The governor shakes Ash’s hand and pulls him into a one-armed embrace.
Surveying the floor, Ash beams. His gaze lands on me and pauses briefly. He looks at ease, and Nora sparkles in a little black dress, her dark hair pulled back and a diamond choker at her throat. She resembles Nathalie, and I wonder if it’s becauseher rotten core shines through to the outside. No number of diamonds can replace a heart made of coal.
Ash is in his element, and he gestures grandly, stepping aside and waving a hand to the microphone. “Ladies first.”
Everyone in the room titters, and I use every ounce of willpower I have not to scoff out loud.
Nathalie’s murder hasn’t affected him. Locking Stella away hasn’t changed him. Robbing my sister of some of her prime years hasn’t evoked even a little regret.
He’s invincible.
“Isn’t he a gentleman, ladies?” Nora asks. She’s charismatic, charming. People eat out of her hand, and the women agree, laughing and clapping.
Nora pauses a beat and then continues, “Thank you, Dad, for the kind introduction, and thanks to you, our wonderful guests, for carving time into your busy lives to support such a worthy cause.” She inhales and her gaze connects with what seems like every single person listening to her speak. Everyone feels like they’re alone with her.
I look toward the corner of the room, and Mel has yet to take position. Nora and Ash’s assistant must have practiced her speech because the flat screen flashes to life, and a slide full of numbers fills the black space.
The audience focuses on it, and Nora says in a strong, sure voice, “As you can see by the statistics behind me, King’s Crossing is not immune to the atrocities that plague other cities, states, and countries. Every year, thousands of women are sold for their bodies. These numbers do not include missing persons who may have had a connection to the sex trade. It’s a problem in this city, in this state, and Ash, my father and I, along with Mayor Huxley and the assistance of you fine people, are going to end it once and for all.”
She pauses and lets everyone clap, her cheeks pink in victory.
Ash kisses her temple, and people applaud louder and longer in anticipation of Ash and Nora’s love story than them helping women who are struggling to simply survive.
I hate everyone in this room.
Mel and the woman controlling the presentation are chatting, and suddenly, her mouth falls open. She scoots out of the chair and scurries away. Mel slips into her seat, and she inserts the flash drive into the laptop.
She nods at me, but she won’t start our slideshow until I stand behind the podium to add my contribution.
I brush by Max, and he straightens.
Perspiration slides down my back and pools under my arms. My hands tremble as I approach the dais. Ash spots me moving through the crowd and pales, but he’s trapped. I step onto the small platform and put on a show worthy of every acting award in the world.
“Thank you, Nora! You are such atreasure, and the state of Minnesota isso luckyto have you. Don’t you all agree?”
I’m met with silence. Everyone knows this isn’t how the evening is supposed to go.
Stella smiles and gives me a thumbs up. She’s all I need. Nothing besides her and my sister’s safety matters anymore.
“You may not know me, but I’m Zane Maddox, CEO and president of Maddox Industries. I suppose I should start at the beginning and explain why I wanted to speak to you tonight. Five years ago, my mother and father, Lark and Kagan Maddox, attended a wedding in Paris and were killed when their plane crashed during their return flight to the States. My sister, Zarah, and I were stunned with grief. I had no choice but to take control of my father’s company, and six months after their deaths, at a party held at the Lyndhurst—a party many of you attended—I announced I would finally step into my father’s place. If yourecall, that was also the night Ash and Zarah announced their engagement. When Zarah had her breakdown, never once did Ash leave her side, and the touching way he took care of her humbled me.” I flick him a glance. “I thank you for that, from the bottom of my heart.”
Ash swallows. He knows I know about the “care” my sister received under his supervision.
I nod at Mel, and she flashes the first slide. It’s a list of Zarah’s meds.
“This is the medication list he bribed her psychiatrist to prescribe and administer every day. She may never recover.”