Page 69 of Cruel Dreams
Stella moans into my ear, and I push my finger deeper. Her body is angled against me and the tip of my cock finds her slit. She’s soaked, and I don’t have a condom on yet. “Stella.”
“Don’t say it. I need you, Zane. It’s been too long.”
Eagerly, she increases the pressure, and I slide my finger into her, then pull it out, pumping as she tugs at my hair. The tip of my cock slides inside her, and I know it’s wrong, but I don’t stop.
I skim my fingers over her clit, and the second I do, she pushes herself onto my cock. Forcefully, I shove my finger into her ass, and she comes with a cry. I follow, releasing my load into her tight pussy. Her muscles milk every last drop out of my cock, and I keep my finger inside her ass and thrust, eking out every last second of pleasure I can.
She catches her breath and clings to me, resting her head on my shoulder.
“This might hurt a little,” I say, and slowly, as gently as I can, pull my finger out of her ass. “Are you okay?”
She lifts her head, and her lips graze my cheek. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I missed you, and—”
Without giving her warning, I reverse our position so she’s lying on her back, her head on my pillow.
We’re still connected, though my dick is wilting fast. I cuddle her close to me, sweat slicking our bodies. “I’m sorry, too, and I should have stopped. Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out, okay?”
I ease out of her and settle onto my side. Pillow talk right now feels awkward, but I’d rather tell her about this in the dark. I’d rather hide than show her my face when I tell her everything Banks and I found.
“You talked to Mel,” she says, her breath fluttering over my arm.
“Yeah. She stopped by the penthouse to say goodbye to Zarah, and I caught her up on a few things. She told me she offered you a job. Were you thinking about it?”
She links our fingers. “Yeah. I’m going to need to work, and she’ll understand my prior office experience.”
“I told you I would take care of you,” I say, more than a little bitter.
“You haven’t been around. How am I supposed to know what you’re thinking?”
“You’re supposed to trust me. Don’t you trust me?”
She’s quiet, and that’s all the answer I need. I don’t know what I expected. Her undying devotion? Her unwavering faith? A person earns those things, and I haven’t. It doesn’t matter now.
I hug her closer, spooning, my hand splayed over her belly, my arm under her pillow. “What do you want, Stella? If you could have anything. The world at your feet. Money is no object. What do you want?”
“I don’t—”
“I’ll give you whatever you want. You know my know I want to marry you. My lifetime, bonded to yours. That’s what I want, but unfortunately, what you want isn’t the same. I’m a grown man, and I can accept that. I’ll never move on, but I can accept it. Tell me what you want and don’t be afraid to hurt me.”
She turns onto her back, and she rests her cast on a pillow. Her fingers skim lightly over my knuckles, and she says, “I don’t want to leave. I love you, and I love Zarah. I want to be there for her, but I don’t want to live this life, Zane. I’m so tired of it.”
I nod. I know what she means, and frankly, I’m tired of this kind of life too and I’ll be happier without it.
“I’d like to live someplace quiet where we can be ourselves without expectations, without worrying about what others thinkof us. I want to help people, teach our children it’s important to give back. That you can handle anything as long as you have family.” Her voice fades, as if she knows what she’s asking for can never be granted. Not by me.
“What about Quinn?” Her best friend will always be an important part of her life.
“I think, after things settle, King’s Crossing won’t be enough for her, and she’ll let you pay for her to go to school. But until then, she’ll want to be with me. She came when I called and I owe her that.”
“That’s fair.”
Suddenly, I have an idea. The news I have to tell her won’t be any easier to bear, but the fresh air will do us both some good. “Are you tired of the hotel? Wanna get out of here for a while?”
“I would love to.” She presses my hand to her stomach. “I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be. If there’s a spark, Stella, I’ll be the happiest man in the world.”
“I’m glad.” She rolls over and touches her lips to mine. “Where are we going?”