Page 37 of Triple Protection

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Page 37 of Triple Protection

A man could get used to this.

Chapter twenty-seven



Holy. Shit.

I've gone from a sex party, table of one, to an all-out, all-you-can-eat buffet of gorgeous man meat. I never, and I meannever,knew sex could be like this. Over the weeks we've been living together, I've let these men in my life, into my home and honestly, a little into my heart. They've become my best friends, my protectors, my roommates, my everything. Adding sex to the equation just multiplies my affections for these men. These three are easily the best men I've ever known. And now, knowing them on a deeper level? Be still my heart.

And each of them brings something different to the bedroom. Brick is sweet, if not a little wicked, and he's passionate, slow, gentle. Liam is fun, playful, flirty. He loves to tease and edge me until I beg. But he's also just as happy watching. Alex is commanding, demanding, and holds nothing back. He directs the other two in how to play with my body before he takes over atthe end. And I'm fucking here for it. My body has never been so sore, so satisfied before. And I've never been happier.

The stresses of my stalker, of mean or disgusting comments on my posts, of my family or deadlines, just disappear when I'm with them. Even when we're not sweaty and writhing and screaming each other's names, we're together.

We lounge together and have movie nights; my head resting in Brick's lap with my feet on Liam's, while Alex watches from the other chair. Alex isn't overly touchy, but when he does let his hand graze across mine, or he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, it means something and makes my stomach do somersaults.

Liam and I go for runs and swim together every day. Brick and I curl up together on the couch or in bed and read before I fall asleep. Alex has appointed himself my personal trainer, and he pushes me in the gym and in the kitchen, learning how to cook and trying new foods.

I think back over the past few months and my heart swells with emotion, grateful for three new best friends and three new lovers. Three new people to share my life with, who all bring something different to my life, each adding a unique layer that results in compounded joy.

A loving and trusting Alex is a surprising gift. At first, I thought he was emotionless, unfeeling, but he's really not. He's so passionate, his feelings so strong and so deep, he feels like he has to suppress them. After our first day together in bed, where he used me to let out his anger and resentments, his smiles have come easier, his little stolen kisses and caresses, each a gift in their own right. The boys say it's the most relaxed they've ever seen him.

We haven't made much progress on identifying my stalker yet, though. There are about 15 online profiles that fit the description, but there hasn't been any new contact, so we have no new leads to chase.

However, our time spent together, mainly at home, feels like we're in our own little perfect universe, and nothing can hurt us here.

I know this is all temporary. Eventually, my stalker will move on, or we'll identify him, and then the boys will move on to their next assignment. But if this is temporary and I only have another few weeks or months with them, I'm going to enjoy every second of it. Part of my heart clangs painfully at the thought of going back to the 'before', but it's inevitable. They won't stay. And at least we're walking into this with eyes wide open.

I lay on my stomach on a lounge chair by the pool while Liam does laps, Brick sleeps upstairs and Alex is in the gym. I FaceTime Courtney. She picks up on the second ring.

"Good morning, beautiful... Oh my God! You had sex!" Courtney says answering my call.

I blush something fierce but don't reply, a grin threatening to split my face in half.

I bury my face in my towel and wait for the squealing to stop.

"Which one?!" she squeals. I peek open one eye to look at her. Her eyes could not be bigger and her smile's almost as wide as mine. I don't answer.


The scream she screams I'm pretty sure can be heard on the International Space Station.

"I need to knoweverything." She demands. She's a little terrifying like this - like a dog with a bone. "Kat! Come here!" Courtney calls to her wife off screen. "Angela's broken her chastity belt!" I groan again and make sure Liam can't hear anything under the water. Kat's beautiful ebony face appears over Courtney's on the screen.

"Hey Kat," I say ruefully.

"Hey gorgeous!" she replies. "Who's the lucky man?"

Courtney and Kat share an off-screen conversation without me where Courtney shows her partner the pics of the boys I've sent her. "Damn girl!" Kat exclaims. "When you break your fast, you go for the all-you-can-eat-buffet."

I can't help but laugh with her. Kat's deep Nigerian, ebony skin only acts to highlight the brilliancy of her smile, making it irresistible. "Thanks, girl. It's not like I planned it, but I appreciate the compliment." At least I think it was a compliment.

Kat disappears to tend to something else and leaves me with Courtney again. "I actually had a question for you." I start. "The boys have become kind of an important role in my life, you know? They're always around. They've become my best friends. Except you, of course." I shoot Courtney a kiss. "I was debating posting pictures of them on my socials. Like maybe something fun like a poll to see who the favorite bodyguard is, or an ask-me-anything with each of them. I don't know. It seems like not posting about them is disingenuous. Like I'm not sharing an important part of my life."

"And are they? Have they become an important part of your life?"

I bite my bottom lip before I nod. They're my roommates, my best friends, and now my lovers? Boyfriends? I feel like there isn't a word big enough to encompass everything I feel about them. The first few weeks of them were awkward, sure, because I was awkward. But we've gotten to know each other, to trust each other, to lean on each other. I can't imagine my life, or my home, without them.

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