Page 4 of Triple Protection
My eyes fall over the three men again, who have resumed their original spots on the seats. My three new roommates. Liam gave me butterflies and made me nervous, like a kid with a crush.Alex looked like he already hated me, which made me feel like I was moving in with a bully. And Brick? I didn't know what to think about him, except that he didn't seem to want to be in the same room as me, but somehow, he also made me feel safer than I have since that night.
I nod, because this is what I asked for - bodyguards, protection, another layer someone has to go through to get to me. And hopefully never get as close as he did that one night he was able to take the picture.
"We'll coordinate with your existing staff to ensure a seamless integration. Our aim is to keep you safe without disrupting your life as much as possible."
"Thank you."
Miriam's gaze softens. "We'll do our best. Now, if you don't mind, we'll get started right away. Liam will need access to your devices, and Alex will begin a thorough inspection of your property. Brick can return to their homes to pack their things." I look at the three men. Liam gives me an encouraging and sympathetic smile. Alex glares. Brick stands to leave.
A week ago, I lived alone, happily going about my daily routine. Now, now not only was I in danger, but I also had three new roommates. I am inconveniently and deeply attracted to each, and each made me nervous in their own way.
Again. How is this my life?
Chapter five
When our client first opened her door, I was struck by how beautiful she was. Honey blonde, long hair in easy waves, large doe-like eyes, and plush pink lips. Miles of soft, smooth skin showed from under her light blue sundress. Her eyes, though they were a beautiful shade of blue green, were dull, haunted looking and the alpha-hero in me raised its indignant head and demanded to protect her, to bring back her smile and liveliness. But in a heartbeat, my attraction to her passed. She is a client, likely an obnoxious one at that. Women, in general, are emotional, high maintenance, and trouble.
The most dangerous things in life are wrapped in pretty packaging. Like a poisonous flower. They lure you in until you get close enough and it's too late.
As the client gives us a tour of her ostentatious house and property, I let Mirium and Liam take the lead by asking her questions. I give the house a lazy look-over. I had gotten a blueprint from the county office already, so I knew where everywindow, outlet, and exit were, but I let the tour distract the client while I let my mind wander.
As a social media influencer, I expected her to be dumb and shallow. Mirium had given us the case file, so I knew what we were working with before we arrived today. Half of me expected the story to be a lie, an excuse to hire bodyguards, so she looked more important than she was. It wouldn't have been the first time we'd been assigned to a pointless post. But seeing the pictures hit me harder than I thought it would. My skepticism turned into rage. I don't have sisters, but Liam and Brick's sisters feel like my own, and the idea of someone sneaking into their bedrooms at not to finish that thought.
The way she spoke of the harassment, too, was admirable. She was clearly shaken, and her haunted look made sense, but she was pulling from some internal strength to get to the point and be professional. She wasn't entirely the bimbo I had pegged her to be in the beginning. And she wasn't arrogant. She spoke with us with respect, matching our eye contact, not like a boss hiring employees. That was another pet peeve of mine with this job. Some clients treated us like we were below them because of their celebrity. They looked over us or through us while they barked orders. The boys and I may not be famous, but we're the best in the industry and exceptional and what we do.
But I still wasn't going to be fooled. Eventually, she would show us who she really was. You can only live with someone for so long before they reveal their nasty side.
Liam seems taken with her already, but he is a playful thing that will flirt with anything with a vagina. Brick, however, is avoiding her eye contact and his motions are more measured than normal. I was going to have to talk to him about keeping things professional.
Most wouldn't notice a change in him, but I know these boys better than I know myself. We joined the Marine Corps together,went through bootcamp and training together, deployed and lived together for ten fucking years. We spent more time up each other's asses than most married couples. I know how Liam takes his coffee, and which cafe sells his favorite doughnut. I know what movies Brick cries to, even though he'd never admit it.
And through our careers in the Marine Corps, and then subsequent years working together in personal security as a team, I've learned to read them in a way I'm not entirely sure is logical. I don't believe in woo-woo and vibes, but perhaps the years together have etched these men into my subconscious and I'm able to pick up on their body language and subtle facial movements in a way that seems almost unnatural.
Which brings me back to the present. The boys and I share an unspoken conversation before nodding.
We say our goodbyes to Mirium and Brick before I turn to address Liam. "First things first, we need an updated security system, cameras. - call Jim for that. I want a background check on everyone she has contact with. Run her social media accounts for any comments or followers who fit the profile." Turning back to Angela. "I want the name of everyone you've ever been out on a date with, dated, kissed, whatever. These things are often the result of unrequited attraction."
She surprises me again when she replies, "Easy. None." I feel as much as see Liam raise his eyebrows in surprise.
"Don't lie to me. I don't care how embarrassed you are. We can't do our jobs if you're not honest with us."
A pink blush creeps up Angela's pale neck and into her cheeks. She looks down momentarily before she pulls on that inner strength again and looks me in the eye.
"I haven't been on a date, dated, kissed, whatever," she starts, using my words against me. "... since losing my virginity to Bobby Shanholtzer in the back of his mom's minivan in 10th grade. And last I checked, he was happily married to BridgetScobey with baby number three on the way." My mouth suddenly goes dry. Disbelief, mixed with shock, mixed with something suspiciously like jealousy, rolls around inside of me. I never was good with emotions, so I don't know what to make of my reaction. Instead, I brush it off.
"Fine," I snap, a little harder than I meant to. "What's on your schedule for the next week? The next month? If you're leaving this house at all, I need to know about it so I can do my proper reconnaissance."
"I'm flying down to Austin to meet a sponsor and tour her facility. Then, if I'm happy with her product, we're doing a photoshoot here in LA sometime. And then I have an influencer's event, Digicon next month." I make a mental note to harass her about the details later. First, I'll worry about today, this week, and then the next.
I nod.
"No more going live. Everything you want to post needs to go through Liam's approval first. We don't want to give your stalker any clues as to your whereabouts or give him for information about you than we need to."
She frowns at me, but nods, looking to Liam. Liam smiles at her reassuringly. I'm glad he's here to balance my asshole act. I'm the slap, and he's the balm you rub on the sting. I don't have time, nor do I care about preserving anyone's feelings or worry about how they feel about me. My job is to be the shield and sword, to stand between danger and my client. I don't get paid to make people happy. I get paid to make them safe. Liam, though, is good at keeping clients happy, smoothing out my rough edges.
"Do I... Do I post something to my audience? Letting them know things are going to change? That I have a stalker, so I'll be posting less?"