Page 43 of Triple Protection
My dad pipes up. "And you're good to her? This isn't just another fling? You're not usually that careless to sleep with a client." I bristle as his words but I know they have merit. He's warranted in his warning, and part of me is grateful he already seems to be protective of Angela.
"Yes, Dad. She's... she's different. I'm... different." My Dad and I don't talk about feelings. We're both men's men. But he looks at my mom and his eyes soften. He gets me. He nods. They both give me a hug before they turn and rejoin the group downstairs.
Isabella's just walking in the front door as we hit the landing, Alex kissing her on the cheek before taking her purse from her.
Our families all say their friendly hellos before we move to the living room.
Chapter thirty-one
Where Liam's family is cheerfully accepting of me, and launching immediately into friendly, easy-going conversation, Alex's mother is stand-offish. Unphased, Hannah wraps an arm through Isabella's arm and directs Liam to give them both a tour of the house. Brick and Brian make themselves comfortable on the couch with a beer while Liam's sisters slide up to the kitchen island with eager grins on their faces.
Hannah's easy beauty and cheery personality are magnetic. My heart pangs for a moment thinking about my mom, or lack thereof, but it's immediately replaced by gratitude. Hannah's in my life now, too. She could never replace my own mother, but I'm grateful my circle of friends has grown bigger.
Brian's tall, with dark auburn hair and has the body of a retired line-backer. I almost would have thought he was Brick's father more than Liam's, with his broad frame. I watch as the boys casually chat football and catch up on their lives around the comradery of the TV.
Ellie has Liam's dirty blonde hair in a stylish pony and is wearing a gorgeous wine-colored sweater dress. It compliments her fair skin beautifully. She's got bright, playful eyes, like Liam, and a small spattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. I bet she was trouble growing up.
Vikki's the oldest, and has her father's dark auburn hair in a bun with artfully picked tendrils surrounding her more rounded face. Where Ellie's eyes are playful, Vikki's are more reserved. She's not angry, so that's a good thing, but I can feel her sisterly protective streak from here.
I'm nervous. I don't interact well with women my age, but something in their earnest faces makes me think I can let my guard down a little. If they're anything at all like Liam, and from what little I've seen, I think that they are, they'll be friendly and welcoming.
"So!" Ellie starts, her green eyes piercing mine. "You've got yourself a real-life reverse harem thing going on here." I choke on my wine. Poor timing. "Girl! How do you do it?! And where can I find one for myself?!"
Vikki pipes up. She must be the more serious one of the two. "Keep the stuff about our brother PG, though. We don't needallthe details."
I laugh, already at ease with these two women. Liam must have told them about our situation when he took them upstairs. I catch his eye from the back porch and smile at him gratefully.
"Honestly, I couldn't even tell you how it happened. It just... sorta... did."
"Well, you must have done something right if you nailed down Liam. He's been a manwhore his entire life!" Ellie says, grunting after Vikki elbows her in the ribs.
"It actually started with Liam. We were chatting one day, and I admitted I'd never been on a date. He decided that was a crime against humanity, so he took me out. On a real date. Dinner, adriving range after. He even answered the door holding flowers." I decide I love these girls already. They've not only accepted our weird relationship immediately (thank you romance novels), but are already treating me like we've known each other forever. There's no judgement, no scorn, no jealousy. Well, maybe a little jealousy at my buffet of man meat. No, not jealousy, envy. And I'm grateful for the distinction. These aren't girls who want what I have, they want their own.
Ellie places her hand over her heart and swoons. Vikki rolls her eyes.
"It really was very sweet." I assure Vikki. "And when we got back, he gave me a goodnight kiss, but Alex and Brick caught us and Alex let it slide that I was supposed to be Brick's girl."
"Brick's girl?"
I go on and share the entire story - the PG version. They've known Alex and Brick for years, so they know how meaningful accepting Brick's phobia and Alex's aversion to women is. It may not be conventional, but in retelling our story, I do feel like I'm telling an epic love story. Or at least,myepic love story.
Ellie looks at the boys in appreciation. Vikki's eyes have even softened some.
I finish, opening the oven to baste my turkey quickly, before pouring all the girls glasses of white wine.
"Well, more power to ya, girl. I can hardly keep up with one man, let alone three."
I shrug. "They make it easy for me."
Brick catches my eye and I smile.
Isabella joins Brick, Brian, Alex and Liam on the couches while Hannah, Ellie, Vikki and I stay chit-chatting in the kitchen. These women are so open and accepting and fun, I can see where Liam gets his personality from.
Once the turkeys are ready and carved, Alex, Brick, and I move the food to the center of the dining room and call everyone into eat. I pause a moment, surrounded by friendly conversation, and my breath catches in my throat. I had never used this dining room until the boys came into my life. Even then, it was just the four of us, for dinners and breakfasts. Lunches were using taken at my desk or outside on the back patio.
Now, every chair was full. Brick's family couldn't make it, and I didn't even bother asking mine, but seeing the love and familiarity and acceptance that fill this room makes my chest ache and swell. Tears threaten to spill over, but Brick, sensing my rising emotion, pulls a chair out for me before commanding, "Sit, Babygirl."