Page 46 of Triple Protection
"And he's pink, he's black, and he's white." She says, pointing to each of my boys in turn. It takes me a moment before it dawns on me. Liam is flirty and fun. He is my pink set. Alex is dark and broody and sexy - my black set. Where Brick is my peace, my safety - the white set.
"I'm going to call Heather and see if she'd be okay with us using the boys. Would they be able to pose with you?" Oh. I hadn't considered them being in the shots with me.
"I'm not sure that's part of Heather's message..." I start, but Camille is already walking away, talking on the phone.
"I've got a vision and I'm going to send you some shots..." she says as she walks away.
"Would you boys be okay with that?" Liam and Alex are already taking off their shirts, which makes me roll my eyes and laugh. Show-offs. I reach out and squeeze Brick's hand. "Please don't feel obligated at all," I whisper to Brick.
"You don't want me in your shots?" He asks, clearly asking about his prosthetic. I punch him in his shoulder. He's been getting more and more comfortable with my touches, but I still try to make them brief.
"Oh, shut up, you know it's not like that. I'm just... a little protective of you."
He chuckles. "Protective of me?" He asks, stepping closer and invading my space. Since I'm barefoot, he's easily a foot tallerthan me. I lean up on the balls of my feet to try to close the difference, but fail miserably.
"Those jackasses would use any excuse to get naked. You're my sweet and sensitive one. I need to make sure to protect you, because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't protect yourself."
He cups the side of my face and kisses my nose. "If you'd asked me a year ago to stand as a model and show my leg, I would have told you hell no. You, however, have shown me it's nothing to be insecure about. You've made me proud of it, of myself. So yes, if you want me to, I'll let the world see it."
Just then Camille returns and says Heather is stunned at the pictures and excited to see more.
"I'll do it, but I still want the focus to be on the clothes, and how they empower women, not how to dress for your man, or the effect they have on men."
Camille nods in excited agreement before pushing Liam onto the shoot, since I'm already wearing pink. Liam's down to his black boxer briefs and I can’t help but bite my lower lip in appreciation. He's smaller in stature and width, but his flat pecs perched atop deep grooves of six-pack abs and a soft smattering of body hair just between his bellybutton and briefs makes my mouth drool.
"Hey handsome," I whisper as I saunter up to him. Camille directs him to stand behind me. Over the next half an hour, Liam touches me, whispers in my ear and kisses my neck. We laugh and cuddle and touch and smile at each other. Maybe Camille's onto something. I feel more playful and flirtatious with Liam. We follow Camille's directions in posing and mood, but the rest of the crew and the background fades away while Liam and I flirt, full of private touches and moments.
Chapter thirty-three
Brick and I watch as our girl and Liam laugh and flirt and touch for their portion of the photoshoot. And like he told me months ago, watching is amazing. They look like kindred spirits - like they were cut from the same soul. Bright, easy, fun. It isn't at all like how she is with me, but I still love this side of her. I never knew one person could hold so many different sides of themselves, but with Liam she lets herself go, allows herself to have fun - something that I don't think comes naturally to her.
Camille sends her for a wardrobe change after she's satisfied with what she gets.
Angela walks out of the changing room, followed closely behind by the hairdresser and makeup artist who are fluttering over last-minute changes, in a black, strappy body suit and sky-high black stilettos. The hairdresser has left her hair down, with easy waves and with freshly-fucked bedhead. The makeup artist has given her a smokey eye and deep red lipstick. My mouthgoes dry. Holy fuck, she is sex on a stick. I adjust the bulge barely contained in my boxer briefs. She looks like a fucking dominatrix, only missing the riding crop.
She locks eyes with me, and a wicked smile stretches across her face. She walks towards me confidently, owning her lingerie like a second skin. I can see how wearing something like that would be a power-trip. How it would make a woman feel like a queen. The way my girl's looking right now.
She stops just shy of me, where I'm leaning back against a chair being used as a prop. She runs one finger from my stomach, up my chest, up the side of my neck and to my lips before she presses her thumb against my lower lip, causing me to open my mouth.
"If I wouldn't ruin this makeup, I'd kiss the shit out of you right now." I suppress a growl. My girl loves being dominated in bed. She loves my particular brand of demanding, controlling, brutal fucking. But dominatrix Angela? My dominatrix Princess? Another fucking level.
"How do you feel about being dominated, Dark Daddy?" She whispers just low enough only we could hear it as if she's reading my mind.
I grab her hard around the back of her neck. "Call me Daddy when we get home and see what I do to you. As for being dominated? Only, ever, for you would I, love."
We proceed to follow Camille's instructions, the energy and tension between us palpable. Camille's directions are short, spoken carefully, almost as background noise. Her crew holds their breath. At one point Camille directs me to lie on my back and allows Angela to place her stiletto heel on my chest in a sexy and playful 'I am woman, hear me roar' shot. The look Angela gives me sets my blood on fire.
Liam coughs loudly and when I look at him, he grins and nods towards my crotch.
"You get down here and then show me how soft you are." I growl. Liam throws up his hands in surrender and Camille's crew giggles nervously. Angela takes her stiletto and drags the bottom from my balls to the tip of my cock carefully. I hold my breath, afraid of what she'll do next.
"I'm sorry, baby," she coos condescendingly. "Is thishardfor you?" I raise my knee swiftly, taking out the back of the one she's baring her full weight on, before catching her before she falls. She squeals in surprise and grabs onto my shoulders to keep herself from falling. I pin her to the ground.