Page 48 of Triple Protection
But it's not my Angela's fault. It can't be. She's too fucking naïve. Somewhere deep in her heart, she knows she's waiting for me.
It's these bodyguards. They've manipulated her, tainted her, corrupted her so she's forgotten who she's waiting for. She's so sweet she wouldn't have even realized it was happening until she'd fallen under their spell.
They're taking touches meant for me.
They're taking moans and gasps meant for me.
They're taking the pound of flesh meant for me.
I sit on the bed and open the laptop again. If I can't have my VR version of her, I can at least watch this version. I can imagine she's only with me.
They were stupid to put a camera in her bedroom, but their stupidity is my gain. I watch as she writhes beneath them. I can't hear anything, but I can imagine her moans and screams. She'll scream for me. She'll scream so pretty for me.
And for every time she's with them, I'll make her pay a penance. That's the way mama always cured me of my sins. I'll make her pay a penance and then she'll be clean again for me.
Real fucking soon.
Chapter thirty-five
Sunlight softly grows on the backs of my eyelids, dragging me from a peaceful slumber. I take inventory of my body. I am warm and safe. I flex and point my toes, relishing in the delicious soreness of my calves and quads. I try to move the rest of my legs and arms but I am weighed down. A masculine groan filters into my ear as my body is dragged closer to a wall of warm muscle. I smile. Warm, strong legs with soft hair rub up and down my calves. I'm surrounded by the men that love me, and that I love with my entire heart.
There are still too many unknowns. What will happen after the threat of a stalker is passed? Will they move on to a new client? Will I keep paying them, just to continue our relationships? That feels an awful lot like prostitution. I can't ask them to give up their careers for me. Is this just a perk of the job for them? A client so eager to spread her legs for them? I shake my self-doubt away. No. They aren't that type of men. Liam's flirty, andprobably the biggest man-whore out of the three, but he seems to respect women too much to take advantage of me. Being with him is fun and easy. But even underneath that confident exterior, he understands me in a deeper way - a way that you don't understand with simple flings.
Then there's Alex. He hated women, yet over the months he's let me in, begrudgingly, but I see the change in him. From skepticism to respect to desire. I know deep down he's never done this with another client. And then there's Brick. Oh, my Brick. My heart has broken into a million pieces and glued itself back together for Brick. My strong, sensitive, wounded gladiator. I love him with the simplicity and sureness of a child. The same was a child loves their favorite stuffed animal or blanket, I love Brick.
I squirm under the mountain of limbs, my bladder demanding attention. I don't know who is where and that extra unknown excites me. Memories of last night creep in and a new wave of desire floods me. We'd all been so keyed up from the photoshoot we'd barely made it through the front doors before we were tearing at each other's clothes.
I chuckle to myself at the memory of Alex nearly driving off the road, watching Liam and I in the back seat. A feeling of warmth and joy and safety overtakes me. I don't know where the future is going, but right now, in this moment, surrounded by my men, I'm at peace. For the first time in a long time, every cell in my body, every thought in my mind is one of pure peace and satisfaction. I wish I could have stayed in the moment for the rest of my life. I spend a few minutes trying to memorize this moment - the sounds of quiet breathing of the three men around me, the weight and feel of legs over mine, of the arm wrapped around my waist, the smell of my shampoo mixed with the three individual scents of my men.
My men.
I chuckle again. I had resigned myself to a lonely life. It was lonely, but it was safe enough. I didn't have to put myself out there only to be disappointed or hurt later on. Now, not only did I have someone, I had three someones in my life. You could have asked me a year ago if I thought this was ever a possibility and I would have laughed in your face.
I open my eyes before gently lifting Alex's arm from around my waist and sliding upward towards the headboard. I slowly slide out from under Brick's massive leg. Sometime in my post-orgasm haze, he'd taken off his prosthetic and leaned it against the chair. Liam's star-fished in the other corner of the bed, one arm and leg hanging off of the bed. I chuckle at the sight. We're going to have to buy a bigger bed if this is going to become a regular occurrence. I kiss each one of them carefully on the temple before sneaking away to the bathroom to take care of my morning routine.
Throwing on Alex's baggy green Marine Corps sweatshirt and a pair of leggings I walk down into the kitchen to prep coffee. I stretch as the pot churns and bubbles, enjoying the soreness of my limbs. Screw the gym, satisfying three men in bed was enough of a workout for me.
I think about the week ahead. We have DigiCon on Friday, and Marshal had put together diocese on all of the guests. I would probably spend much of my week memorizing the other influencers, so I'd be able to chat with them confidently about their channels and business ventures. Part of my job is following industry trends and engaging with accounts similar to mine, but I don't know these people personally, and there is no way to keep up on what each one of them is doing.
I sip my coffee as I thumb through the diocese on the island, as the boys slowly came down one by one. All three are shirtless, hair tussled, sleepy-eyed and adorable. Brick's wearing his long grey sweatpants that make my mouth water, while Alex sportsathletic shorts and Liam comes down in only his boxer briefs. Lord have mercy, the buffet of man flesh is too much.
Brick is first to pull me in for a hug and give me a kiss on the top of my head before he moves to pour himself a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Babygirl." He grumbles, his voice low and thick with sleep. A wave of heat flows to my groin. Alex's next. He looks me up and down, his eyes flashing with heat momentarily. He leans in to give me a kiss, hesitating. I smile at his awkwardness before leaning up on my toes and kissing him. "Good morning, handsome," I whisper to him. His inexperience with relationships is adorable. He knows how to control and demand in the bedroom, he knows how to punish my body in delectable ways, but the relationship part is still foreign to him.
I squeal as strong arms lift me from behind and sit me on the island. Liam presses himself between my open knees before dragging my face to his in a dizzying kiss. I push him away, breathless, blushing at his wicked grin.
"That's enough of that before I've had my coffee." I tease, smacking him gently on the chest.
"Drink up then," he counters, bringing my cup to my lips. I laugh and roll my eyes.
"We might need to set some grounds rules with you all," I say, my eyes leisurely rolling over every inch of exposed flesh of three chiseled, God-like men. "I'm not going to be able to get any work done if ya'll don’t at least wear shirts."
"Can I be like Pooh and ONLY wear a shirt?" Liam asks, his brows wagging up and down. The mental image of Liam in a tiny crop-top T-shirt and nothing else reduces me to a fit of giggles.
Just then my phone dings. I wipe away a stray tear, feeling lighter and happier than I have in a long time. Things from my stalker seem to have stalled, the boys are keeping me well satisfied sexually, but they also distract me from the stress of my online life and they're attentive.