Page 68 of Triple Protection
"Get out of there and let the fire department handle it, Dad. Get everyone safe. Don't you dare try to be a goddamn hero." I growl, pacing.
"They're safe. We're on the street." In the background, I can hear sirens getting closer.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. We're fine, just a little shaken up. Brick..." he starts, his voice suddenly going quiet and low, as if he's brought the phone closer to his mouth so only I can hear. "It started in her bedroom."
Fuck.My blood runs cold as my skin heats. My stomach collapses in on itself. He's set fire to her house. I'm sure of it. He lit a fire. In her bedroom. To send a message.
"Dad, I don't feel comfortable with you and Amy there. I'm going to text you the address for Liam's parent’s. I want you to pack you bags and go there. I'll text them to let her know you're coming. If he's crazy enough to set fire to her bedroom, he's crazy enough to hurt you guys."
A moment of silence passes while I imagine my Dad nodding. "If you're nodding, I need a yes. Promise me you'll go."
"Yes, yes of course Brick. We'll leave right now."
"Thank you. I'll talk to the boys and Angela and see what we're going to do, but I'll be in touch. Please text me when you get to Hannah's."
"Will do, son. Be safe."
And with that he hangs up.
I sit for a moment and contemplate next moves. I have to tell Alex and Liam, but I want to protect Angela from the news. I know that's was stupid, though.
I walk out onto the back patio. The look on my face must have been enough because my Babygirl takes one look at me and her smile falls, her brows pressed together and her eyes go wide.
"What's happened? Are you alright?" She scrambles off of Liam's shoulders and presses towards me in the water. I look to Liam and Alex. They won't take the news well either.
"My Dad just called," I say, staring down at my phone as if he's still there. I swallow again, digging deep for any amount of bravery, before looking back into my Babygirl's eyes. Fuck, I hate this. I want nothing more than to kill this fucker, than to protect her, keep her safe somewhere he can't touch. Everything we do to protect her and it doesn't matter. He's touched her, he's been in her roomagain.
"There was a fire at the main house, Angela. In your bedroom. My dad got everyone out and they're safe, but the fire department just got there. And..." I look down again, unable to handle the fear I see in her eyes.
"We have to go back!" she shouts, looking to Alex and Liam for confirmation.
Alex shakes his head. "Absolutely not, Princess. He's trying to lure you back. He doesn't know where you are and can't touch you here. The fire was a trap. A way to get you back state-side so he can have another chance as you."
My stomach churns as I consider his words.
"But what about Amy and Dan? We can't just leave them!"
"I've sent them to Hannah's house to stay. I doubt the stalker knows who she is so they should be safe." I reply, hoping to ease her stress.
She paces in front of me, water from the pool dripping off of her shoulders and sides, but it's warm enough she forgoes the towel.
"But that's my home. What if it needs repairs? Or... or insurance? I can't live here forever. We can't hide here forever." She takes a steading breath. "Courtney says I can't give in to the fear and anxiety and helplessness. I need to be safe, of course, but if I live my life in fear, he's won. If I let him run me out of my own home, my life, he's won. I can't let him do that."
The boys and I share a silent conversation. We know she's right. The last thing we want to do is expose her to a psychopath, but this trip was never supposed to be for forever. And as the client, it's her right to live her life. It's our job to worry about her safety.
Babygirl looks to Alex. "Please?"
Alex frowns, but nods once. Knowing he needs the reassurance, Angela walks over to where he's sitting on a lounger and sits in his lap, nuzzling against his neck and letting him hold her. He's been extra jumpy since DigiCon, and she knows just what he needs.
Liam calls Mirium again and arranges transportation back to L.A.
The next day we land, meet with the police to make a statement, the insurance agent to assess the damage and make a plan. Her room is unlivable, but the smoke damage to the rest of the house is minimal. We set about cleaning up as much as we can, washing to smoke-smelling clothes and moving her into our room, which was far enough away to be undamaged. Afteran exhausting day of travel, statements and cleanup, we order dinner to be delivered, eat and pass out.
Chapter forty-eight