Page 70 of Triple Protection
A moment later, we hear a familiar shouting from down the hall. Liam. Brick and I spring to our feet and take off towards the sound. We can hear Liam shouting, rustling, a few nurses talking, trying to calm him down.
We round the corner and see Liam, a thin hospital gown hanging haphazardly off of his chest, sitting upright in a hospital bed, shouting at the nurses. Three nurses and a police officer surround him. One nurse has a syringe.
"You!" he shouts and points at us. "I need a laptop!! Now!! Angel said something about Marshal a month ago and I think I know how to find her!"
Adrenaline hits my veins.
"Get him to his room. Is the laptop still in the car?" Brick nods. "I'll run down and get it," Liam collapses back against his bed, grateful. I spin on my heels and sprint to the nearest stairwell. The elevator will take too long and my body needs something to do. The energy, adrenaline, and twinge of hope are too much, and my muscles vibrate with the need to move.
Slower than I would have liked, I find the SUV, grab the laptop and sprint back up the three flights of stairs to room 304. Inearly throw the laptop at Liam, who grabs it impatiently from me with his right arm. His left is restrained by a sling, but he still winces while he opens the laptop and connects to the Wi-Fi.
"What is it??" I shout at him impatiently.
"You guys have Mirium looking for him, right? Another property he could have taken her to?"
We nod in agreement. "Angela told me a month ago how his mother died just before he started working for her," He mumbles, his fingers typing furiously. "I'm creating an Ancestry account for him to find his mother's name. The last names might be different. We can add her name to the property searches. If she left the property in her estate, it'll be listed that way."
Fuck, that's genius! Marshal would expect us to do property searches for him, but not his mother. My knee bounces anxiously next to me, willing Liam's fingers to type faster.
"Got it! Call Mirium!"
'Brick dials and puts her on speaker.
"Brick," she answers, her voice laced with stress and anxiety.
"Mirium," Liam starts.
"Liam? Oh my God, are you okay? They told me you were shot."
"1459 Evergreen Mills Rd, in Richmond. He's taken her there. Send everyone we have." Liam's voice is rushed but clear as he stares at Brick's phone.
"On it." Mirium replies before hanging up. Liam lets his head fall back against his bed as he closes his eyes. He's pale, and has dark bags under his eyes, exhausted. I'm sure he's still fighting the tranquilizing effects of the sedatives.
"I'm glad you made it," Brick says, standing and squeezing Liam's shoulder.
"What the fuck are you two still doing here!?" He shouts, his eyes springing open. "Go get our fucking girl!"
Brick lets out a humorless chuckle before we say our goodbyes and head to the SUV. Richmond's over an hour away, but we finally have a location.
Princess, we're coming. Hang on.
Chapter forty-nine
Angela's Soulmate
Iknow exactly how much she weighs, just like I know everything else about her, but 145 lbs of deadweight means I'm struggling. I lift her limp body up from the trunk and struggle to throw her over my shoulder. I should've started working out before this. I manage to open the front door before squeezing us in. I accidentally smack her elbow on the doorframe.
"Whoops. Sorry, love."
I kick the door shut behind me, satisfied with the click of the automatic lock, before striding into the bedroom and dropping her onto the bed. Our bed. Our marital bed. A salacious grin spreads across my face as I think of all the things I want to do to her in that bed.
She'll wake up confused and probably angry. She thinks she loves that stupid jock of a bodyguard I just shot, but she doesn't. It may take her some time, some convincing, but she'll come around. She was made for me.
I grab the metal handcuffs I'd laid on the nightstand before and secure one end around her wrist before bringing the other to the headboard. I stand up and admire the view. I move a strand of hair from across her face and tuck it behind her ear.
I watch her lay there, unconscious, breathing rhythmically, completely unaware of how her life is about to change.
I could touch her now.