Page 41 of Choices
I shake my head and smile. "Absolutely not. I'm honored and grateful you're sharing your horses with me. Every minute in the saddle is a gift. Thank you." I hug her and ignore the bruises her hug back will probably leave on me.
We exchange numbers and make a plan to get together on Thursday.
I really think I'm going to like this new life.
Chapter fourteen
I'm still on cloud nine for the entire rest of the week. I'm sore from two hours in the saddle, but God do I relish the feeling.
Matty's been blowing up my phone and I laugh because he's saved himself in my phone as "Number 1 fan" so every text I get from him makes me smile.
Rico and Santiago text, too, and it all seems so domestic and intimate at the same time.
It's Friday night and I've just sat down with my kids for dinner.
"Mommy, why are you smiling?" Viv asks me at dinner.
"What? I'm not allowed to be happy?" I tease back, still smiling.
"Oh, you are, it's just weird to see."
From the mouth of babes. Have I really been that unhappy, that seeing me smile is new for them? Different enough to call me out about it? My heart breaks a little, thinking that I've been wandering around for a decade sad.
Aiden, my empath, reaches out and holds my hand. "Has something happened?"
I plaster a fake smile on my face. I'll have time to regret decisions later. "Yes. I made three new friends and they make me happy."
"Matty, Rico and Santiago?"
I nod, a lump lodging itself in my throat. They're more than just friends, but I'm not sure if it's too soon to admit that to my kids. I can't tell them I'm developing feelings for them, while I'm still married to their father.
Soon I'll be set up financially, and then I can broach the subjectof divorce with the kids. I have no idea how they'll react. Alan hasn't exactly been a great father, but he is still their dad. He's the only one they've known.
"I like Matty. He's funny. Rico seems cool, too. Santiago's scary, though." Jack rambles excitedly. I can tell Aiden wants to say more, but not in front of the other two. I make a mental note to see him alone before bed.
"Santi's not scary. He's serious. There's nothing wrong with being serious." Viv pouts, folding her arms over her chest. I'm sure she sees herself in Santiago. The use of his nickname makes me smile again. My baby girl's best friends with a Columbian mafia enforcer. I shake my head. That thought should send me running for the hills, but I've never felt unsafe around them. They've done nothing but be kind and wonderful to me and my kids.
Just then the front door flies open so hard it bounces against the wall. We all jump at the unexpected noise. Alan storms in, his suit wrinkled, his hair disheveled, waving a piece of paper at us.
"What the fuck is this, Hannah?" He asks, spitting out my name with such disgust it raises the hair on the back of my neck.
I have no idea what's happening, but I know I don't want my kids involved. "Kids, go upstairs please." Aiden herds the other two quickly upstairs before turning on a movie loudly from his bedroom. Shame washes over me as I realize this isn't the first time he's shielded his siblings from a fight.
Every day I'm more certain that I need to leave.
He towers over me, still seated at the dining room table, and slams a wrinkled piece of paper onto the table next to me.
I'm nervous, but I try to portray calm. If he sees weakness he'll attack.
"Why are my coworkers asking about my WIFE being on the arm of another man?" He shouts, spittle flying out and landing on my cheek. I slowly wipe it off before looking at the paper. It's a printed-out picture of Matty and I walking into the club that night. It's not intimate, it's not risqué. It looks like two friends out on the town having fun. And that's exactly what it is.
"I went out with a friend."
"That doesn't look friendly!" He shouts, stabbing the picture with his finger. "That looks like I'm being fucking cuckolded by my wife."
"Alan, please. It was a night out with friends. Nothing happened. I promise." I don't know what else to say, but I know he's not going to believe me no matter what I say. I need to appease him so he leaves again.