Page 49 of Choices
She lamely waves a hand off the island. "Tubes tied." She answers, between her own pants. I pull out of her with a groan and go fucking feral at the image of my come dripping out of her red and swollen pussy.
I can't resist biting the pale globe of her other ass cheek - hard. She screams and jumps away.
Just below that, on her thighs, are red and angry scratch marks from where my zipper had dug into the backs of her thighs.
If I hadn't been sure before, this woman just became my absolutely favorite fucking addiction. I tuck myself back into my jeans before bending over and helping her step out of her leggings.
I scoop her up in my arms and take her upstairs. I go to take her to her room before I remember the last people to sleep in it were her husband and his mistress.
Instead, I take her to the guest room and lay her down on the mattress gently. She's soft and compliant in my eyes, a small, sweet smile on her face.
I give her a kiss on her forehand. "I'll be right back, mami." I go to her master bathroom and ransack the cabinets until I find some Neosporin. I shake my head. Out of all the things in the world this woman could ask for - and she could ask for anything, I'd give it to her - all she wanted was a rough fuck.
I text Santiago and Matty.
//Text message
Me: M - what vet does Hannah use? S - can you catch the cat and take her to the vet? Her name's Pickles. No idea what she needs, but the vet will. M - Can you come change Hannah's oil in her SUV? She's having a rough day and needs us.
Matty: Sure thing boss, what will you be doing?
I smile.
Me: Aftercare.
Santiago: Mother fucker.
Matty: Exactly ;)
I laugh for the first time in I don't know how long.
I walk back into the guest room and notice she's exactly where I left her. I gently roll her onto her stomach so I can treat her scratches.
"Do you remember your name, baby?" I ask gently.
"I do." She whispers back with a smile.
Fuck. "Apparently, I need to try harder," I grumble, displeased.
"Mami." She says with a sigh that I feel like she's been holding in for years. I smile.
"Good answer." I wrap Hannah in her comforter before walking downstairs and calling the school.
"This is Vivian Greenwich's dad. Could you get a note to her teacher to send another copy of her permission slip home? We can't seem to find it." The woman who answered apparently doesn't pick up on my accent and agrees happily. So I go back up to my woman.
I lay down next to her, content to just watch her sleep. Except she turns towards me and smiles. Fuck, I'd burn down the world to keep a smile like that on her face.
"Thank you, Rico. I'll take a minute or two and then get everything else taken care of. I just needed that release."
I shake my head at her. "It's been taken care of, mami."
She furrows her adorable brow at me. "What do you mean?"
"Santiago's got the cat, Matty's got your car, they're sending another copy of the permission slip home with Viv and I'm ordering pizza for dinner. I heard Santiago come in and leave again while I was in the bathroom. I'm sure we'll hear Matty in the garage in a minute."
She gasps and it reminds me of the first night we met her.
"You didn't have to do that." She whispers, a little stunned.