Page 91 of Choices
The energy in the car on the way to Diego's is excited. It being Friday, getting early dismissal and anticipation about all the great things that happen at the farm mean I'm barely needed for conversation. Even Aiden's acting more animated than I expected. He teases Viv about riding Marshmallow first, and I have to break up a small sibling quarrel, but they immediately go back into plans to make a pillow fort and watch movies.
I'm barely parked in the driveway before the doors fling open and the kids are gone.
"What am I? Chopped liver?!" I shout after them, happy that at the very least, in this very moment they're okay. My stomach sours when I think about the alternative.
Diego meets me outside with a questioning glance.
I nod to the back of my car for him to gain some distance from the house before explaining. "Hannah's been kidnapped by Vitale, Rico's going to meet him to rescue her, and Santiago's in the hospital with two gunshot wounds."
Diego's face pales. I just told him three out of the five people he loves the most might not make it. Fuck, that goes for me, too.
"What can I do?" He asks, wiping his hands on his thighs nervously.
"I need you to keep the kids safe, and ignorant. There's no need to worry them until we know more." So, fucking mature. "I've got to head to the hospital...shit...they don't have clothes or any of their things...their house is a murder scene right now..."
"I'll have Johnson pack up as much as he can for them. He's the only one who would be allowed in. They can't go back there, regardless. If Vitale knows where they live? They have to move here. I'll double the guard."
I nod. "Yes. Good. Just...take care of them."
He grips my shoulder tightly. "Why does that sound like a goodbye? You're not going to do anything stupid, are you?"
I give him a sad smile.
Because honestly, I don't know.
Chapter forty-one
My body is weighed down by something and my head is full of cotton. I lick my lips, trying to wet them but my tongue doesn't obey. I feel simultaneously the most drunkandhungover I've ever been. But something in the back of my sluggish brain is telling me something is wrong. It's anxious, scared, and confused. I will my brain to work.
What's the last thing I remember?
I was at Hannah's house...and then I wasn't.
I breathe in through my nose, but smell something sterile - I'm definitely not at Hannah's house anymore. She always burns those scented candles - a different one for each season. Winter is sugar cookies and pine.
I will my heavy eyelids to open and am blinded by painfully bright lights. I will my body to cooperate. If I'm here, something's wrong. Something is very, very wrong.
Suddenly, Matty's blurry face blocks the light, and I struggle to get my eyes to focus.
"Sup, fucker?" Matty greets me, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.
I try to sit up but my body's not cooperating, I try to turn onto my side to sit up but can't make it all the way.
Matty holds my shoulders to the bed and that's when the pain registers. It's dull, but strong - in my left shoulder and right abs.
"Chill out or they'll drugyou again and we need you." Matty whispers, an edge of something in his voice.
My eyes beg him to explain.
He sighs. "You were shot, and Hannah was taken. You managed to save your own life, again, by plugging the bullet holes with tampons - smart move by the way. But you lost a lot of blood and you're in no shape to be fighting anyone or anything."
I die a little on the inside waiting for him to explain more.
He lowers his gaze, and bile rises in my throat. No. No! If they shot me, and took her...