Page 98 of Choices
Would he use her as ransom? Sell her in his fucking sex trafficking ring? Kill her just to fuck with Rico?
Now as I sit here the regret and self-loathing set in. I failed to protect her from her husband. I failed to protect her from Vitale. And lord knows the twisted fucked up shit he did to her before they got her.
Would I ever stop failing the woman I love? Would I ever do right by her?
A tear escapes my pinched eyes and slides down my temple. My hand shakes wrapped around my phone, but Matty seems to understand.
"They took her to Vitale. He called Rico to organize an exchange, but he was likely just going to kill them both. He attacked her, but she ended up stabbing him in the neck and getting away. Johnson picked her up and took her to the farm. Rico met them there."
"The kids?" I text out.
"I picked them up from school and took them to the farm. They're all alright."
"I failed her."
I look at Matty through watery eyes. I don't care that he sees my vulnerability. I don't care that he's seeing me cry. My heart feels flayed open. Knowing I failed Hannah hurt worse than my own mother's betrayal. At least then I could blame her for her actions. Right now, I can only blame myself.
"You took out two before taking two bullets for her. Do you really see that as failing her?"
I don't respond.
"All three of us had the responsibility to keep her safe. We underestimated Vitale."
"Are you worried she'll think you failed her?"
I close my eyes as more tears leak out of them. Am I worried she won't want me anymore? That she'll finally see all the ways I'm lacking?
Honestly, no. She loves me. If I had to guess she'd be worried about me. Seeing me take those bullets probably was traumatizing for her.
"They're on their way to the hospital now. Did you really think she'd be able to sleep tonight, not knowing you were okay? Not coming to see you?"
A little sliver ofhope pierces my heart. Because if I'm honest with myself, a life without Hannah? A life without her kids in it, isn't one worth living. I fought to survive at sixteen. I fought to survive today. But I can't imagine my life without them in it. I don't want to.
A tissue box appears in front of me and I look up gratefully to Matty.
"Better clean up before she gets here."
A few minutes later the door to my room bursts open, and the love of my life walks through.
Chapter forty-six
Everything hurts, and I could sleep for a week.
And I know Santiago's alive, but the idea of falling asleep tonight without him...just doesn't sit right. I'm vaguely aware of Rico helping me get dressed, before he has me peak out the window and see the kids, and Diego and Lauren playing tag in the front yard.
Blissfully, happily, unaware of the turmoil. I'm going to have to answer questions, and we'll have to deal with what to tell them when Santi comes home with bullet wounds, but that's a problem for tomorrow.
I doze in and out while Rico drives us to the hospital. But once he parks my adrenaline rises and I'm eager to see my men.
I storm to the front desk and hardly wait for the woman behind the counter to lower her phone before I'm demanding to see Santiago Molina.
She's still looking up his name in the system before Rico comes up behind me and says, "Room 224." Without waiting for the woman to confirm I march to the elevators. This is the same hospital I gave birth to all three of my kids in, so I know it well.
I bust out the second the doors are open and practically sprint to Santiago's room. He's still in the ICU which makes my skin crawl.
Finally, I throw open the door to room 224 and my body finally relaxes. I love Rico, and feel safe with him, but I'm not complete until I'm with all three of them. Matty and Santi both light up when they see me.