Page 18 of Pawsitive Data
“Fine. No science during attacks. But speaking of samples...”
Malcolm returned to his chair calmly. “If the council is determined to allow this... irregular situation, I withdraw my objections. Though perhaps we could continue this discussion without Dr. Greene’s running commentary on my nephew’s genetic structure?”
“You’re just jealous because your DNA isn’t as interesting as his,” Emma muttered, then clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, crap. I said that out loud.”
Lucas couldn’t contain his laugh this time, the sound rolling through the chamber and making several elders jump. His fearless little scientist, taking on his uncle with nothing but sass and curiosity.
“The council approves Dr. Greene’s appointment,” Iris declared, not bothering to hide her own amusement. “Though perhaps you two should continue your... scientific discussions... somewhere more private. Before my son’s control slips completely.”
“His control is already compromised,” Emma observed cheerfully. “His pupils are doing the vertical thing again, and… Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Iris said warmly. “It’s about time someone kept him on his toes. Though perhaps save the detailed biological analysis of mate-claiming for after the council meeting?”
“Right. Yes. Good idea. Though I do have some questions about traditional shifter mating rituals. You know, for research purposes...”
“Out,” Lucas growled, already steering her toward the door. “Before you start collecting DNA samples from the entire council.”
“But think of the data possibilities.”
The last thing they heard as the doors closed was Iris’s delighted laughter and Malcolm’s long-suffering sigh.
The moment the council doors closed, Lucas had Emma pressed against the nearest wall, his body caging hers as he fought for control. Her scent was driving him crazy – all that brilliant enthusiasm mixed with attraction and a hint of mischief.
“So,” she said breathlessly, “about those tissue samples?—”
“Emma.” He pressed his forehead to hers, inhaling deeply. “You just stood in front of our highest council, babbled about genetic markers, sassed my uncle, and tried to negotiate DNA collection rights. All while smelling like...” He growled softly. “Like you want to conduct very thorough experiments on shifter mating habits.”
“Well.” Her fingers traced his jawline, her touch setting his beast on fire. “I am a scientist. Thorough research is very important. Though my current hypothesis suggests you have some non-scientific activities in mind...”
His laugh rumbled between them. “What gave it away? The elevated pheromone levels?”
“Actually, it’s the way you keep looking at me like you want to drag me off to your lair and...” She bit her lip. “Do very unscientific things.”
“Lair?” He raised an eyebrow, trying to distract himself from how badly he wanted to taste her mouth.
“What else would you call that ridiculous penthouse office of yours? Though I have questions about?—”
Lucas cut off her scientific babble with a growl that was pure predator. “My dazzling, impossible mate. What am I going to do with you?”
“Well, I have several suggestions. All involving extensive physical testing. For research purposes, of course.” Her eyes sparkled with that deadly mix of intelligence and desire. “Though first, maybe we should discuss why that intruder was so interested in my lab.”
A throat cleared behind them. Zayne stood there, looking far too amused.
“Sorry to interrupt what I’m sure is a fascinating discussion about security protocols,” he said, not sounding sorry at all, “but we’ve got a situation with the intruder. And Dr. Greene’s new lab equipment just arrived. Something was mentioned about names?”
Emma perked up. “Oh! I’m calling the mass spectrometer Marie, after Curie. And the electron microscope is going to be Darwin. Though I’m open to suggestions for the centrifuge...”
Lucas pressed his face into her hair, inhaling deeply. Of course, his mate was naming lab equipment after famous scientists. Of course, she was more excited about research possibilities than the fact that she’d just been accepted by a council of shifters.
“The centrifuge should definitely be Newton,” she continued enthusiastically.
“Emma,” Lucas rumbled against her ear. “Perhaps we should discuss the security breach first? Before you name every piece of equipment in the building?”
“Right! The intruder. The canine indicating possible rival shifter packs...” She caught his heated look. “And I’m doing the science thing instead of focusing on the potential danger. Again.”
“Never change,” he murmured, then louder to Zayn: “Have someone escort Dr. Greene to her lab while I deal with our guest. And set up additional security protocols. No one gets near her without clearance.”