Page 25 of Pawsitive Data
The look on Malcolm’s face was priceless - a mix of horror, fascination, and dawning realization that he’d severely underestimated Magdalena’s granddaughter.
“Those readings are private,” he managed, but Emma was already pulling up more data.
“Oh, don’t worry! I have excellent confidentiality protocols. Though strictly speaking, as the pride’s chief geneticist, I’m required to investigate any anomalies that could affect bloodline stability. And you are showing some interesting patterns. Here, look at these comparative analyses...”
She thrust her tablet at Malcolm, who backed away like it might bite him. Lucas couldn’t help the proud rumble that escaped him. His mate was magnificent, turning her scientific enthusiasm into both shield and sword.
“This is highly irregular,” Malcolm protested weakly.
“Oh, I completely agree. The variance in your cellular stability shouldn’t be this pronounced at your age. Unless...” Emma’s eyes lit with that dangerous scientific revelation look that usually preceded explosions.
“Unless someone deliberately modified your transformation matrix! Which would explain the resonance patterns I’m detecting and why you’re so interested in my research and... oh my god.”
She whirled to face Lucas. “That’s it! That’s why the crystal array reacts so strongly to his presence! Malcolm was one of the original test subjects, wasn’t he? The ones grandmother worked with during the first trials.”
Malcolm went very still. “How did you...”
“See these harmonic frequencies?” Emma pulled up more displays. “They show classic signs of artificial stabilization. Oops,” she glared at Malcolm, “was that supposed to be a secret too? Technically, according to Statute 15 of the shifter medical code, I’m obligated to inform the alpha of any potentially dangerous genetic conditions affectingcouncil members...”
“You have no idea what you’re dealing with,” Malcolm snarled, but Lucas caught the scent of his fear.
“Enough!” Malcolm’s composure cracked completely. “This is exactly why humans shouldn’t have access to pride secrets.You’re just like your grandmother, meddling with forces you don’t understand.”
Lucas growled warning, but Emma just tilted her head thoughtfully.
“Forces I don’t understand? You mean like the way Grandmother’s discoveries interface with shifter genetics?”
She glanced at her tablet. “Your stress response is triggering some concerning energy fluctuations. We should really get those looked at. I have an opening in my schedule tomorrow after the council presentation if you’d like to discuss treatment options...”
Malcolm’s composure shattered entirely as Emma’s scientific assault stripped away decades of carefully maintained secrets.
“Treatment options?” His laugh held no humor. “You think you can fix what your grandmother did?”
“Fix? Oh no, you misunderstand.” Emma’s eyes lit up with that pure scientific joy that made Lucas’s beast purr. “Grandmother saved you. Look at these baseline readings.” Her fingers flew across the tablet. “The crystalline matrix she created actually preserved your original genetic structure. It’s brilliant! Though I suppose it all might feel restrictive if you didn’t understand the underlying molecular dynamics...”
“Emma,” Lucas warned softly, catching a dangerous shift in Malcolm’s scent.
“You’re just like her,” Malcolm whispered, but his scent had shifted from rage to something more complex. “The same brilliant mind rushing ahead of everyone else. The same fearless pursuit of impossible solutions.”
Her eyes went wide with another revelation. “That’s why she arranged all this. She knew my research would be key to finishing her work. The sneaky, brilliant... I can’t believe she set up a generational genetic experiment based on her not being around.”
Bernard beeped ominously, drawing everyone’s attention. She dove for the genetic sequencer, completely forgetting the political tension in her excitement over new scientific data. Lucas caught her around the waist before she could start another potentially explosive experiment.
“Perhaps,” he suggested dryly, “we should save the genetic breakthrough for after the council presentation? When we have proper safety protocols in place?”
“But look!” She thrust her tablet at them, eyes bright with discovery. “These pattern variations in Malcolm’s energy signature perfectly match the anomalies! If we cross-reference that with the original stabilization formula and the new readings...”
She pulled her tablet back and frowned. “That’s strange.”
“What’s strange?” Lucas moved closer, catching a spike of anxiety in Malcolm’s scent.
She gasped. “Lucas, I need to show you something. In private. Right now.”
Malcolm stepped forward. “Dr. Greene, perhaps we should?—”
“Actually, I just remembered I have seventeen experiments running that need immediate attention!” Emma was already backing toward her private lab, tablet clutched to her chest. “Very important experiments. About things. Scientific things that definitely can’t wait. Lucas?”
Her tone carried just enough urgency to set his beast on alert.