Page 31 of Pawsitive Data
Emma’s head tilted to the side. “You do realize you sound unhinged? Why would I manufacture such unbelievable data when the truth is beyond my wildest dreams? All I have to do is study what is right in front of me.”
Malcolm growled and launched toward Emma. Lucas moved. Fast enough to make Emma’s sensors spike. Strong enough to send Malcolm flying through the nearest wall. Malcolm’s men fled the building.
More explosions rocked the building. Malcolm’s backup plan.
“Perhaps,” Zayne suggested as chunks of ceiling rained down, “we should continue this discussion somewhere less... explosive?”
Lucas’s cat padded toward Emma. Time to get her somewhere safe.
She glanced up at his cat’s approach. Her jaw dropped, science tablet forgotten. That was a miracle in itself.
Her eyes were completely bugged out. “Damn, Lucas. I--I don’t know what to say.”
Miracle number two for the day.
He head-butted her hand and she scratched between his ears. His cat purred.
“Fascinating physiological alterations,” she said. And they were back to the ever-present scientist she was.
At least the day couldn’t get any more complicated.
Emma brightened. “Huh, why did the crystal just start humming?” she fingered the gem on her necklace.
Lucas’s control was slipping. His cat wanted to mate and claim what was his.
“I’ll leave you two kids to get out of here on your own,” Zayne said, backing toward the shattered entrance. “I’m going to find out what’s going on with Malcom and his soldiers. I’ll updateyou when I know more. Oh, you both might want to hurry. I’m sending in the cleaning crew momentarily.”
Lucas chuffed at Zayne then rubbed his face along his mate’s leg, marking her with his scent. Her attention left her necklace and returned to him.
She was still speechless, but at least she was still here and not running.
He couldn’t ask for anything more.
The moon cast silver shadows across Lucas’s penthouse terrace as Emma documented every fascinating detail of her first observed shifter transformation. Yes, her lab had been bombed and the pride fought bad guys, but she didn’t want to think about it right now. She had work to do.
Besides, Lucas would take care of all that. She didn’t have to worry. She had more important things to focus on like why her crystal hummed in perfect harmony with Lucas’s supernatural energy signature and the fact this man in front of her was a freakin’ shifter.
“The cellular regeneration rate is remarkable,” she muttered, adjusting her sensors as Lucas shifted back to human form with casual grace that deserved thorough documentation. “Your eyes are still gold.”
His laugh rumbled through her bones. “Probably because my mate is still taking readings instead of processing the fact that supernatural beings are real.”
“Of course, I’m taking readings. The scientific implications are unfounded.”
She was recording supernatural biology like it was a perfectly normal week night. And every time his power brushed against her crystal, it felt like coming home.
But there would be time for those revelations later. Right now, she had unprecedented genetic data to analyze and supernatural transformation processes to document and...
“Time for bed,” Lucas rumbled, plucking her tablet away with supernatural speed. “We have an early meeting and there’s lots to discuss besides your work.”
“It will all still be fascinating after you’ve slept.” His eyes glowed gold in the moonlight, power wrapping around her like a shield.
Emma and Lucas went back inside his penthouse and she showered, needing to relax her muscles after such a long day. During her shower, she thought about how deep her feelings for Lucas were.
In a plush bathrobe, she padded out to the bedroom and watched as he came in, his gaze roaming over her body. “Are you hungry?”