Page 63 of Royal Guard
“I’m safe in here,” said Kristina bitterly. “What about our people, out there?”
I felt that flutter in my chest again, the rush of loyalty alongside the love. She’d nearly died and her first thought was for her people.
“They’re terrified, Your Majesty,” Aleksander allowed. “And there’s something else: a few news sites have started running stories about Garmania. Howthe attempts on your life were by Garmanians, how this is likely a prelude to war.”
“What?!”Kristina went pale. “How did that get out there?”
“I don’t know,” said Aleksander. “But it’s out there now.” General Novak joined us and stood silently listening. “There have already been some attacks on Garmanian communities in Lakovia. Vigilante ‘justice.’ There may be rioting, once the sun sets.”
An intake of breath beside me. Jakov had walked in and was standing there, fists balled. God, of course: his parents lived in one of those communities. I patted the big guy on the back.
“I’d like to put troops on the streets, Your Majesty,” said General Novak. “To patrol those communities and quell any riots.”
Kristina closed her eyes. “If that’s what it takes... very well.”
“Also, Your Majesty,” said Aleksander, “the Garmanian Prime Minister wants to speak to you.”
“I’ll call him right away,” she said. Then she swayed on her feet and I had to grab her arm to stop her falling.
“He can wait,” said Aleksander tenderly. “Let’s get you cleaned up and let the doctors take a look at you.” He led her to the elevator. As the doors began to close, I stared into her tear-filled eyes. I had to force myself not to run to her, haul the doors open and gather her into my arms. I sighed and headed off to call the hospital and check on my dad.
“Mr. Buchanan!”
I’d know that voice anywhere. I winced and turned around. Jakov had disappeared and even General Novak had slipped away. It was just me... and theQueen. Or as she was now known, the Queen Mother.
“Your Majesty,” I said with a bow. “What can I—”
Her voice was a dagger shaped from ice. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”
She stalked closer to me, her heels echoing on the marble floor. “Emerik denied everything. But I eventually got it out of Jakov. I know what happened in America. InNew York!” She spat the last two words.
I lowered my eyes to the floor and said nothing. I didn’t blame Jakov for talking: the Queen Mother was intimidating as hell. But I was glad to hear that Emerik had tried to cover for me.
“Howdareyou?” she said. “You’re a soldier. A hired thug.”
She spat the wordsoldieras if it dirtied her mouth. For a second, I couldn’t understand the hatred. Then I remembered Kristina’s horrific imprisonment at the hands of Garmanian soldiers.Dammit.
“She was grateful to you for protecting her,” snapped the Queen Mother. “So you took advantage of her. You took her to bed and mounted her like a cheap wh—”
Hot rage boiled up inside me, unstoppable, and my head snapped up. The anger in my eyes stopped her dead. I wouldn’t let her speak about Kristina like that. I fought to get the words out, to tell her how I felt about her daughter—
But I didn’t have to. The Queen Mother’s expression changed: first shock, then horror, and then she just looked tired. “You stupid,stupidman,” she breathed. “You’re in love with her.”
I braced myself... and nodded. She closed her eyesand sighed. “Aren’t you going to ask if she loves me?” I asked.
“No, I am not. Love isn't for people like us, Mr. Buchanan. It's for you, the common folk. A queen marries for power, for security, for peace. That's the way it's been for hundreds of years. Shecannot be with you, Mr. Buchanan.”
“I don't care,” I growled. “I'll protect her, for as long as she needs me.”
“And what about when the courting starts?” asked the Queen Mother. “The romance? Are you ready to hold the door open for her suitors as they arrive? Will you chauffeur them, watching in the rear view mirror as they kiss in the back seat?” She leaned closer, each syllable a vicious little stab. “Will you stand guard outside her bedroom door, knowing he's fucking her inside?”
I stood there helpless. I was furious, but I had no words to fight back with.
“Spare yourself, Mr. Buchanan.” She said my name as if it tasted bad. “And if you don’t care about yourself, spare her.She has enough to worry about, with Garmania about to invade again. Can’t you see the pain you’ll put her through: the man she can’t have, right there in her sight every day? You’re condemning her to misery.”
I marched off, raging. I walked the halls trying to calm myself, but there was a hurricane blowing inside me. I felt like a goddamn bull in a china shop: my heavy footfalls set vases rocking and suits of armor rattling. I was too big, too unrefined for this place.