Page 102 of Icebound Hearts
He kisses me hard, muffling my plaintive noises as he grips my thighs and presses into me. He doesn’t take his time the way he sometimes does, and even though my body has gotten used to his size and his piercings, it still knocks the breath out of me as he fills me with one hard thrust. I make a sound in my throat, and he stills, his body pressed against mine as he gives me a moment to catch my breath.
“Fuck me,” I gasp, not wanting a moment. Not wanting anything except more of this. More ofhim.
As if that’s all he’s been waiting for, Sawyer starts to move, fucking me with fast, rough, urgent strokes, as if he knows our time is limited. My back presses against the elevator wall with each hard thrust, and it’s not exactly comfortable, but I don’t give a shit.
“Gonna fuck you until you can’t walk,” he grunts between messy kisses. “Until you never forget what it feels like to be full of me.”
I nod, or try to, clinging to him as a hurricane of heat builds inside me. His piercings drag against my walls in the way that I’ve become completely addicted to, and my toes curl as sensation radiates outward from my clit.
“Oh my god.” There’s a note of warning in my whispered voice, a flicker of reality breaking through the haze of arousal as I realize how close I am. “I’m gonna… oh fuck, I’m gonna… I can’t be quiet.”
“I know.” He nods, fucking me harder. “I’ve got you.”
He doesn’t look away from me, his jaw set and his muscles straining as he drives into me over and over, pushing us both toward our release. I suck in a breath as a familiar warmth washes through me, the precursor to my climax.
“Say my name,” he growls. “When you come, say my name.”
“Sawyer,” I whisper as the first waves of pleasure rush through me. “Sawyer… Sawyer! Sawy?—”
He crushes his lips to mine, devouring the sound as he follows me over the edge, his cock pulsing as he empties himself inside me.
Chapter 33
I’m shaking from the intensity of my release, my breath stabbing almost painfully at my sides. Violet is clinging to me like a vine, her fingers digging into the back of my neck and her legs wrapped tightly around my hips.
It takes several seconds before I’m able to move, and my mind feels like it’s slowly coming back online as I rest my face against Violet’s neck. I hope like fuck we were quiet enough that no one heard us outside the elevator, although the fact that we stopped between floors should help with that.
When I finally draw back, I don’t pull out of her right away, even though I know every extra minute we spend in here is risky. But I need to make sure she’s alright first. Thatwe’realright.
Reaching up, I brush a stray lock of blonde hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. “Do you get it now, heartbreaker? Do you believe me?”
Violet bites her lip, still breathless, and nods.
“Yes,” she whispers, then scrunches up her face. “I’m sorry for freaking out like that. I didn’t think it through.”
“It’s fine,” I tell her, trailing my fingers along her jaw.
If I’d walked in on some man standing that close to her, looking like he was about to kiss her, I’d probably react just asstrongly. It would take everything I had not to beat him to a pulp, so I understand better than she thinks how she must have felt when she saw me with Desiree. I wouldn’t dream of lying to Violet or concealing anything from her, and I was telling the truth about Desiree and her agency wanting to represent me.
And honestly, there’s a part of me thatlikesthe fact that Violet cared enough to get so jealous. I like knowing that I’m not the only one with a possessive streak.
“We said this thing between us, for however long it lasts, would be just between us,” I remind her, stroking her cheek with the back of my hand. “And I meant that, baby. For as long as you’re mine, you’reallmine. And I’m all yours. Okay?”
Violet grins, and despite the fact that her pussy is still wrapped around my cock, there’s something so bright and sweet about it that it makes my heart clench. “Okay.”
I kiss her again, then gently pull out. I help her clean up and get her clothes straightened out, then quickly tug my pants back up and tuck my softening cock away. When I disengage the emergency stop, the elevator lurches into motion again, and I hit the button for the first floor. There’s no security camera in this elevator, thank fuck, so as long as no one heard us, there should be no reason for anyone to guess what we’ve been doing in here.
It takes a few seconds for us to reach the ground floor, and as the doors slide open, a thought occurs to me.
“What brought you here, anyway?” I ask. Unable to hide my smirk, I glance back at the elevator as we step out. “I’m assuming it wasn’t for that?”
“No.” Violet flushes, squirming a little, and it heats my blood. I helped her clean up as best as I could, but I know her panties are soaked with her arousal and my cum. “That was… a surprise.” She laughs. “I actually just came to see if you wantedto get lunch. I knew you had to stay late after practice, so I figured you might be hungry.”
My hand twitches with the impulse to reach for her hand, but I resist it, smiling at her instead.