Page 104 of Icebound Hearts
“Yeah, Daddy!” Jake chimes in. “What’s your favorite?”
“That’s easy.” I smile, holding Violet’s gaze. “Almonds. And cherries.”
Her eyes widen just a fraction, her chest rising with a soft inhale. Jake snorts.
“That’stwothings,” he points out.
“I know.” I lift one shoulder in a shrug. “But they just go together so well. Almost as well as chocolate and strawberries. Or ice cream and cornflakes.”
The blush on Violet’s face deepens, but my mention of cornflakes launches us into a whole new conversation about our favorite breakfast cereals. By the time the waitress comes back to check on us, Jake has been too distracted to finish his sandwich, so we get it wrapped up to take with us.
When we get home, I give him the little box to put in the fridge, and he dutifully trots into the kitchen. He’s yawning when he emerges, and I glance down at my watch.
“Bedtime for you, little man.”
He doesn’t even protest, just yawns again.
“Want me to do it?” Violet offers, but I shake my head.
“Thanks, but I’ve got it tonight. You relax.”
She nods, and I scoop Jake up and carry him up the stairs. He chatters sleepily as he does his evening routine, brushing his teeth, washing his hands and face, and putting on his comfy pajamas.
After reading him one of our favorite stories, I pull the covers up to his chin and kiss him on the forehead, then slip out of his room, quietly closing the door behind me. I pause outside for a few seconds to make sure he’s fully asleep, then turn to make my way down the hall.
I tell myself that I’m heading to my room, but I can’t even believe my own lie—because without me even thinking about it, my footsteps lead me directly to Violet’s door. There’s soft light spilling out from the little crack beneath it, letting me know that she’s inside and awake.
Lifting my hand, I knock softly, and a moment later, the door swings open.
Violet is in one of her usual sleep shirts, standing like a fucking angel with the light from her bedside lamp illuminating her soft blonde hair. She looks rumpled and relaxed and perfect.
“I’m still hungry,” I murmur, my voice gruff. “Can I eat you out tonight, heartbreaker? I’m fucking starving.”
The smile that spreads across her face could fucking undo me.
Without a word, she reaches out to cup the back of my neck, pulling me inside.
Chapter 34
“Hey, girl!”
Callie pulls me in for a hug as soon as she opens the door.
It’s been a week since Sawyer officially signed with his new agent, and since Jake had another party today and there are no games on Sunday, I’m here to meet Reese for lunch.
“Hi, Callie.” I smile as I hug my soon-to-be sister-in-law back.
“You look great. Come on in,” she says brightly as we separate, gesturing for me to follow her.
She’s got a smear of blue paint on her cheek, just under her eye, but she doesn’t seem to have noticed it. I rub my finger on my cheek where the paint would be, and Callie gets the hint. She quickly reaches up and smudges it away with the back of her hand, then looks down at it.
“Oops. Thanks. I was up in the art studio Reese built for me working on a new project when I heard the bell,” she explains, and I smile at her.
I’m so glad my brother finally got his head out of his ass and realized just how perfect Callie is for him.
As if summoned by my thoughts, Reese strides down the stairs, freshly showered with his hair still wet at the roots.