Page 118 of Icebound Hearts
“Sawyer and I aren’t in love,” I tell her, my heart twisting a little even as I say the words.
Callie flashes me a little smile. “Right.”
Before I can challenge her on it, Reese comes down the stairs and freezes halfway when he spots me. “I thought I heard voices. What are you doing here?”
“Can we talk, please?”
Callie turns on the couch to give him a look, and although I can’t see it, I can guess what it is.
Reese sighs and beckons to the back door. “Let’s do this outside.”
“Thanks,” I mouth to her as I get up off the couch and follow Reese out into their backyard.
He walks far enough away from the door that Callie can’t hear whatever we’re going to say to each other, then spins and faces me with his arms crossed over his chest. I’m still trying to think of just what the hell to say when he launches into his own speech.
“You know how much I care about you. That’s all this is,” he starts and lets it linger, his words joining the chorus of insects and birds chirping around us. “And that’s why it bothers me so much that you didn’t tell me about what was going on with Sawyer.”
“You wouldn’t have been happy even if I did.”
Reese sighs. “No. But you still should’ve told me instead of letting me find out like that. Not that I think Sawyer is a bad guy or anything, but you’re the only family I really have left, Vi. If anything happened to you?—”
“I know, I know,” I say, wincing. I’m already feeling guilty enough. I don’t need him laying it on thick.
“Okay. That’s all I needed to hear. But if there’s anything else you need to tell me—and I do mean anything—now’s the time to do it,” he says, staring me right in the eyes with his trademark concerned big brother look. I’ve never been able to hold his gaze when he pulls it, and this time isn’t any different.
Maybe it’s because of what he said about us being the only family the other has, or maybe it’s just because I’m in a confessional mood now that I’m in the hot seat, but I decide to tell him everything. No more secrets, no more creeping around behind his back. If I can’t trust my brother with this stuff, then who can I trust?
I take a deep breath and force myself to look him in the eye again. “I lost my job back in Chicago. Like, a while before I came to Denver.”
“Shit, really?”
“Yes, but it’s fine,” I rush to add.
“What happened?”
“It’s a long story for another time, but the short version is that some asshole forced me out because I wouldn’t play by his rules.” Reese’s expression darkens, but I hold up a hand to him to keep him from going on a rant. “What happened was shitty, but like I said, it’s fine. It all worked out. I’ve got this new job lined up out in California that’s a perfect chance to advance in marketing, and I’m working for Sawyer in the meantime. What’s done is done.”
Reese chuckles and smiles at me. “I’m proud of you.”
That definitely wasn’t the reaction I was expecting, and it must show on my face because he laughs again.
“I’m serious! I don’t know how you do it, but you always find a way to just keep going. Nothing keeps you down. And with that kind of attitude and how good you are at marketing, you’re destined for an amazing career.”
Something warm expands in my chest, and my eyebrows rise slightly. “Um… wow. Thanks.”
“I mean it, sis. I’m not just saying that to inflate your ego.”
“Yeah.” I swallow. “With everything going on lately, I wouldn’t expect inflating my ego to be at the top of your list.”
Reese makes a face and shrugs. “So… this thing with you and Sawyer. How did that all start?”
I groan and give him a look. “Do you really want all those details?”
“I’m not asking for the nitty gritty. Just the broad strokes,” he says, and it’s my turn to shrug—mostly because I don’t really know how to answer.
“It just sort of happened.”
“Did you start it or did he?”