Page 19 of I Married A Catman
As soon as Gaelec opened the door, Kayog gestured for me to enter first. Horror washed over me when our eyes locked and I finally noticed the mischievous glimmer in his eyes and slight smirk at the corner of his beak. Mortified, I realized that, although he couldn’t read minds, he had at least perceived some sense of the emotions coursing through me as I ogled my future mate. I averted my eyes and hurried inside while fighting the urge to kick that bratty Temern.
A medium-sized room with white walls and dark floors greeted me. A large oval table With enough seats for eight took up most of the space. Atop a console propped against the left wall of the room, a few basic pieces of meeting equipment could be found including a desktop holographic projector and a 3D printer. A single impressive vidscreen filled up most of the back wall.
But it was the slender, older human female sitting at the head of the table that retained my attention. Isobel Biondi had become a semi-permanent fixture by Kayog’s side. In many photos and videos about the services offered by the agency, she could be seen presiding over weddings. Per the Prime Mating Agency’s rules, both partners had to be legally wed according to their respective cultures’ laws and customs, and in accordance with the United Planets Organizations guidelines for the union to be registered in the Galactic Hall of Records. Withoutthat legally binding contract, the partners could not claim the benefits and protections they provided.
With me being human, this first union would follow Earth’s traditions. However, as Nazhrals didn’t have official wedding ceremonies, I wasn’t quite certain how that part would be handled.
Kayog proceeded to make quick introductions between the priestess and me—since she already met Gaelec—then immediately moved on to the wedding. Considering how many cases he handled all over the galaxy, I suspected the substantial delay due to the pirate attack and my stupid self getting lost significantly derailed his busy schedule.
The priestess directed us to move to the front of the large window, setting the pleasant view of the Plaza below as a backdrop.
“Please stand face to face and hold each other’s hands,” Isobel said.
We did as instructed. He suddenly felt even more massive, especially seeing how my hands got swallowed in his much bigger ones. They were soft and warm, aside from the strange feeling of the rougher patches at the tip of his fingers. I immediately cast out the highly inappropriate thought that tried to worm its way inside my mind again as to how that texture would feel in unmentionable places.
Bordel! When did I become such a horn ball?
“We are gathered here to celebrate the union of this woman, Ophelia Moreau, and this Nazhral male, Gaelec Sulwyn, in the sacred bond of marriage. Such union must be entered into freely, with honest intentions, a genuine commitment, and not for financial gains or deceptive purposes,” the priestess said in a gentle but solemn voice. “Ophelia Moreau, do you freely and willingly take this Nazhral male, Gaelec Sulwyn, to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, through goodtimes and hardships, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do,” I said, surprised by the sincerity with which I spoke those words.
For a reason I couldn’t explain, and despite his lukewarm reaction towards me, I felt a powerful connection with this Gaelec. That Kayog affirmed that we were soulmates only strengthened that feeling. I would do everything in my power for this union to work, for better or for worse.
“Gaelec Sulwyn, do you freely take this woman, Ophelia Moreau, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, through good times and hardships, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do,” he replied with a determination that did funny things to me.
You didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize he had some serious reservations about me. I didn’t give him the best first impression. Yet, something in his demeanor told me that he was ready and willing to brush that aside and put the necessary effort to make this work. I couldn’t ask for more.
“Kayog Voln, do you bear witness that this human female, Ophelia Moreau, and this Nazhral male, Gaelec Sulwyn, freely committed to be legally married to each other in accordance with human and galactic laws?”
“I do,” Kayog said with an enthusiasm that almost had me snorting.
I couldn’t remember ever meeting anyone who eternally seemed to be in as high spirits as this Temern was. And his happiness was contagious.
“By the power vested in me by the Clerical College of Earth and the United Planets Organization, I declare you husband and wife. Gaelec Sulwyn, you may kiss the bride,” Priestess Biondi said.
I lifted my face towards him expectantly, a timid smile settling on my lips as my stomach fluttered with anticipation. However, his hesitant look took me aback. Kayog clearing his throat reclaimed our attention.
“As I understand it, kissing is not naturally practiced by Nazhrals,” the Temern said factually. “It is a common act between humans to mark a range of emotions from affection to passion.”
“Yes, Master Voln. I am aware of what a kiss is,” Gaelec said, gently interrupting him. “I did some research about human culture so that I would not be completely clueless when it came to understanding the needs and expectations of my future mate.”
“Oh! Excellent!” Kayog said approvingly.
That pleased me tremendously, and I made no effort to hide how touched I was that he would make such efforts. He turned his attention back to me and gave me an uncertain look that I found incredibly adorable.
“That said, I have never kissed anyone before. So I hope you will forgive my clumsiness on that front,” he said, a sliver of nervousness seeping into his voice.
Putain!It was so cute!
“Don’t worry. We’re going to have the rest of our lives for you to practice,” I blurted out, right before my face turned crimson.
Kayog’s barely repressed snort had me giggling nervously. Looking unsure how to respond, Gaelec settled for an awkward smile then clumsily leaned forward to press his lips against mine.
It was brief. Much too brief. Sadly, I couldn’t even evaluate how pleasant it might have been, because his nose and whiskers began twitching almost immediately, prompting him to pull away. For half a beat, he looked on the verge of sneezing as his nose continued to twitch for a couple of seconds.
“Sorry, it tickled,” he said sheepishly when I just stood there staring at him, confused.