Page 33 of I Married A Catman
What was so happy about it?
But the real concern was that many articles I read implied that women were not too fond of hairy men. In fact, they had entire trade skills devoted to ensuring the removal of any pilosity they could. Men had countless tools to shave their beards daily. I was still mentally scarred by the visibly painful method involving hot wax to yank their hair right off their bodies. If you really did not want those natural features, why not use the less brutal methods such as a laser?
I almost went into a full-blown panic at the thought Ophelia might request I do the same. As determined as I was to please my mate in every way reasonably possible, this was where I would draw a hard line.
She said my fur looks nice and fluffy.
That thought alleviated some of the worry twisting my insides. I knew that I was way overthinking the whole thing. Considering how stoic I normally was, this level of nervousness couldn’t have been more out of character. Then again, I’d neverbeen only moments from my wedding night with a species foreign to me.
My stomach did a couple of backflips when the sound of my female exiting the hygiene room reached my ears. My mind began racing about possible ways to further delay the inevitable. I washed and groomed before picking her up at the spaceport a few hours ago. Would she expect me to wash again even though I was still clean?
Let me shower once more.
If nothing else, it would grant me some extra time to mentally prepare.
Stop acting like it’s a fucking chore!
The force with which the little voice at the back of my head chastised me both took me by surprise and shamed me. I was seriously being overly dramatic about the whole thing. Mating with my wife was bound to be a wonderful experience that would bring us closer. Even though we barely knew each other, we were soulmates. Despite being completely different species, our bodies were meant for each other. We would find a way to harmoniously come together.
It was as if a switch flicked on in my head. Saying that all anxiety about it flew right out the window would be a lie. However, it did seem like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I quickly washed, dried myself, and brushed my fur.
As I stood in front of the hygiene room’s closed door, I debated what to do about my nudity. Technically, putting clothes back on didn’t make much sense as I would be stripping right out of them. At the same time, it felt quite presumptuous to just strut right in with my cock on full display.
My limp cock at that.
I flinched and groaned inwardly that I would have allowed that wretched thought to perk its head up. I wouldn’t feed it anyenergy by dwelling on the possibility of such a horrendous turn of events.
Forcing my mind back onto the issue at hand, I realized how limited my options were as all my clean garments and loincloths sat inside the drawers in the bedroom. So unless I wanted to don the same breeches I previously wore, I would either have to enter the room fully bare or get creative.
Annoyed to drag this whole thing longer than necessary, I emitted a frustrated growl and grabbed a clean towel from the shelf. I wrapped it around my waist and tucked the back below my tail so it wouldn’t make my rear look twice its size on top of risking an absent-minded movement of my tail pulling open the towel by accident.
Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the hygiene room and crossed the couple of steps into the master bedroom. My breath hitched upon catching the first glimpse of my mate. She was sitting cross-legged on the right side of the bed. Her long mane cascaded down her back some of it in front of her shoulders, draping her in its fiery strands. It contrasted sharply with the paleness of her skin. Beneath her lustrous hair, a sheer green fabric drew my attention. It appeared to be one of those semi-transparent garments that women wore to seduce and entice their partners.
It both flattered and shamed me that she would have taken the time to plan to make herself more attractive for our wedding night, and I couldn’t even have planned for a change of clothes after showering. To be fair, Nazhrals didn’t have such rituals. And as far as I knew, human males also didn’t wear special outfits to make themselves more appealing in bed. But I could have inquired further about it instead of just what their genitals looked like.
She jerked her head up from the tablet she had been reading on to look at me. The abrupt way she did so implied she had notheard me approach. Her light surprise faded almost instantly. Without averting her eyes from me, Ophelia blindly put the tablet down on the nightstand to her left. She gracefully slipped off the bed and stood facing me with a smile.
Although timid, it contained no fear. That did the craziest thing to me. On top of all the other things my stupid mind kept panicking over, I had also worried that Ophelia might need me to reassure her about being safe with me.
I returned her smile and caught myself scratching my nape, unsure what to do or say next.
“Do you want to talk?” Ophelia asked in a soft voice.
I blinked. “Talk?” I repeated, my confusion audible.
“About this,” she said, gesturing in turn between me and her. “As there’s a bigger burden on males, I figured you might wish for us to discuss this whole thing. We’re kind of getting thrown in, headfirst,” she added with a nervous giggle.
My cheeks burned with embarrassment. Did she think me impotent? Did I give off such strong vibes of lacking attraction towards her that she felt the need to give me an easy way out in case I couldn’t perform?
But what if I indeed can’t get it up?
To my undying shame, I wasn’t feeling hard at all right now. My cock didn’t even remotely seem in the mood for venturing anywhere, least of all into foreign territories.
“Hmmm, yes. Sure,” I said, fighting the urge to squirm.
Her smile broadened, and her shoulders dipped with what I could only interpret as relief. It suddenly struck me that this whole time I was selfishly worrying about a potentially disastrous performance on my part, my poor mate had likely also been worrying about this moment. After all, I was significantly bigger and stronger than she was. It had to be terrifying for her to find herself halfway across the galaxy, among strange people who had not shown her the warmestwelcome, and to be expected to lie down with an ex-convict she’d only met a few hours prior. I couldn’t begin to imagine finding myself in such a vulnerable position.
And yet, she was still displaying that impressive stoicism that screamed of great inner strength and character.